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Generic Name: Acthar (corticotropin)

Acthar Reviews

For Sarcoidosis "Been taking Acthar for 1 year. I wasn’t able to be up before I started taking acthar. In 3 months I was able to stay up almost all day. In 3 more months I’m able to be up all day. Do things around the house. Now I go to grocery store and church. I still don’t have a lot of energy. But have more energy less pain than had before."

For Sarcoidosis "This medication has given me a better quality of life. Before I was unable to do simple things like walking, talking, or even maintain my home. Because of this medication I feel as though I have been given a second chance in life. I have my off days but, they are much more fewer than before. Been on medication now for 2 years."

For Rheumatoid Arthritis "I have been on Acthar for about a year. It has been the first medicine since my diagnosis (12 years ago) that has helped me. My only concern is the long term side effects which are not known. It is expensive but I have not had to pay anything out of pocket with the help from the Chronic Disease Fund and my insurance."

For Multiple Sclerosis "I've used this twice for a flare up as it was thought that I was allergic to steroids. This medication is a gel, injected. Its about a 2 week course (2 vials) and slowly stimulates your own steroids production to help with flare ups. My own experience is that I felt very ill during the first week, as steroid production amps up, you get the typical steroid feelings. it is very expensive, but my insurance paid for this. "

For Multiple Sclerosis "This medication works great for me it knocks out my optic neuritis quickly. It takes about a week to calm down my other relapse symptoms. It has allowed me to work during my relapses. The drug company paid my co pay so it cost me nothing."

For Multiple Sclerosis "I am allergic to steroids and we used this once in my first flare up after a year of relapse. The initial results were great, but the episode returned in less than two weeks after the treatment ended. Worse side effect was a huge increase in blood sugar. The cost of the medication is outrageous even with great insurance. "

For Allergies "Given this for Nephrotic syndrome Bloating to extreme edema. Allergic reaction? Prescribed as prednisone replacement. Daily dose to begin therapy, then twice a week. Doctor did therapy in reverse. Complete immune loss. After administering therapy for over a year my wife died. It was downhill all the way."

For Multiple Sclerosis "After five injections, I developed thrush. I’m wheezing now, possibly due to pneumonia or upper respiratory infection. I didn’t have any of these symptoms prior to this drug. I will discontinue immediately. Medicine stopped pain and stiffness from ms, but it’s not worth side effects for me."

For Multiple Sclerosis "This product costs a fortune and did not work for me. I’ve had double vision for 11 weeks due to an ms attack . I had so much faith in it from what my doctor told me it would “fix” all of me. It did not. Definitely would not recommend to any ms patients."

For Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis "Been on this medicine for 12 weeks and at first it was great and then here comes the side effects. Raised blood sugar, increase in sweating, bruising, skin discoloration where the injection site, itching at injection site, abdominal weight gain. Then of course the price of the medication. Insurance and the Achtar foundation covered the cost but still yikes."

For Polymyositis/Dermatomyositis "I tried the achtar gel injections for Dermatomyositis and it did nothing for me. I did have a mild rash side effect on and around the injection sites but other than that I felt no difference."

More about Acthar (corticotropin)

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  • Side effects
  • Dosage information
  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: corticotropin
  • Breastfeeding

Patient resources

  • Acthar patient information

Professional resources

  • Corticotropin monograph

Other formulations

  • Acthar Gel, H.P.

Related treatment guides

  • Allergies
  • Ankylosing Spondylitis
  • Chorioditis
  • Chorioretinitis