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Generic Name: Amoxicillin / clavulanate for Urinary Tract Infection (amoxicillin-clavulanate)

Amoxicillin / clavulanate for Urinary Tract Infection Reviews

Augmentin (amoxicillin / clavulanate) "I have had recurring UTIs and have tried just about every antibiotic, and nothing else has helped me. Cephalexin did nothing, and I am allergic to Bactrim. Cipro caused me to have severe tendinitis in my Achilles tendon. However, I am doing well on Augmentin and can put up with the loose stools as I started feeling better by day 3. Taking a Probitrinol probiotic is helping me as Florastor did not work for me. Drink plenty of water and get lots of rest. Not all medications work for everyone, so trial and error will work the best."

Augmentin (amoxicillin / clavulanate) "I was on Augmentin twice a day for 7 days. I thought I would have diarrhea and cramps, headaches, all the fun stuff with antibiotics. But all that happened to me is about 2 hours after taking it, I found myself VERY sleepy, which it was bedtime anyways. Just try to take it 2 to 3 hours BEFORE bed, so it won't upset your stomach while you are sleeping. Also, what really helped me is drinking DanActive yogurt, so I get no diarrhea while taking it, and it works well. I also was taking Culturelle (Probiotics). That and the yogurt helped with diarrhea very well."

Augmentin (amoxicillin / clavulanate) "Feeling horrendous, like I'm being poisoned! Was prescribed this after a trip to A&E with an upper UTI/kidney infection. I don't normally take meds, and I'm trying to avoid antibiotics as I have leaky gut, but the Dr urged me to take them as the infection was so bad. Anyway, the first day or two weren't too bad, but then I woke up and felt like I'd been hit by a freight train. Here are some of the things I've been experiencing: nausea, bloating, thrush, severe migraine-like headaches, loss of appetite, depression and mood swings, paranoia, anxiety, dehydration due to constant urination, burning pain in my limbs and a stiff neck, a feeling of being hungover each morning, dizziness and 'brain fog,' and a dry cough! Never taking these again!!!"

Augmentin (amoxicillin / clavulanate) "Augmentin has worked really well on my recent UTI. I started 2 a day Augmentin for 7 days along with copious amounts of cranberry juice (see references below) and within less than a day, temp was down from 103°F to 99°F. Pain had dropped from level 8 to a level 2 in a day. Take with yogurt or with a meal, increase fluid and fiber intake. Finish all the medicine even though your symptoms have gone after a few days. Prevention is the best approach. Do wash hands thoroughly after wiping and before any contact near your urinary tract. References: Kontiokari, T., Sundqvist, K., Nuutinen, M., Pokka, T., Koskela, M., & Uhari, M. (2001). Randomised trial of cranberry-lingonberry juice and Lactobacillus GG drink for the prevention of urinary tract infections in women. BMJ, 322(7302), 1571. Howell, A. B., & Foxman, B. (2002). Cranberry juice and adhesion of antibiotic-resistant uropathogens. JAMA: The Journal of the American Medical Association, 287(23), 3082-3083."

"I was prescribed amoxicillin/clavulanate for a urinary tract infection, and I had very mild side effects. I had a slight headache for the first few days, but after that, I felt fine. I would definitely take this medicine again."

"I just finished a 5-day course of 500 mg amoxicillin/clavulanate every 12 hours for a recurring UTI that I had for more than a month. I took 2 courses of Macrodantin and 1 course of Bactrim, only for it to come back each time 2 days after stopping the treatments. I had no problems at all with this one. Absolutely no side effects, and I was able to take it on a completely empty stomach. I love amoxicillin/clavulanate, it finally cured my rUTI."

"Ok. Let me start off by saying this medication has been great. I was prescribed 875 mg 2x daily for 5 days. I was first prescribed Macrobid, but that made me sick on the first dose, so my doctor switched to Augmentin. Some of these reviews are unfortunate, BUT REMEMBER. Antibiotics work differently for everyone. Drugs like Flagyl and Macrobid make me violently ill, but Augmentin/Amoxicillin drugs have been incredibly helpful. I did have a headache and on-and-off nausea throughout the week, but it is very tolerable. Take it with food, plenty of water, and a daily probiotic. Also, try to avoid coffee, as it intensified my nausea. There is no way to know how your body will react unless you try it, so don't be scared like I was. If you do get sick, there are always other options. I should also mention that it cleared up my UTI symptoms after about 48 hours."

"I just wanted to share my experience to put some people's minds at ease about taking this medication. Before I started, I read all the reviews, which completely freaked me out, and I was terrified to take them, but had no choice in the end as my UTI was progressing and getting worse after a week with bad kidney pain. I started them last night with absolutely no side effects yet and am already feeling better. I slept all night last night without the need to go to the toilet, as previously. Please try to read the really bad reviews with a pinch of salt. I have been taking them with a meal, which I think has helped, and also probiotics to protect my gut. Just wanted to share a positive experience of this drug."

"I had to take this medicine a lot as a child and never had any problems. I was prescribed it for a UTI, and since becoming an adult, I’ve developed a phobia for medication due to previous bad experiences. I will say I’ve had panic attacks after taking it, as well as horrible palpitations, but I feel that is my anxiety rather than the medication itself. Cleared up my infection within 3 days. I had no side effects other than the ones mentioned above. I ate before taking it, drank plenty of water, and also ate yogurt with live cultures. If you’re nervous about taking it, I was too, but everything ended up being fine. Luckily that is the case for the majority of people."

Augmentin (amoxicillin / clavulanate) "I was prescribed 250/125 Augmentin 3x daily for a bad UTI that was turning into a kidney infection and hadn't responded to Cipro. The fatigue, fever, and chills are bad enough with a UTI, but add Augmentin and it amplified it by 10. I have been in bed since I started taking it two days ago, I can't stop shaking and my joints feel like they're going to explode! Not to mention the vivid, hallucenenic type nightmares and the constant feeling of paranoia and feeling on the brink of a panic attack!! If you have anxiety like I do DO NOT TAKE THIS UNLESS YOU HAVE TO!!! I had a mental breakdown about taking another dose as I don't feel I can handle these side effects much longer. 9/10 would not take again, doesn't seem to be helping the infection"

"Starting in February 2017, I started to develop pain in the scrotum and testicle area. The pain has gone on until mid-April. I have only been able to have sex a couple of times because the pain is very severe. I was ruled out for STDs, and sonograms seemed normal. Apparently, because of weightlifting while having the bladder full, I had chemical backflow, which caused epididymitis (infection of the tubes connecting testicles to the urethra) and orchitis (infection of the testicles). I went through doxycycline for 14 days, and nothing. I started Cipro, but the side effects were devastating, it is poison (read it on your own online). I started Amoxicillin and Clavulanate Potassium 875 mg 3 days ago, and I am starting to feel better for the first time in ages."

"amoxicillin with clavulanate has been the best treatments for my re occurring UTI! I get about 6 a year and this is by far the best medication to treat it. Fast results, and not left with horrible side effects like other antibiotics."

Augmentin (amoxicillin / clavulanate) "After a few days taking Augmentin I had shortness of breath, dizziness and my tongue starting to swell up. My skin felt like was on fire. I had to go to ER, doctor there said I was allergic to that medicine."

"I have been put on Augmentin 875 mg-125 mg twice a day for a urinary tract/kidney infection (E. coli strain). I have taken this medication before, and so I wasn't concerned about any serious side effects. This medication works well for me, which says a lot considering I do have serious side effects to many things (Compazine, droperidol, erythromycin). I felt better within 1 day of taking my dose, and the only problem I am experiencing is a strange rattle/'percolating' feeling in my chest when I breathe. It's annoying but not preventing me from breathing, walking around, or even going to work. I have taken a daily probiotic pill (Nature's Way Primadophilus refrigerated) for years, and I believe this is what prevents any upset stomach or yeast issues."

Augmentin (amoxicillin / clavulanate) "I took this for my urinary tract infection, and although it cleared that up, one of the side effects of this medicine was diarrhea and thrush. I got both, but the thrush was the worst. I had to stop the course of antibiotics before I should have because of the severity of my thrush, which I also passed on to my partner, oh joy. I stopped taking it now 4 days ago and I still have a mild dose of thrush even though I have taken 2 Canestan tablets and now a pessary... fingers crossed this should be the end of it."

"I had prostate cancer and a very bad kidney infection for over 4 years. The doctor had prescribed many different medications, but nothing worked for over 4 years. He finally prescribed Amoxicillin and Clavulanate. Within 6 hours, 99% of the burning had disappeared, and I could finally sleep more than 1 hour at a time. Great medicine for me."

"My husband is taking this to treat his kidney infection from a 10 mm kidney stone, also a UTI and high temperature. *Its been a fantastic medication for him. * Took his fever away. instantly * Treated UTI * Treated infection. All of them * Recommended This medication acting saved him when the Hospital sent him home with a extremely high temperature of 102.7 - 104.3. He was badly dehydrated fighting a kidney infection and a UTI and trying to pass a 10 millimeter kidney stone. His urologist said he should have been admitted and treated immediately and not sent home with a fever. If it wasn't for the antibiotics, he probably would have died or went into septic shock. His surgery is Monday for stone removal laser surgery."

"This amoxicillin with clavulanate medication is amazing, works every time I take a course and it usually starts working within the first 2 hours of taking it. Instantly it takes away the burning and horrid feeling of UTI, absolutely amazing drug and my go to every time I feel a UTI coming on. You MUST eat food with it as it can really churn your stomach otherwise I cannot fault it 10/10..."

Augmentin ES-600 (amoxicillin / clavulanate) "I am currently on day 5 of a 10 day course of augmentin Es 600 5ml 2x a day for a high count e coli UTI. This is my 3rd antibiotic for this. It's working. Killing the bacteria. I am having yeast like issue even though I'm on 3 probiotics a day and loose stool. I also have bad muscle soreness and pain if I do the slightest activity. I will update after I finish the course but wanted to aware of these strong side effects."

"Should of paid attention more to the bad reviews about this drug instead of taking a chance on the good reviews. Took 1 pill of the 825mg-125 and ended up in the ER last night. SEVERE abdominal pain, diarrhea and vomiting bile. I vomited bile all the way to the ER in the ambulance. Had a full work up. CT scan, the works. I will never ever take this medication again. Super strong, I followed the directions and took it with enough food. I am now home from the hospital now and my stomach is still paying for it. This one pill destroyed me. I can't imagine what it did to people who took more or the full course."

"I’ve been suffering from UTI’s since I was 17 years and began being prescribed Augumentin about 20 years ago, it’s my miracle drug, knocks the UTI straight on the head. I have had a few Pneumonia infections in my life as well and Augumentin always clears them up very quickly. I have been caught out a few times of taking a pill not with food and boy ohh boy does it churn up the old stomach, if I take it with food and no issues. I never get any side effects from this drug maybe the odd headache or two, usually I wasn't drinking enough water, also a lot of people say it causes fatigue WELL wouldn’t you break the fatigue down to being run down by and actual infection so your body is tired anyways each time their own but this deserves a 10 out of 10 great drug..."

Augmentin (amoxicillin / clavulanate) "I was given Augmentin to take after I Got an ear infection in the left ear but also had a perferated ear drum on the right. I went to the drs after a week and not only had the infection started to heal I now had an infection in both ears. He prescribed me more and seemed stumped as to why i was not improving. Its now been 2 weeks and I have suffered diarrhea and have been dealing with thrush for the past 3 days. On top of this I am constantly in a massive state of confusion and my skin is dry and red, my pill have ceased to work. I have stopped taking them and am seeing the dr tomorrow. Not only did the antibiotics not help my original problem now i have a whole list of other issues i need to fix."

"A lot of people have provided reviews that seem quite concerning. However, for a bladder infection amox/clav works wonders after the first day. Suggestions include but are not limited to: 1) drink a lot of distilled water 2) drink cranberry juice 3) incude a little apple cider vinegar 4) stay away from processed sugars 5) use flushable unscented wipes 6) bath in warm water and epsom salt"

"Third times a charm: I am a 57 year ole woman. I have been prescribed this amoxicillin/clavulanate combo medication twice and had to quit taking it because it made me so ill. This time, I read the drug interactions and made sure I didn’t take any of those drugs with this, and took my pharmacist’s suggestions to take this medication 30 minutes after eating something substantial. That worked! I have taken it for two full days (four doses), and I have had no side effects at all. I’m so thankful!"

"After being treated for a UTI..the first 3 days of taking this drug I started getting unbearable stomach cramping in my lower abdomen ..also feeling vacant minded this morning ..so for me 5 days in I've decided to stop taking the tablets as I cannot cope with the stomach pain it's causing me .."

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  • Drug class: beta-lactamase inhibitors
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Amoxicillin and Clavulanate drug information
  • Amoxicillin and clavulanate potassium
  • Amoxicillin/Clavulanate Chewable Tablets
  • Amoxicillin/Clavulanate Extended-Release Tablets
  • Amoxicillin/Clavulanate Tablets
  • Amoxicillin/Clavulanate Suspension

Other brands

Augmentin, Augmentin ES-600, Amoclan, Augmentin XR

Professional resources

  • Amoxicillin/Clavulanate monograph
  • Amoxicillin and Clavulanate Chewable (FDA)
  • Amoxicillin and Clavulanate ER Tablets (FDA)
  • Amoxicillin and Clavulanate Oral Suspension (FDA)
  • Amoxicillin and Clavulanate Tablets (FDA)

Other brands

Augmentin, Augmentin ES-600, Amoclan, Augmentin XR

Related treatment guides

  • Bacterial Infection
  • Bronchitis
  • Aspiration Pneumonia
  • Bronchiectasis