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Generic Name: Aldara for Keratosis (imiquimod-topical)

Aldara for Keratosis Reviews

"Was involved in a clinical trial for Aldara 3.75% three years ago. Documented 51 actinic keratosis lesions on face and forehead. Two treatments, six weeks in between. Severe reaction occurred on the first round, including flu-like symptoms. Also had less reaction on the second treatment. Follow-up exam found no actinic keratosis sites. One year follow-up documented no recurrence! I'm a fan! This is a miracle cure!"

"Actinic keratosis lesions on forearms only ... but a nasty case at any rate. Dermatologist put me on a regimen of Aldara cream and Salicylic Acid. The experience during the 4 months of Aldara treatment was not particularly pleasant: worst of all being that it made the Keratosis lesions much worse in terms of acute redness and inflamation and quite distressing vanity-wise. There was some headaches, some fatigue, but that only lasted 2 weeks or so. After that, no side affects worth bothering about. But I must admit I almost stopped using it during the period of unsightliness. But I didn't. And I am very glad I didn't! The Dermatologist took me off the Aldara regimen after 4 months and told me to just keep on using the salicylic acid. Now, after 5 months the Keratosis lesions are completely gone, leaving quite smooth new skin. The area is still a little pinkish compared to normal sin colour, but Doctor said that that will disappear once the healing time has done it's work. Over all success I would say. For myself Aldara was a godsend."

"Have used this product several times over recent years used for facial and scalp keratosis. It definitely works well although skin conditions seem to return after a year or two. Treatment involves application of ointment on week days (i.e. five days, with weekends off) for four weeks. The major side effect I have noticed is flu-like symptoms (coldness and body aches) and tiredness. The several times this has happened I have taken a day's break from treatment before resuming."

"Possible side effect: Lower backache, muscular fatigue."

"Best medicine, the only treatment that worked on the dots on my arms that I suffered with for years. Just really expensive."

More about Aldara (imiquimod topical)

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  • Reviews (132)
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  • Dosage information
  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: topical anti-infectives
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Aldara drug information

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Professional resources

  • Aldara prescribing information
  • Imiquimod (Topical) (AHFS Monograph)

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Related treatment guides

  • Basal Cell Carcinoma
  • Human Papilloma Virus
  • Keratosis
  • Molluscum Contagiosum
  • Condylomata Acuminata