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Generic Name: Aleve PM (diphenhydramine-naproxen)

Aleve PM Reviews

For Pain "I have general nerve damage, cervical and thoracic fusion for 10 years being hit from behind. I never sleep through the night in constant pain. I take pain meds, but they're not enough. I bought Aleve PM yesterday and took it last night, it was amazing, slept the whole night, good deep sleep. Not only that, but I have COPD not from smoking, I usually have trouble with wheezing. It didn't happen last night. Thank you, Aleve PM."

For Pain "I am 56 years old, and I have been unable to sleep due to pain for the past year. I do not like to take medication but was desperate for something. Discovered Aleve PM, which I take at night and feel like a new person. The pain and sleep deprivation were making me sick. Aleve PM works!"

For Insomnia "I'm so happy with this Aleve PM. Every nite when trying to sleep my brain would wake up. It worked immediately and I got deep sleep. Have some arthritis issues & they would disappear. Feel wonderful when I wake up ;) Amazing change."

For Insomnia "I take 1 pill, half hour before bedtime for occasional insomnia. I fall asleep about half hour later and sleep through the night. No adverse side effects except I wake up a little zombie like in the morning. This passes quickly and I feel more rested. I may try half a pill instead as this was way too much."

For Insomnia "Only give it 8/10 because I’ve only taken it once so far. Was in a lot of pain and couldn’t sleep the night before . The night I took this I was out in about 20min and did not wake up once during the night. Took it around midnight and got up around 8:30. Wasn’t difficult to get up at all. So far so good!"

For Insomnia "Great! I've had insomnia for over a year now, my doctor gave me dyphenadramine but it did not work. Although Aleve is also diphenhydramine, there's something that works better about it, I have used it for about 2 weeks and only once I woke up in the middle of the night but went right back to sleep in less than 5 minutes. Really useful I highly recommend for people with insomnia"

For Insomnia "I wake up several times during the night and cannot go back to sleep. I also take it for pain. With Aleve PM I still woke up but I was able to go back to sleep in a minimal time. My pain, from a scale of 8 was down to a 2-3. I felt better up to 6 hours after I woke up."

For Insomnia "This medication was awful. Not only did it not help with my sleep issues and pain, it also increased my anxiety, caused m to be paranoid and I actually started hallucinating. I do not recommend it to anyone."

For Insomnia "I take half of a capsule of Aleve PM and sleep great - I am just concerned about the long term effects. I have a lot of stomach issues and I hope this doesn't aggravate it. I try always taking 1/2 capsule and that alone puts me out! Thx"

For Insomnia "First, understand that no one thing works for everyone as all our systems are different, there are many factors why something works for one and not for another. For me it worked, these unhappy users didn't discourage me a bit."

For Insomnia "I've started to have trouble sleeping due to hot flashes periodically. I also have arthritis in my left knee and foot which causes aching. I have found that when I take 1 Aleve pm, I don't have to worry about waking up during the night for either of these. I just need to do some research on repercussions if I continue to take these."

For Insomnia "I have taken this medication several times for insomnia and I found that every night that I do so it's like a war zone for me . I wake up every hour or even more frequently and I'm shaken out of my sleep . I find that overall it does not help me sleep it just makes for a difficult difficult night ."

For Pain "For pain and sleep. My doc gave me tylenol 3 with codeine for my fibromyalgia pain . I also have sleep apnea and insomnia. I can take the Tylenol 3 like tic tacs and it will do me no good. 2 aleve pms and I'm pain free and asleep throughout the night. Wow never thought an over the counter med would help me."

For Insomnia "I decided to take an eleve pm pill so I could sleep better because I have insomnia... it was the worst move over. I slept at 11 and woke up at 1 and ive been up since. I have class today at 8 and this was the worst choice I ever did. My head hurts and I have a dry mouth so I've been drinking alot of water. I seriously DO NOT recommend."

For Insomnia "I had no choice in trying Aleve pm for the 1st time last night. Horrible! And I was really praying n hoping for the best. At night its very difficult for me to get to sleep. Advil PM had always worked great but the store around my way is out of stock. I had to purchase something to get me through the night and aleave pm was my only other choice. Unfortunately, I woke up twice. I took 3 the First time, then four more 5 hour's later. Both times it took me about 3 hours to doze off. I just went back to sleep at 2am and been up since 7am. I really wish I could return these pills. They are horrible! Seriously"

For Pain "Aleve PM was wonderful in helping me sleep. I had a lot of pain after a fall. What I did not realize was that it was seriously affecting my brain function. After a couple of night of taking Aleve PM, I could barely function at work. For example, I needed to take notes at a meeting. When I reviewed the notes the next day, some of the entries just did not make sense. I then read an article that said that Aleve PM could cause a 'brain fog' in people over 60 (I'm 74). After one night's sleep without Aleve (not a 'good' night's sleep) I noticed a huge improvement in my cognitive ability. Anyway, I ended up tossing out the pills."

For Insomnia "I just couldn't get to sleep and I couldn't stay asleep. But just two Aleve PMs and I sleep like a champ. And I'm not groggy the next morning. I also have pretty bad back pain and when I take the Aleve PM I can get outta bed a heck of a lot easier than when I go without it. Sometimes I fall asleep within 20ish mins after taking it. But other times it can take up to 40 mins. So glad I found this OTC med."

For Pain "I took Aleve PM for chronic knee pain which causes me to wake up repeatedly throughout the night. I only took it ONE NIGHT, and, boy, that was enough! Although I slept well and was not bothered by knee pain during the night, now, approximately 12 hours later, my stomach is absolutely killing me! My stomach hurts so badly that I feel as if I may vomit. I also feel dizzy and slightly disoriented. I am throwing the remainder of the bottle, which cost around $8.00, away when I get home. Who knew there would be such hell to pay for a good night's sleep? Never again. I would rather sleep poorly than feel like vomiting which I am trying to work."

For Insomnia "I have recently started taking Aleve PM to help me deal with TMJ at bedtime and insomnia. I have been very happy. It appears to alleviate my jaw tension and I sleep more soundly and longer. The only odd experience I have noted is that about 12 hours after I take it (and roughly 4 hours after getting up), I have a sensation of euphoria."

For Pain "Just want to say I would never buy Aleve pm. I was in pain, I couldn't sleep so I took some Aleve pm and didn't work. I was up all night so I tried the next day and still didn't work. Was so disappointed"

For Insomnia "I have a newborn baby and have been having issue with insomnia even when he is sleeping. Aleve worked wonders was still able to wake up when he cried but am able to fall right back asleep. Also the pain in my legs is gone too. Thanks aleve"

For Pain "I woke up at 2:30 am with an awful , radiating tooth ache . The kind I have to stand in a warm shower as any medicine kicks in . I took aleeve PM this time and the pain subsided way faster than with Advil or Tylenol - I didn't even double dose . (Bottle says not to ) I did get to sleep , it was a bit better than usual . We have 3 young children who wake up early and I didn't notice them as much this time ."

For Pain "I can't sleep. I have a lot of pain from preparing and cleaning from hurricane Irma. I took two aleave pm at 8:25pm. Itis now 12:04am. I'm awake and so uncomfortable. My body is like anxiety ridden. I can't get comfortable. I feel sick as well."

For Insomnia "I've been taking generic naproxen sodium PM for a couple of years because of insomnia. I take one tablet before bed and it improves my sleep throughout the night. I've tried several prescription medications and OTC meds including Melatonin alone and in combination with different herbal medicines. The meds I've used either didn't work and/or made me really groggy the next day. This med works the best by far without next day side effects. I have noticed that after a couple of weeks it loses it's effectiveness a bit but if I stop for 2 or 3 days then I can resume."

For Insomnia "I recently underwent a hysterectomy two weeks ago and have been struggling with insomnia since then. My past history of insomnia is due to Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) and depression, and I take Clonazepam and Hydroxyzine at night to help me sleep. However, these medications have not been effective lately. Last night, I took one Aleve PM and it helped me fall asleep. I was able to get a good night's sleep, but I'm off work right now. Tonight, I did not take Aleve PM, and I have been unable to sleep even after taking Benadryl with my other medications. I plan to try taking half a pill earlier to see if it reduces the sedative effect. I am still impressed with how well the Aleve PM worked, but I need to be able to function when I return to work in a week."

More about Aleve PM (diphenhydramine / naproxen)

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  • During pregnancy
  • FDA approval history
  • Drug class: analgesic combinations
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Aleve PM drug information

Related treatment guides

  • Insomnia
  • Pain