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Generic Name: peg3350-sod sul-NaCl-KCl-asb-C

Brand Name: MoviPrep oral

Drug Reviews Drug and Medication User Reviews

I had read the reviews and I was dreading this product a lot. I choose it because it is a medium volume prep and not a full gallon like Golytely. I heard reviews about intense stomach cramping, vomiting, etc...surely it could not be so bad I thought. Well I'm here to report it's not NEARLY AS BAD as people here conveyed. Make sure its fully dissolved if any salt crystal form in the fluid try to avoid those (those will make you gag..). I put mine in the fridge the day of prep nd it was chilled and ready to go in a few hours. I did not have any stomach bloating. I did used Magnesium Citrate around 3:00 p.m. to "prime the bowels" and after that bowel movement I began drinking 1L of MoviPrep around 5:00 p.m.. It was very lemony and sweet but not at all unpalatable. I finished it in around 1.5 hours watching something on Tv... the next morning I powered it down pretty quickly in around a hour before my procedure in the morning. I felt very cleaned out by the time it was my turn to be scoped. I would recommend using this product!

Five years behind on my first colonoscopy followed by a positive Cologard result sent me straight into a panic and a gastroenterologists office. I knew I had to get this thing done. Ugh. Because I cant choke down huge pills, I opted for the dreaded "drink." Moviprep was the prescription I was given. Shock of all shocks, I didn't have any trouble drinking this mixture. You take 8 ounces every 15 minutes x 4 at two different times. I took the tips to chill the mix and drink it with a straw. Honestly, it wasn't unbearable. It wasn't a craft cocktail or anything, but in my mind it would be the worst thing to ever pass my lips! I was able to chug each of the doses without a problem. The most challenging part of the prep was being bloated because of all the liquid, but no cramps or nausea, and by the day of procedure just being tired, hungry and a nervous wreck! A tip I learned through this process is to filter comments on forums like this by the happy people first so you don't scare yourself out of your appointment!! Then you can read the others for a full perspective if you want. I went to the medical center where I was treated very well. Got the propofal and don't remember a thing! The scope took about 20 minutes and when I got back to recovery I was able to sit up and leave shortly after. And went for breakfast on the way home!! I did not experience any pain afterwards. The doctor removed three small polyps but had no concerns over them. Praise God!! If you are like me and apprehensive about this whole process, know that you can do it. Keep a positive attitude about the prep, take a loved one to the procedure with you if you're scared and know you conquered a giant by getting it done. Wishing everyone excellent health!

It cleaned me out quite well, sat on the toilet for almost two hours. However, the taste is absolutely abhorrent, and drinking 2 liters of that thing in good hour and a half has been one of greatest tortures of my life. I strongly recommend making it a different flavour, because I kept vomiting in my mouth a little, and Im fairly used to drinking disgusting medicine due to chronic issues.

The first regimine i took of this vile liquid did NOT WORK. Mt colonoscopy report says "failed prep" i am a 52 y/o female. Never had i ever had my friends/acquaintances tell me their prep had failed- no one else i spoke with used this product either. Had to go back the following week and ordered to do this prep for 2 days in a row before the colonoscopy. Currently on day 2 of this. I'll give it credit it is now working but without the help of other things i am taking with it- stool softeners and aloe ferox(natural, herbal stimulant) - this stuff is garbage. I am guessing it is the cheapest maybe on the market? I say this because i am getting my medical care at a military hospital ,known for using the cheapest products available.

I dont drink ANY form of squash, fruit drinks or anything so whilst I badly need a colonoscopy I had to cancel the night before after being physically unable to drink this VILE concoction. I have wrote to them telling them its vile and time that it was a available in pill form.

I will share that if you have the option go with Moviprep instead of GoLYTELY. I've was dreading this procedure because of the GoLytely prep. I read all the reviews of options and moviprep was an alternative. My fear was that maybe it could be worse! Can anything actually be worse than the gallon of GoLYTELY? I took the chance. The Good: It's half the liquid! The Bad: It cost $70. not formulary. Result: It was definitely worth it. It was manageable and I won't dread the next one as much now that I have this option.

The liquid was easy to drink and not a gallon as some preps. However, the sweetener caused my ears to ring solid! The prep didn't work for 2 1/2 hours and the cramping before it finally worked was horrible, like a knife that lasted only 5 seconds but they came every 15 seconds. I will never take this prep product again... had better results and easier preps even when having to drink more of it!

I found moviprep almost impossible to ingest. Every sip had me gagging. I was able to get down the first dose of one quart, but was unable to do the second. I knew that had I taken one more taste, I would have been sick to my stomach. Colonoscopy was done, with no difficulty.

Absolutely disgusting taste and texture. Made me gag with every sip. Couldn't finish it, as I was afraid I would vomit.

I am writing this having taken my first litre of Moviprep this evening at 7-45pm by 8-20pm had to run to the loo , very watery have been about five times since and it’s now 10pm I have another litre to drink at about 5am tomorrow , didn’t taste that bad make sure you drink lots of water to stay hydrated haven’t eaten much even when I could in the White diet, procedure is tomorrow after 10 am.

Wow. I do not wish to scare people but honestly please please ask your doc if you can take something else!! I vow NEVER to use this preparation again. I ended up on IV in A and E a week later due to dehydration caused by the diarrhoea which NEVER STOPPED!! Taken prior to a sigmoidoscopy (which it later transpired I couldâ??ve had something gentler! for) to investigate unexplained weight loss. The bloating caused my waist to go from 24 inches to 27 inches after 2 hours of first 2 litres, and 29 inches an hour following. The stomach pain was agony, an 8 or 9 out of 10 as it wasnâ??t bad enough to make me pass out. It has lasted for (currently) 4 weeks, though thankfully is down to a 2/3 out of 10 pain wise (paracetamol masks it). I am still having loose bowel movements daily with the odd bout of diarrhoea every other day or so. Only forced myself to take 1.5litres (of the 2litres each time) of the split prep as I was vomiting after 1.2litres. PLEASE ASK FOR SOMETHING ELSE IF YOU ARE PRONE TO BLOATING, LOOSE BOWEL MOVEMENTS OR STOMACH PAIN before you start! If you are mad/brave enough to drink it, yes chill it, yes use a straw, and chase it down with a sacrificial drink everytime you force yourself to chug through that straw - I used lucozade orange.

The chemical sweetener made Moviprep very difficult to swallow and ended in vomiting which reduced the efficacy of preparation for colonoscopy. Please make this product without sweetener and give instructions for those who need to flavour and sweeten it.

I am 51 and took MoviPrep for my first colonoscopy. I read a lot of reviews, avoiding the horror stories posted by some people. Everyone who said not to believe the horror stories were right. I mixed and refrigerated my first liter in the morning and mixed each 8oz dose with some Crystal Light lemonade, plus added ice when I started drinking at 6PM the day before my procedure. Drinking through a straw also helped. I had a really good BM that morning, so I really didn't have much solid BMs throughout the entire prep time (sorry for the gross details). It took about an hour or so for the first episode to hit, and from there it was intermittent, but all liquid, which was a weird sensation. I wasn't able to fall asleep until after midnight, and had to get up at 4AM to start the second liter. That was the toughest really, because by then I was really sick of the taste, but I choked it down. More liquid passed, eventually turning from brown to dark yellow until we left for the Dr at 7:45am. The procedure itself was no big deal at all. I fell right to sleep, and before I knew it they were waking me up. I was VERY groggy, and remember little of getting dressed and driving home. I crawled into bed around 10:30, woke up for about an hour at 3:00, and fell back to sleep until 6:30 when my husband encouraged me to get up so I would be able to sleep through the night. I slept fine, but had a slight headache when I woke up, probably from lack of caffeine, since I didn�t have coffee that morning. I really wasn't hungry, so didn't eat much all day and the next day, and am now on the 3rd day after, and am still just grazing. Got pix of my insides, which looked great. Happy to say it's over, and just encourage anyone who is afraid that it's really no big deal!

This was much better tasting than what I had taken before. I added Crystal light lemonade to it (the kind for 2 pints) right into the mix put in the fridge. Was much easier to mix and take.

Used before colonoscopy. Lemon taste, chill before drinking and use a straw placed toward the back of your mouth. I drank it every 20-25 minutes instead of the 15 minute interval on the instructions. Also, eat low residue foods three days before, two days before but donâ??t each much either of those days, then of course the day before donâ??t eat. This lead-up to the prep made it easier, I believe. Less in, less out. I had no cramping or pain of any kind. Nothing explosive, but then there was not much in my system. I am sensitive to medications, and this did not bother me at all.

After first litre I became violently sick bleeding from bowels vomiting urine bowel contents from both ends ended up in hospital on broad spectrum antibiotics potassium tablets 4 days of vomiting loose bowel movements mainly blood have thyroid high blood pressure reflux should not have had this have had 4 colonoscophys in the past this stuff is still causing me problems 3 weeks later and the worst was the vomiting every 50 seconds green yellow brown smelly vile iam suing whoever made the mistake of prescribing this and the makers .I already have lawyers on board so watch this space this stuff is lethal and I have to wait now 6 to 8 weeks because my ct scan showed a mass and diverticulitis (I have diverticular disease)which up to now was managed well now I can only eat cereal and I'm still bleeding and have horrendous stomach cramps so now I have had to increase my morphine after many years of trying to reduce it ,the worst was excuse this next wording sitting myself in front of my husband and other medics which is degrading and upsetting

While it worked great at emptying my bowels with NO cramping, this products taste was completely unforgiving. It was so horrid I was vomiting into my mouth and swallowing it back down almost every sip. I would never again use this. This was like a punishment to have to gulp down and a pure torture to a person who is already anxious about having to have a colonoscopy in the first place. I recently found out that there are a few NEW ways to empty your bowel for a colonoscopy using another product in which you only drink 4 or 5oz of a yucky liquid and then 24 to 32 oz of your OWN favorite clear liquid as opposed to 64 PUTRID oz of this monstrosity. I literally was crying in the shower after finally finishing my second does of Moviprep because it was so bad. If you have a bad gag reflex and are prone to morning sickness do NOT use MoviPrep. I could hardly even attempt my second morning dose. Times are changing! These newer 4 and 5oz drinks are the way to go - Talk to you doctor about a low volume version. I think it's called ClenPiq

Absolutely the worst experience ever. I mixed up the prep and refrigerated it and began drinking it at 5;00 pm as directed. The taste was mildly unappealing but I was able to choke the entire jug down. About two hours later I was in the kitchen cleaning off the counter when I began to vomit and I don't mean regular vomit this was exorcist turn your head around shooting streams of liquid vomit. I managed to make it to the bathroom and finish in there. Still no void from the other end. About thirty minutes later that began and on and off again for another hour or so. I decided to go to bed at that point because I was exhausted after a day without food projective vomiting and now accompanied by explosive diarrhea. I wasnt in the bed 30 minutes when the urge hit me again. This time the diarrhea was accompanied by severe abdominal cramps followed by extreme hot flash followed by excessive sweating like my entire body was engulfed in a sea of sweat. My t-shirt and sweatpants I was wearing became instantly wet. sweat was dripping off my brow and I felt faint. I stood up and tried to get to my bed and walked into a wall. My heart was fluttering and I felt short of breath. I was seriously contemplating calling 911 at this point and having an ambulance transport me to the nearest hospital because I was sure I was about to die. Instead I laid on my bed disrobed and let the fan above my bed dry the pool of sweat I was in and eventually I drifted off to sleep. This is the stuff of nightmares. I'm not sure what is in that stuff but it is definelty not for me. I ended up having to cancel my test because I couldn't take the morning dose - just plain wouldn't because quite frankly I was afraid it would kill me. This was the worst experience of my life.

Took a dual dose. 6 PM the night before. 4 AM the morning of. Used Suprep previously and it did not work well for me. Moviprep cleaned me out very well. 45 minutes after evening dose - it started coming and coming for about 3 hours. The morning of - started coming and went on for 1.5 hours. Highly recommend Moviprep. Taste was really bad - but managed to get it down without vomiting. Definitely chill it first.

The worst bowel prep I've ever used. I found the solution easier to handle by refrigerating the it before drinking. I don't know how anyone could drink it warm. I can't drink large amounts of anything at once so needed to take small sips. EVERY swallow made me want to gag. I am physically unable to vomit, but oh I wished I could. I was nauseated the entire 6 hours of prep. I spent most of the 6 hours (I took part 1 from 6 to 7 PM and part 2 started at 10 PM, finally exiting the bathroom after midnight) in the restroom and thought I'd done well cleaning out my system. Much to my surprise the next morning, I still had dark runny stool. Worse, the DOCTOR reported BAD PREP RESULT with stool remaining so he was NOT ABLE TO SEE WELL. Now I have to REPEAT the process.