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Generic Name: Alprazolam Intensol (alprazolam)

Alprazolam Intensol Reviews

For Panic Disorder "Saved my life. I didn't know I had anxiety, doctors kept giving me high blood pressure medication only. Finally went to a psychiatrist, he gave me Xanax and Tofranil. Xanax helped a lot, the antidepressant I had problems with, sleeping mostly. Been on Xanax for 25 years and the only medicine that really helps my Panic Attacks."

For Anxiety "I have been taking .25 generic Xanax for over 5 years, mostly to help me fall asleep. Sometimes every night or every other night. This drug has saved my life because I was staying awake till 3 a.m. every night for most of my adult life, and it took a toll on my physical and mental health. Sometimes I can fall asleep without it and won’t take it in fear of becoming addicted. But when I can’t fall asleep, it relaxes my mind enough to give me a good 6 hours of sleep. It saved my life because I nearly had a nervous breakdown from worrying about my family and the bad conditions in our country. Thanks to Xanax, I am still here. Most of those who have issues are taking way too much too many times a day. Taking just .25 is all I need to sleep better. And if during the day I get really nervous, I will take 2 pills and get so much relief. Don’t think I can function without it."

For Panic Disorder "I call it Xanax, it has been the med that has helped me to not suicide. I have severe panic attacks. I cannot be around people. I never could go to my family gatherings because I would be shaking and never could go out and enjoy dinner or lunch at a restaurant with my children. I stuttered and could not talk, I had racing horrible thoughts and could not sleep. But Xanax has helped my panic disorder so much. It does work for me, it’s a miracle pill."

For Anxiety "I was very young, and I would get a feeling of not being able to breathe, so I would lay down, breathe slowly, and that was not helping me anymore. So I was put on Xanax. I didn't even have to take all that was prescribed, that is how well it helped."

For Anxiety "i break a .25 tablet in ½ to take at bedtime if I have anxiety worrying about a family member to be able to fall asleep. On occasion I will take the other half if the anxiety is a lot. It is not daily tho may be short periods of time where I take it every night."

For Panic Disorder "Just started taking this medication. It made me feel better right away just still have to continue taking it or I will catch another panic attack, anxiety attack, and depression. I don't need that to happen in my life. I'm going to just continue taking this new medication."

For Anxiety "I suffer from severe depression and anxiety brought on by cancer and anti-hormone drugs. This drug helps me with the panic attacks and anxiety I tend to get almost daily. When I take this medication, my attacks are less severe."

For Panic Disorder "This helps me a lot with my anxiety/panic disorder the only thing I don't like about it is that it seems to make me really tired when I take it in the morning before my class other than that I haven't had a panic attack since I've started this medication works really well."

For Panic Disorder "Calming and starts to work within 15 minutes. Has been a lifesaver for me over the years. I suffer from anxiety and panic attacks."

For Anxiety "This medication works great for anxiety if taken the correct way."

For Anxiety "This medicine makes me very moody and irritable with people nearest to me. I had to quit taking them."

For Anxiety "͏Li͏f͏e saver indeed. Sometimes I feel as if I can’t breathe and small places freak me out so this medication cures that !"

For Anxiety "How close to regular xanax is this?"

More about Alprazolam Intensol (alprazolam)

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  • Latest FDA alerts (3)
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  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: benzodiazepines
  • Breastfeeding

Patient resources

  • Alprazolam Intensol patient information

Other brands

Xanax, Xanax XR, Niravam

Professional resources

  • Alprazolam Intensol prescribing information
  • Alprazolam (AHFS Monograph)

Other brands

Xanax, Xanax XR, Niravam

Related treatment guides

  • Anxiety
  • Panic Disorder