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Generic Name: Avsola (infliximab)

Avsola Reviews

For Crohn's Disease "Diagnosed 20 years ago with Crohn's. Took Remicade until last year when I was forced to switch to Inflectra, then forced to switch to Avsola. I have no side effects and it is working excellent for me. Very happy so far."

For Psoriatic Arthritis "Doesn’t work. Now suffering in a flare due to the greedy company. Only did a small test group of on RA folks. No data for PsA but because it’s a few hundred cheaper my insurance decided after years of remicaide I must switch."

For Rheumatoid Arthritis "I was diagnosed with Seronegative Rheumatoid Arthritis after about two years. I started the Avsola infusions after Methotrexate had no effect, and within a few days, there was a huge reduction in swelling and pain. I am still in the initial phasing-in period, having had only two infusions. After the first infusion, the pain and swelling started coming back a few days before the next infusion. A second infusion and the swelling and pain were gone. My next infusion is only 2 days away, and I am starting to notice only very minimal pain/swelling. The doctor says that should end once I've been on infusions for at least 3 months. The infusions are painless and much more convenient than giving myself shots every two weeks. I take a book to read and actually enjoy the quiet, relaxing time. I am on Medicare, and other medications have put me in the donut hole. I could not afford the cost of any of them, but the infusions are covered by Medicare Part B."

For Crohn's Disease "I was diagnosed with Crohn's the last week of 2022 after spending the year with frequent, urgent visits to the toilet. After the first starter dose, I woke up the next morning feeling 100% better. It is like someone turned the clock back 10-15 years. Thank you Avsola."

For Ankylosing Spondylitis "I started my first infusion with Avsola on September 30th, 2021. I have had nothing but side effects since then. I had dizziness, nausea and a headache the day after. Along with heat flashes. Nothing really after that except on October 10th I broke out into hives all over my body and had to go the ER. They gave me a steriod, pepicid and sent me home. By the morning they were gone. On October 12th I was having a dry cough and some wheezing. I was concerned so I saw my primary dr. She ran an EKG and it was abnormal. Another trip to the ER. The cardiologist reviewed and said there were no concern but to follow up in his office for a work up. October 13th I was woken up by a severe pain in my chest that radiated to my back. I got up walked around to see if it would go away. It did but before I got up I noticed I couldn't move my right arm because my shoulder was in severe pain. My jaw felt like I had been grinding my teeth all night. I could barely close my right hand. So I would not do it"

For Psoriatic Arthritis "Forced to switch to Avsola by insurance provider. I was getting relief from the previous drug. This definitely does not work as well. Arthritis pain returned, though much milder than unmedicated. Psoriasis broke out on the skin, though not nearly as bad as before the infusions. This works for me, just not as well as the alternative. Experienced very little to no side effects."

For Psoriatic Arthritis "I suffer from inflammatory arthritis of the SI joints and spine that is painful and debilitating. It prevented me from moving normally or performing normal daily functions. Avsola resolved all that quickly, but it has been a trade-off because the side effects can often be just as debilitating. Usually for the first two weeks, I suffer from near migraine-strength headaches, exhaustion, skin flushing, loss of appetite, nausea, and difficulty maintaining a normal sleep cycle. I then have a period of about 4 weeks where I feel better but I'm still tired and weak. During week 6, the drug starts to lose efficacy and by the 7th week when I am scheduled to have my next infusion, my symptoms have started to return. Avsola prevents permanent damage to my spine and body from my autoimmune disease. Still, the side effects can be as problematic as the disease, so my quality of life has stayed the same. I can tolerate the side effects knowing the damage has stopped."

For Rheumatoid Arthritis "More energy, reduced pain (minimal), less swelling."

For Crohn's Disease "Terrible side effects. I experienced very rough psoriasis, intense dental infection issues, headaches, nausea, and severe eye dryness."

More about Avsola (infliximab)

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  • Drug images
  • Side effects
  • Dosage information
  • During pregnancy
  • FDA approval history
  • Drug class: TNF alfa inhibitors
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Avsola drug information
  • AVSOLA (Infliximab Intravenous) (Advanced Reading)
  • AVSOLA (Infliximab-axxq Intravenous) (Advanced Reading)

Other brands

Remicade, Inflectra, Renflexis, Zymfentra, Ixifi

Professional resources

  • Avsola prescribing information
  • Infliximab (AHFS Monograph)

Other brands

Remicade, Inflectra, Renflexis, Zymfentra

Related treatment guides

  • Inflammatory Bowel Disease
  • Crohn's Disease, Active
  • Ankylosing Spondylitis
  • Crohn's Disease