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Generic Name: pentoxifylline

Brand Name: Pentoxifylline Tablets

Pentoxifylline Drug and Medication User Reviews

I am using this med after 29 radiation treatments for endometrial cancer. I have experienced constant diarrea, and burning in vaginal area. Also bloating and gas discomfort.

So far I have been dizzy and very nauseous the first 30 min of taking the medication.However I have noticed less aching and pain in my legs so I will continue to take this medication I hope I adjust to it the longer I take it

Noted that I have had an increase in body hair since taking this drug. On my arms, legs and chest. Has anyone else experienced this??

What good is writing a review like the one reviewer ask what is longest time period you can continue to take the medication and no... is not a good answer for as long as your doctor prescribes it. How long? 1 year, 2 years, the rest of your life. how about an answer.

Given for loss of taste and smell. Have been only taking 17 days but have had improvement and expect much more,

just finished first month,too soon to tell its not like zantac where you have heartburn and you take it and it works in 30min. it takes time for trental to buildup in the tissues.will have to give it more time a couple of more months.wanted to try pletal,but will wait and give this a chance.

Minor improvement, still get pain in my legs but it is less ,I am also taking Cordarone which apparently interacts with it. So will discuss with DR.

I had the worst pain of my life, with 100% artery blockage in my left leg, and 70% in my right leg. My old Doctor friend prescribed pentoxiflline, said it would take several weeks to take effect, and it began working, and I haven't had any pain since. I take two 400's in the morning and two at bedtime. My question is, how long can I take this medication. I started taking these about 10 mo's ago. I have no side effects and can play golf 3 times per week, I am 88 and shoot my age. Thanks, Ted G

Side effects were massive: vomiting, headache and hypotension. The blood circulation effect worked, but afraid of those other effects!

My left leg has 100 % blockage an right has 70 %. My pain level was 8 to 9. Oxycodone was being used + Tylonal etc, heavy doses. After 6 weeks the pain went away using pentoxiflline. I have been pain free for two months, hopefully this will continue.

I been on Pentoxifylline for nearly 4 yrs. it worked terrific for the first year then I noticed I was getting slight cramps in knees and legs. I passed if off to old age but this gradually got worse. The leg pain increased and the MD upped dosage to 6/day. The legs/knee cramps continued to get worse and I developed a blood clot-that may be unrelated or not. Much PT and Vit C therapy helped the knee/leg issue but finally, the legs felt like matchsticks when I got out of bed - no control or power. When I stopped the Pentoxifhylline and went on coumadin -OMG the next day I felt I could walk a mile. It is possible that Pentoxiphylline has a max use time. Vit C therapy helped get the muscles out of tightning/knotting up. But, I sure went thru a painful month trying to resolve the leg muscle issue. Pay attention to any leg or knee tightning you feel. It is not old age it is from the pentoxiphyllin. You may need to go off it a while then go back.

I've been on it for 3 months and my walking has increased about 25%. I measure that by the distance between stops. I hope in time it will increase even more.

poor blood on legs

I am taking for Pyronie's disease but have hives, blisters and severe itching all up my arms and skull.

new user

since ive been taking this drug im having alot of joint pain and seem to be getting worse.

If, for any reason, I forget a dose, I become anxious and feel as if I'm dying.