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Generic Name: Adthyza ()

Adthyza Reviews

"Been through all the available meds on the market at some point over the past 30 years. I hopped right on when my doc suggested this because all the other meds out there have so many side effects. Arthritis, rashes, headaches, eye pain, weight gain, hair loss, to name a few! I'm holding my breath and crossing my fingers, but this med has been an absolute miracle so far. I've been taking it for almost 3 months. I've lost weight without trying, I think it's this med helping my metabolism function properly! My eyes no longer burn and hurt, my bones and joints don't creak and ache, and my reflux and constipation has basically disappeared. I get a strange flip flop in my chest occasionally and a mild headache, but it's nothing compared to the other meds. My hair fell a little bit when I started it, then it just began growing everywhere lush and full! Fingernails too!! It's great! 65 mg 1xday"

For Underactive Thyroid "This drug has given me my life back. I feel as good as I did before I was diagnosed with Hashimoto's disease."

More about Adthyza (levothyroxine / liothyronine)

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  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: thyroid drugs

Professional resources

  • Adthyza prescribing information

Related treatment guides

  • Underactive Thyroid