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Generic Name: paroxetine HCl

Brand Name: Paxil CR oral

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

As I’m writing this review, I’m still in disbelief about how much better I am. I’ve been struggling with severe anxiety/OCD and some depression for the last 5-6 years. It affected me so much and most people close to me don’t understand. I tried in total about a dozen medications before landing on my current combination of Paxil 50mg, Wellbutrin 300mg, and Anafranil 150mg. I now can say that I’m almost completely symptom free with very little anxiety left. I don’t know why my condition was so hard to treat, but I know this happens to a lot of people. You have to just keep trying and never give up. Also, the Wellbutrin is a great adjunct medication that can offset certain side effects of Paxil and also augment it. Hopefully this helps and maybe the same combination of drugs can work for you too.

Took me in 10th grade an hour to ejaculate! But it was worth it.

I was convinced to take an SSRI in high school and while Paxil was minority effective.. I was a virile 10th grader and I could barely ejaculate! Back to benzos for me

Iâ??ve been on this twice. Just got off of it and switched to wellbutrin. Paxil helped my anxiety, but I had no energy, no enthusiasm, no sex drive. I was just blah. Let me say that getting off Paxil is a living nightmare. I probably didnâ??t Wean off as slow as some, but I followed doctors orders. At its worst, I cried hysterically, contemplated suicide, had rage over the slightest thing, nauseous, brain zaps, and constant ringing in my ears. I was dizzy and had vertigo. It was not safe for me to drive. Iâ??m still having the brain zaps but not as bad. The wellbutrin has completely changed my mood. Iâ??m starting to feel like myself again, more energy and my libido is back. I highly suggest finding another drug. The withdrawal itself will make you feel insane.

I'm a 62 yr old woman. I began Paxil for Hot Flashes that have for several years been so relentless I could only get 3-4 hrs of sleep. With Paxil the hot flashes became much less frequent and less intense and I was very happy. The first 2 months were great but then horrible headaches began off and on every day and even Advil could not stop the pain. Then lightheadedness and extreme nausea with no relief. Called my doctor 24hrs ago and no response. Probably not supposed to stop cold but I will not continue taking Paxil. Only slight headaches now and the nausea not as bad but still there. I'm praying it goes away soon. I'll take the hot flashes over this side effect any day.

This is a good medication, however, I do still have some anxiety so my doctor tried switching me to Wellbutrin. Worst decision I've ever made. Wellbutrin made me very sick and I had withdraw from the Paxil. What a mess. Moral of the story...be careful when switching medications.

I have a family history of anxiety among other things. My FNP put me on Paxil CR about 10 years ago. Over the years, the dosage has gone up. I was a wreck though, without the medication. Fearful of just about everything. Now I enjoy a much better life, and can handle what life brings to me in a much more relaxed manner. God is in control of my life. The people who invented Paxil came from HIM. My philosophy.

I Paxil this for 6-7 months. During that time I felt, for lack of a better explanation, like a zombie. I didn't feel happy. I didn't feel sad. I didn't feel anything. Not only that, but it decreased sexual performance--which isn't something I really care about, but it happened. As an SSRI, it's supposed to be non-addictive and have no/minimal withdrawal symptoms. Let me tell you that after I quit taking it, I had the worst withdrawal symptoms of my life. I was dizzy, nauseous, and every time I moved my eyes, my whole body tingled and felt like I was being shocked. It was terrifying so and so hard to explain. It made me never want to try drugs again.

My anxiety has gone down but I CANNOT SLEEP. Where I used to have mild insomnia, now I am not sleeping until 6 am.

I have been on paxil for 15 years and it has been wonderful in keeping me from having panic attacks and generalized anxiety. I have no side effects and it helps me have a joyful, positive life!

Paxil saved my life! I have been taking Paxil for almost 20 years now and haven't had a panic attack at all. One time I forgot to bring it with me on vacation and three days of not taking it brought back severe panic attacks again. Paxil is a life saver!

I have been on most every antidepressant out there. Paxil is far and away the WORST experience I have ever had. It gave me constant migraine headaches (which I have never had), I slept for literally 16 hours a day and when I managed to stay awake the headaches ensued and I couldn't stay awake, focus or function. There are so many alternatives to this drug. Try Zoloft before using this medication.

paxil for a bi-polar is a dangerous road. i was given paxil for depression when what i really had was bi-polar. the seritonin in paxil was the worst possible combination as i ended up with serotonin syndrome ON TOP of the bi-polar for YEARS. i wasted at least 15 years in a hypo manic state being my baseline. i seriously recommend trying something without the seritoin if you are bi-polar and need help. i would have given my right arm to have known this 20 years ago! no doctor 'put it together' for me until i was completely hysterical and then, finally, seritonin was looked at, removed and replaced with something very different. please, please, please be careful using this drug. best till last. weaning off this drug has been one of the hardest things i've ever done in my life and that includes childbirth. i am lucky to get down 2.5 mm over a 9 week period during which i'm falling to the floor in grocery stores trying to find a wall to hang onto. the list goes on and on, predictably your head feels like it's swimming when you turn it from left to right and the level of agitation is hard to describe. most doctors don't know what a frightening combo this can be so it's up to you to ADVOCATE for yourself. no one else can or will do it for you. i know that't hard when you hurt so bad but get help and if things are really bad, call your county mental health clinic for an appointment. medications are powerful and when working correctly will save your life but if not, can easily set you up to loose it. hard to write all this. reliving it makes me cry. god bless you for reading this far.

I have had depression since I was a child, although we did not know about such. At 55 years old I was prescribed Paxil. It has changed my life. I am so thankful for it. No more deep depression, no more panic when driving in traffic, anxious feeling greatly reduced. While it is no cure, and I don't believe there is one, it is a wonderful relief to feel more normal.

Paxil is a fantastic drug for OCD and panic disorder. The side effects from paxil are not bad at all.

On it for 16yrs don't remember why have all kinda of side effects sexual,weight gain, life in a fog. About everyone it has. I at first by accident stopped taking it. The with draw is awful I was told when I went in it that it was not addictive. Guess thy lied

Paxil has me doing a lot of tardiv dyskinesia . Was worse with another drug but now it's more present and I can try to stop it, yet doesn't stop fully

I was prescribed Paxil for anxiety. I was on it for a few years and I've been off it now for three or four. I didn't experience any side effects I would consider detrimental while I was taking it. I recall I was taking 10 mg daily. I don't recall having problems with weight gain or sleeping. I went off it wanting to cut down the number of medications I was taking. (I take Atenelol for HBP, Warfarin for blood thinning, Crestor, Plavix) I didn't think I had all that much trouble getting off Paxil, but what I read here has me rethinking that. I do get the odd 'electrical' zap in the neck, I am more emotional than I was, and I have what I consider to have anger issues. The anger issues weren't something I thought might be related to going off the Paxil. I believe I had anger issues beforehand so I never gave it any thought. Paxil was the only one I tried so I have nothing to compare it to. I've never given any thought to going back on it, but while I was I didn't experience anything that would make me look for some other med.

hyper one day, depressed the next

I have clinical depression. I've been on amitryptyline for 25 years and have been very happy with it. My doctor put me on paxil, and I am living a nightmare. Can't sleep. High anxiety, not sleeping. Angry much of the time. I will never take it again.