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Generic Name: Amoxicillin for Tonsillitis/Pharyngitis (amoxicillin)

Amoxicillin for Tonsillitis/Pharyngitis Reviews

"Amoxicillin 500 mg every 8 hours makes my strep throat gone. Today is the 3rd day of my medication, and I feel so normal. I felt a little bit of dizziness because of the side effect of the med, but it's normal. Thank you!"

"I was prescribed Amoxil after a nasty bacterial infection in my tonsils. I had tried the Z-Pak in the past, but it gave me bad side effects, so we switched to the amoxicillin. It started working within 24 hours for me. I had experienced slight diarrhea in the past with this antibiotic, but my doctor gave me Align Probiotic Supplements to replace the good bacteria that antibiotics tend to destroy along with the bad bacteria, which is what causes the gut problems. Worked amazing! No diarrhea! The amoxicillin does make me feel a bit sleepy. I napped a lot the first few days. Also, the 10-day dosage is a lot to remember, but hey, it worked great, and I am much better now."

"It's great for sore throats. I get a throat infection (severe infection to a point I can't swallow) every time I get a fever, and this medicine is great because it clears my severe throat infection in 3 days or less."

"I was prescribed amoxicillin 1000 mg tablets to be taken twice daily after meals for acute pharyngitis in my throat. The infection started out on my tonsils and I was initially prescribed a betadine spray. Used the spray every four hours for two weeks with no real effect. Went back to the ENT and was told the infection had moved further down my throat. I’m on my fifth day of a ten day dose of amoxicillin and it’s feeling better finally. I should also mention that I had 35 radiation doses and two chemo infusions a few months ago for base of tongue cancer. The cancer is in remission but my throat is still damaged but slowly healing from the radiation. The ENT doc mentioned that I was more susceptible to infections due to the radiation treatment. I get my throat scoped by an ENT doc every 30 days to monitor healing and make sure the cancer isn’t returning."

"Noticed sore throat after I awoke Saturday, looked in the mirror, saw a white streak on the left side of my throat. Had a low-grade fever. Took a nap, and my bed was drenched in sweat. I awoke to chills, and my entire body ached, and my throat felt like it was burning as if I had eaten a habanero. Went to Urgent Care as soon as they opened up on Sunday. Got diagnosed with strep at Urgent Care. Dr. prescribed me Amoxicillin 500 mg every 8-12 hours. Took my first dose Sunday at 3 PM, then slept, still felt horrible body aches and throat pain. Took the 2nd dose Monday morning at 3 AM. I feel 85% better 2 hours after. Body aches and throat pain are minimal now. I will continue to eat 1 oz. organic raw sauerkraut for the benefits of its pre and probiotic effects every 4 hours after dosing the Amoxicillin to keep Candida at bay as well as to quickly restore my good gut bacteria. So far, zero side effects from the antibiotic. Amoxicillin always works for me (I get strep once a year) as long as I do the sauerkraut with it."

"I have had tonsillitis twice this year, used this drug amoxicillin, my course was 10 days 1.5gm per day, took 4 days to be back to normal, but my doctor said I have to complete my course anyways even if the symptoms were gone.. great drug"

"I've been sick for a week. It started out with headache, throat pain, chills and over all just feeling exhausted. I had rapid strep and culture, both appearing negative. This is 7 days later, no change in symptoms and this morning I woke up with little pus pockets in my throat. I've been taking Alkaseltzer for 7 days and the instructions state to see an MD if taken longer than 1 week, so I went to urgent care and was prescribed Amoxicillin. I took 2 Amoxicillin four hours ago and already feel 90% better! I haven't taken antibiotics for many years. I am grateful to be feeling better so quickly~!"

"Normally the drug of choice for tonsillitis. I have had chronic tonsillitis for a few years, and each time only this antibiotic can help. The symptom relief comes relatively slowly (after 2-3 days) compared to just 1 day after taking macrolide antibiotics (Clarithromycin, Spiramycin, Azithromycin, etc.). But in my case, treatment with amoxicillin prolongs the time to the next outbreak significantly."

"Had symptoms such as swollen gland on my neck, sore throat. Doctor prescribed amoxicillin 500mg (to be taken every 8 hrs) Got so much better after three days, after taking amoxicillin! But do keep in mind, if you have any symptoms such as rashes, stomach upset or nausea, stop taking amoxicillin because you might be allergic to this antibiotic."

"I am 3 days into taking penicillin for my tonsillitis, the sore throat was gone after a day or so. But now I feel very tired, and caught cold, I feel like my immune system is weaker due to the good bacterias also getting attacked. Thanks to your comments now I can take probiotic supplements with it -(just at a separate time from the antibiotics)."

"I suffered with tonsillitis for 5 days because I was too scared to take this medicine! I regret so badly not taking it sooner. I always have super bad side effects with antibiotics so I was scared, but thankfully I drank a lot of water and ate yogurt with probiotics and I am good. I have noticed it does make me tired and I do feel like the infection is coming out! My body feels a little clammy, almost like when a fever breaks! I took my first dose at 1 pm today and my second at 1 am and I am already feeling better! When I tell you this is the worst pain I've been in, I'm serious! I had lots of pus pockets in my throat, fever, headache, head pain, and my ears hurt. My lymph nodes are swollen. This medicine saved me."

"Went in to see the doctor for symptoms of bad swollen red tonsils and cringed everytime I swollowed, they gave me 1 dose there and within a few hours my throat was already starting to get better. I am relieved now, nobody wants to deal with this, especially on Christmas!"

"Was given the amoxicillin 875mg to take twice daily. It’s my second day and my throat isn’t feeling any better. No diarrhea just super exhausted. I hope to see results within the next day or so. Would hate to go back to the ER."

"My daughter was given this by her pediatrician for strep and tonsillitis. It's day three and she still coughs at night and the marbling on her tonsils are still not gone or the swelling. Most of the redness is gone but the bumps in back of throat are still there too."

"I took this medicine and had all the severe reactions listed. I found the Medication was a little slow at working as normally it is around 2-3 days before you feel better on most and I took the course for 5 days before having to give up because of the side effects and allergy to the medicines."

"Was taking amoxicillin 875 mg twice a day tablets had Excessive tiredness,Chest pain and Upset stomach. first pill ever that made me so sleepy ever day, I'm 18 so it might work different for other people."

"Strep was diagnosed at the 3rd day, and 1st dose of Amoxicillin cleared all the pus. Also had a steroid shot for swelling, but 1 Amox pill and I was 75% back to normal. I never take antibiotics EVER, so I think that really helped the drug kick ultimate germ ass."

"I took Amoxicillin for my strep throat (10 day supply) but then came back 3 days after my last dosage. I went back to the urgent care and then they prescribed a ZPac to me instead so the Amoxicillin didn't work for me. The doctor mentioned that it might not have worked because I have really large tonsils."

"It helped cure my throat infection. I think it was tonsillitis because I have big tonsils and I get throat infections. It worked well, no side effects except for itchy private parts. I took it for 10 days, twice a day."

"I went to bed Monday night (I’m writing this Wednesday) at midnight and was rudely awakened at 4am with my throat on fire. I suffered all day until I left work early at 4pm and headed over to urgent care. A rapid strep A test was ordered and just as suspected came back positive. I was prescribed Amoxicillin 875mg, 1 pill twice daily for 10 days. I immediately took 2 pills when I got home and woke up this morning feeling much better already. My tonsils are still very swollen but I feel no pain which was the worst part. I slept so good too!"

"amoxicillin caused me to start having panic attacks again on top of that it give me diarrhea. Please stay away from this type of medication. I wish I could go back and never have taking this medication."

"My 9 year old took this medicine for tonsilitis, she developed the rash after 5 days. It was the worst and still continues. It has been 3 days since not taking the meds and the rash is still there but at least we now see signs of it going away. I heard the rash develops because it take too much good bacteria out of your system, so I gave her a probiotic smoothie in the morning and also yogurt with fruit. Strawberries, mangoes and oranges are really good. I also put lavender, rose and blue tansy essential oils on her chest, top of feet and 3rd eye - not a rub just a spot. They are really good for calming. I also made her drink tons of water to flush it out of her system. This was the most difficult experience, I wish there were better antibiotics out there or that I knew beforehand what this drug could do."

"I took Amoxicillin for 2 days, twice a day 1 in the morning and 1 in the evening. It definitely healed my tonsils but it showed other side effects, I stopped taking the medicine after realizing that I'm showing rashes its like this little red raised dots on my hands a few at the back of my hands and a few at the soles of my feet. I hope this wears out soon though. I would recommend amoxicillin but after showing the side effects, it's a negative"

"Took amoxicillin previously and it worked. This time was awful 4 days no relief high fever pus filled tonsils. Went to the hospital was given steroids and Augmentin 875 and feeling slightly better. Some doctors do not realize every drug will not work for every person."

"I had tonsillitis And was prescribed amoxicillin worked almost immediately After I took the first 5 doses throat was cleared up after 2-3 days"

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  • Drug class: aminopenicillins
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Patient resources

  • Amoxicillin drug information
  • Amoxicillin Capsules and Tablets
  • Amoxicillin Chewable Tablets
  • Amoxicillin Extended-Release Tablets
  • Amoxicillin Suspension

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Professional resources

  • Amoxicillin monograph
  • Amoxicillin (FDA)
  • Amoxicillin Capsules (FDA)
  • Amoxicillin Chewable (FDA)
  • Amoxicillin Extended Release Tablets (FDA)

Other brands

Amoxil, Moxatag

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  • Bacterial Infection
  • Bacterial Endocarditis Prevention
  • Anthrax Prophylaxis
  • Actinomycosis