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Generic Name: Ashlyna (ethinyl-estradiol-levonorgestrel)

Ashlyna Reviews

For Birth Control "I’ve been on this pill for almost 2 years now , I love it ! I used to get very BAD , HORRIBLE period & I couldn’t stand it at all . I need something that wouldn’t give me my period or gave it to me every 3 months! So I got on Ashlyna! I haven’t gotten my period in 2 YEARS! Yayyyy!!!! Haha but don’t let people scare you , this pill works AMAZING!!! If you have Heavy painful periods I Would GET ON THIS PILL ASAP! ❤️ I hope this helped you girllyssss out"

For Birth Control "I've been on Ashlyna for 2 years. You have to give it 6 months for the break through bleeding to stop and for your hormones to level out, that's with ANY birth control. I still am currently on it and enjoy it very much. I skip the placebo pills so I don't have a period"

For Birth Control "This works WONDERS! I have extremely heavy periods and every birth control I took did barely anything, I would constantly spot. So my doctor put me on Ashlyna and I haven’t had my period since!!!! It’s AMAZING! To all the people who say this pill is “horrible” it’s just not meant for your body."

For Birth Control "Last week I finished my first pack of Ashlyna, and am now on my second. Don’t let these reviews scare you, I let them get to me and it made me so nervous to start this pill three months ago. Keep in mind most people write reviews when they have a bad experience... yes, there were side effects at first, I had bad mood swings, and nausea, dizziness, light spotting and breakouts during the first couple weeks but that’s just the body adjusting to the new medication. I talked to my doctor and she said to try and finish out the pack. I’m so glad I did because when I started the second month all those side effects pretty much disappeared and I didn’t see a period until I was got to the sugar pills. If you just started this pill or are about to start try giving it a few weeks for your body to adjust, don’t give up on it right away!"

For Birth Control "I’m reading the comments and everyone body is different. I highly recommend. I was on Tri Cylen before it made me super depressed I could never gain any weight then my doctor switched me to Lo Seasonique. Everything went fine with that BC then my pharmacist/ insurance changed it to Ashylna. I gained the healthy weight I needed. No breakthroughs bleeding unless I skip multiple pills. No depression but slight mood swings, but hey we’re girls, that happens every once in awhile. Don’t let this comment discourage you. Try it for yourself! I LOVE THIS BC!"

For Birth Control "I loved this birth control. I was on it for over 10 years. It never made me sick like the others and scheduling my periods were the best. I was in the military and it was convenient not to have a period while I was deployed overseas. No side effects and no weight gain."

For Birth Control "I’m surprised how varied everyone’s comments are on here about Ashlyna. I truly think that birth control can affect everyone differently. This pill has been life-changing for me. I have an occupation where it is really inconvenient and I have limited time to change my tampon, and also period cramps, even minor would affect my job performance and attendance. After taking this BC my boobs are now enormous. I’ve been taking it for four months. I had light spotting for a few weeks when I missed a pill but now I don’t bleed at all and I skip the placebo so I don’t get a period at all which is amazing. My first month or so I felt a little nauseous, my boobs were sore, and I was moodier. All of that has gone away and my only side effect is that my libido is a lot lower."

For Birth Control "I am on my last week of the pills. It’s a 13 week supply, with the 13th week being estrogen-only pills. I was expecting my cycle to pop up but with only 2 estrogen-only pills left, I’ve only experienced slight cramping, no bleeding. The past few months I haven’t had any bleeding, spotting, cramping at all. I started the pills to delay my period because it was so unbearable. My doctor said with these, I’d get 4 periods a year. I can live with that. As of now, still no period and I can’t say I miss them at all. These pills work absolutely great for me."

For Birth Control "ashlyna was my first experience with birth control and I was looking forward to having my period every 3 months. The first 2 months on the pill, everything was great! Some mood swings but no spotting, maintained my weight and no change in skin quality. but about 2/3 into the pack. I started spotting daily. Along with the several weeks of spotting, my sex drive decreased drastically. during the placebo week, my period was relatively normal and lasted 3-4 days. When I started my second pack it was similar to the first where I was completely fine for about 1.5 months, then the spotting started again. However after 2 weeks of spotting, I began to bleed heavily to the point where I would fill pads/tampons within a few hours. I also passed blood clots every day. Obviously this was concerning and I made and appointment to see my doctor ASAP! That will be in the next week or two. I have never stopped taking the pill and have been on schedule every day for the past 6 months."

For Birth Control "To all those saying that this pill shouldn't exist, please remind yourself that everyone's body is different. A bad experience for you implies nothing about how another woman is affected by this pill. I have mild PCOS but have always had regular periods. But I have an outdoors-y job, and it's just not fun to be dealing with tampons while squatting behind a tree. Between that and pesky acne from the PCOS, I went on continuous birth control. Never get a period and that's how I like it. I've been shuffled between generics - Camrese/Daysee/Ashlyna - they all do what I need in terms of no bleeding and reduced acne/greasy skin. No side effects in terms of weight/mood/anything else. What makes me angry? The very annoying Ashlyna packaging. I have to mangle this stupid thing to have any hope of getting a pill out, then have to dig it out with my nail while hoping that no other days open accidentally. Complaints to the company (Glenmark) result in absolutely nothing. Argh."

For Birth Control "I tried Ashlyna as my first ever birth control, to stop my oh so frequent and annoying periods and to just have more control over my body. The first 6 weeks on this pill went pretty well besides some nausea. However, once I hit around the end of the 6th week the break through bleeding began and hasn’t stopped since (I’m now almost three weeks away from finishing the pack). It really sucks because I feel more out of control of my body than ever before. A lot of women in the reviews talk about a lack of sex drive but for me mine never went away which I wish it did because the break through bleeding makes it virtually impossible for me to have sex. All in all this birth control has really put a downer on my overall life and I’ve never been more exhausted and annoyed. I’ve been bleeding everyday for almost 5 weeks and I can’t wait to get off this pill."

For Birth Control "I have been on this for like 3 days so I have no feedback as to how it actually works, BUT the packaging in which it comes in is freaking terrible. Every time I try to pop a pill out, the packaging rips. I'm purely leaving this review in the hopes that someone at Glenmark sees it and does something about it. Seriously. It is virtually non-functional."

For Birth Control "Ashlyna is a great birth control! Before I was on it I would get incredibly sick on my periods and I could not do anything. I have been on this birth control for 9 years now and it is amazing! I only have my period once every three months and I never have spotting in between. I love it and would recommend to anyone!"

For Birth Control "I’ve got to say I read these reviews and was scared to death to try this birth control. My doctor prescribed it to me as my first birth control pill to try. I’m sure happy she did! I’ve had no side effects from this pill and have been using it perfectly. My long term boyfriend has ejaculated a couple times in me since I’ve been on this pill for a couple months. (Although I only let him since we are both clean and have been together for almost 3 years). It works great as a pregnancy protector and to get rid of awful side effects from your period. The side effects I used to have from my period were terrible anal pains. That did not help since I also have IBS. This pill has helped me so much! I’m very thankful it works well with me."

For Birth Control "I've been on this 13 week birth control for 2 years now and have had no issues. My first pack did come with some irregular spotting, however after my second pack the spotting disappeared, and I have a regular period every 13 weeks as expected. I've gone through 3 other varieties of birth control that left me spotting no matter how long I took them, but this birth control actually works for me. I have very painful cramps and a heavy flow, but it has reduced the mere 4 periods that I do have a year to very light and painless ones. Only downside is my insurance doesn't cover it and it's crazy expensive, but I'm at least happy it exists at all."

For Birth Control "Ashlyna was prescribed to me by my GYN for the treatment of PCOS. I took it about a week and felt okay before I started feeling faint, shaky, fatigue, rapid heart rate, intense anxiety, and panic attacks. It has been a month now of me trying to control the anxiety this birth control has caused me. I haven't been able to go to work or drive. I really do not recommend this medicine."

For Birth Control "I've been on this birth control for about two years now and it's honestly the best I've had. I haven't gained weight from it and I only have a 3 day period every 3 months now. Before I experienced extremely heavy and painful periods. I highly recommend this medication."

For Birth Control "My doctor put me on Ashlyna to try and help my periods. The first 3 weeks was fine. Week 4 hit and I started bleeding like a period (not breakthrough bleeding) along with having horrible mood swings, dizziness every now and then, cramps and hot flashes and from time to time passing big blood clots. After 2 weeks of this, I started to get concerned because I have never had this reaction to birth control before so I called my doctor, she said to ride it out because all those were side effects of Ashlyna and it will eventually stop. I did my best to ride it out but at I felt absolutely horrible. I didn't feel like myself. So I called my doctor back and told her she needs to give me something else because my body is having a hard time adjusting to this pill. So I finished my pill pack and she switched me to a different Sprintec. After a few weeks on the new one I started to feel better. I had a 28 day period on Ashlyna. Everyone is different but for me, I will never use Ashlyna again."

For Birth Control "I have been on this type of birth control for years now, but this brand is one that I have asked my pharmacy not to give me again. For some reason, they recently started carrying this generic rather than the Amethia that I have been taking for several years. The packaging is awful! It doesn't stay closed, and getting the pills out of the blister packs is difficult."

For Birth Control "Struggling with anemia and extremely heavy and uncontrollable periods, Ashlyna has been my go to for birth control. I've tried so many things that would not cooperate with my body or menstrual cycle. I think it's important to understand all medications impact everyone differently and sometimes it's not good to search for reviews because it will make you bias against the product. I've been on Ashlyna for about 5 years and I have never been happier. It has changed my life. Medications treat all of us differently. I was shocked to see so many negative reviews! If I would have before, I would have ended up switching to a different one. I'm glad I didn't! All you need is some patience."

For Birth Control "I currently have Nexplanon implanted and when I got it in, I had a light periods for 4 months straight. Since I only went on birth control to stop my hellish periods, this wasn't ideal. My doctor put me on a normal pill birth control (3 weeks of the pill, 1 week placebo). During the placebo week, my horrid periods were back so I told my doctor and that's when she prescribed me Ashlyna. I've been taking it for a month so far and everything has gone great. I've actually somehow managed to lose weight, there hasn't been any bleeding at all, and my mood seems to have improved (I used to get depressed during my period). Everyone responds different to medications but I would recommend Ashlyna."

For Birth Control "So far I have been feeling good in this pill. It’s the very first form of birth control I have ever taken. I haven’t had no spotting or bad side effects. The only thing that bothered me were that my breast were really tender/sore for quite a few days but that went away. I’ve only taken it for 3 months and I’m about to start the yellow pills. I don’t know how my period will be but if I can edit this review I’ll keep y’all posted."

For Birth Control "I use to get extreme cramps and I would get super nauseous while on my period. And they would be heavy and super irregular. So I got on birth to get my period to be regular. I love only getting my period 4 times a year. I haven’t had any crazy side affects like weight gain. I do get mild mood swings but I don’t think it’s because of the BC. I high recommend this BC."

For Birth Control "Horrible horrible birth control!! I took this to reduce my periods. I spotted the entire second month and then had the worst period of my life that lasted so it was weeks. I ended up in the ER with anemia from all the blood loss. I would not recommend this birth control."

For Birth Control "This pill made my period pains much better, instead of getting them once a month I only got them once every three months. The cramps were only bad the first two days of my period but the bleeding wasn't as heavy and my period didn't last as long as it did when I was off the pill. I only had a few headaches at the beginning of the pack and when I was on the yellow pills but other than that it was good."

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