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Generic Name: Azithromycin for Pneumonia (azithromycin)

Azithromycin for Pneumonia Reviews

"I was prescribed azithromycin for a Covid-19 scare. I had pneumonia but a negative Covid-19 test. I was on a 5-day course. I’m someone who never takes medication because I’m scared of all the side effects, and I'm an absolute baby when I feel bad... at all. I took it before bed. I didn’t have many symptoms. I would have to use the bathroom in the middle of the night. The only thing that really bothered me was that it made me extremely cold. The 2 side effects I did experience were gone about 6 hours in. My symptoms from my pneumonia were gone by the second day on the medication. This was the first antibiotic where I was able to finish the full course (although I figured this would be better than having Covid and getting worse). I will also add that I have a heart arrhythmia called SVT. I also have inappropriate sinus tachycardia & POTS. The medication didn’t affect my heart at all. I was very scared of that."

Z-Pak (azithromycin) "Went to the hospital because of fever over a week and pain above my navel. They x-rayed my chest and told me I have double pneumonia and most likely COVID-19. I have finished the entire Z-pack (azithromycin) now and feel worse every day. Doctors ignore my complaints. Diarrhea, fever, dizziness, chills, and the worst pain in my chest I have ever had even when not breathing deeply. However, they still won’t test me for the virus. I don’t have any more meds and my doctor said not to come in for a follow-up because I could get others sick. I am in mandatory quarantine with my family. I hope I don't die."

Azithromycin Dose Pack (azithromycin) "I developed pneumonia after being treated in the hospital for an anaphylactic allergic response. Within a few days, my oxygen was down to 92%. I was almost hospitalized, but begged the doc to let me stay out as it was 5 days until Christmas. I was prescribed a 5-day Z-Pak (Azithromycin). Today is day 3, I'm finally starting to feel better. The only side effects so far have been slightly loose stools and a rapid pulse. (I'm 35 and otherwise healthy.) I find I got stomach pains within an hour of taking it, so today I ate before I took it and that helped."

"I had been fighting a horrible respiratory infection and couldn't go to work or college. After about two weeks, I had to go to the doctor, where they told me I had pneumonia. Having had it before, I expected some antibiotics that you take for over a week and was very skeptical when I got these, considering there wasn't even a week. On day one of taking it, I had some diarrhea and a headache, but when I woke up the next morning, I didn't have those symptoms again. Also, that morning my symptoms from pneumonia had improved dramatically. By day four, the infection was almost all the way gone, besides an occasional cough. I am very glad I tried this drug, it helped me a lot!"

"I had a 3-week sinus infection and flu before developing atypical pneumonia. I was prescribed azithromycin 500 mg on the first day and 250 mg for the next 4 days. I was also prescribed cough syrup that had codeine in it and an inhaler. It's the last day of the antibiotics, and I'm feeling a lot better. The heaviness in my chest is still there, and my shortness of breath is still hanging around, but I can finally breathe without coughing. My doctor wants to see me again in a few days if the shortness of breath doesn't get significantly better. I also have very minor asthma, though, so I'm thinking that's just what's gotten worse. I definitely recommend azithromycin for pneumonia!"

"People, azithromycin not only kills the bad bacteria but also the good bacteria in your gut and intestinal tract, which immediately causes flaming diarrhea! You must get a potent probiotic to take along with the med. The one that works great for me has acidophilus in it. Relieves the problem almost immediately. I don’t know why the HECK doctors don’t mention this!"

"Diagnosed with pneumonia, had no real cough, just very tired and a little short of breath sometimes. I took the first dose, terrified after reading all the stuff in here, but manned up and took it. I started to cough stuff up out of my lungs within a couple of hours. It did cause a rapid heart rate, that kind of freaked me out, but still coughing up and clearing those lungs out. I am hoping to be 100% soon."

"I had to write this review because everyone else's reviews freaked me out so much before taking this antibiotic. I have a very sensitive stomach, and if there is a side effect to a medication, I usually get it. I took this with food, and I had no problems at all. No nausea, no stomach pains, no diarrhea, no hives, nothing. The only reason I didn't give this antibiotic ten stars is that I was hoping to feel better at this point. I just took my last dose, and I definitely feel better, but I still have a ways to go. All in all, I would recommend this antibiotic and do not be so afraid of the other reviews. Take with food, and you will be fine."

"So, I had walking pneumonia for a little while and didn't know. No symptoms. Then I got chest pain, went to the ER, they sent me to the asthma room, and the albuterol treatments (all 3) only made my chest feel tighter. So, they put me on the oxygen and I instantly felt better. They decided to try albuterol again, and I stopped breathing. I was immediately intubated and ended up with a collapsed lung. Found out I had an asthma attack while having pneumonia. I was in the ICU, most of my meds were given intravenously, so I wasn't aware much of what I was given until I was released. The zithromax is great, I feel better already. But even eating, I have burning diarrhea. I'm fine with it. I'd rather survive than complain about poop."

"After what started out as 'hay fever' and quickly escalated into a head cold, then severe lung infection, including shortness of breath and the inability to expel the phlegm, I went to urgent care. They prescribed azithromycin (500 mg followed by 4 doses of 250 mg). It took 3 days before I started to feel relief. I was feeling very skeptical until I got up this morning. With only one more day’s worth of the medicine, I can honestly say I think this stuff is great."

"After feeling lousy for months, I had a very bad pain that made me go to the ER! Because of the pain and location, I was given x-rays and found no broken ribs. There was a "spot" on my lung and I was given an anti-inflammatory along with pain med via IV. Before leaving I was given 500 mg of Azithromycin and 2 days later I feel better than I have in months! Guess I had walking pneumonia and praise the ER dr. for knowing what to prescribe (regular antibiotics and penicillin will not touch this), I was sent home and told to have a repeat x-ray in 4 days! Never had any side effects from this med (guess I was given the child's dosage because of my weight) so that may be why I had no side effects! Needless to say, I have nothing but good things to say about this drug and my drs!"

"Woke on a Monday, with a cough and shortness of breath. Got worse through the week. Went to an urgent care, and after being tested for the flu, they agreed with me that I had pneumonia. Third time I have had it in 15 years (I'm lucky like that). They gave me a shot and put me on 250 mg for 5 days. On day 4, still out of work, with coughing and shortness of breath. Meds tore up my stomach and caused pain towards the right side. Eat some yogurt before taking, helps some. Either I'm worse than I thought, or it's taken this med longer than I expected to get me back on my feet. Also caused some headaches. Good luck to others taking it, and hope it helps you to feel better."

"Unfortunately, although Azithromycin is a very good antibiotic, it is prescribed mostly for viral infections in the acute care setting based on people's symptoms and not on x-rays of the chest. If you have bronchitis which is mostly viral, Azithromycin is not going to do you any good. The color of the phlegm does not correlate with bacterial infections and therefore should not be used as a criteria for prescribing antibiotics. Fever does not mean much initially but after a URI or brochitis for 7-10 days fever is more significant and a bacterial source should be assessed. Sinusitis is not a shoot from the hip diagnosis. There are four pairs of para nasal sinuses and the doctor or PA cannot look inside your head. Do an x-ray or CT. Beware."

"Had pneumonia in February and suffered through it because I knew doctor would not listen, as usual. Survived but retained a cough for 6 months. Finally broke down and saw doctor, who tried to pawn off cough on acid reflux. Went to emergency room a week later and x-rays showed pneumonia never fully left. Was prescribed azithromycin. Like 99% of patients on this, I had diarrhea immediately following. (Don't assume you're just passing gas!) Loose stools the next couple of days and fuzzy head off and on. Cough decreased in frequency if not intensity. Today's the last day. Diarrhea aside, I did feel better while taking it but whether it got rid of pneumonia is another question."

Azithromycin Dose Pack (azithromycin) "Was started on this in the ER at time of diagnosis. After three days and only negligible improvement I returned to the ER. This time I was given an IV of Rocephin and by the end of the day I could see huge improvements. Not sure why they don't culture and match the right drug."

"I was skeptical taking the Z-Pak to aid with Pneumonia as I have taken it for other ailments such as strep throat. Day three I started feeling much better. The side affects are minimal - if at all. I experienced some losoe stools, and nervousness. Other than that the medication is easy to take, and is only taken for five days."

"Today is my last day to be on the pack 250ml pill. I was very skeptic about this, but it seemed to have worked. I was diagnosed by an urgent care Dr. for common cold upper respiratory infection so was prescribed the medication. On my third day I was still congested and it was difficult coughing up phlegm, called an on line medical Dr. and recommended taking MucinexDm or RobutussinDm and it helped. I did get better the day after taking the zpack . Side effects were vomiting on the first day, slight abdominal pain, and slight loss of appetite."

"I developed pneumonia (two areas on each lung) after a very long cold and flu of 7 weeks (No insurance and prefer not to take drugs). Finally went to County Urgent Care and 8.5 hrs, had a diagnosis and prescriptions. Feeling a bit better lung and coughing wise, but today, all day, I have had diarrhea and the resultant pain and burning. Since I have one more day of the Z-pak, I will soldier on and if it continues, then back to urgent care. TO THOSE WHO HAVE EXPERIENCED STOMACH DISCOMFORT, THE INSTRUCTIONS SAY" TAKE WITH FOOD". Hope this helps."

"I started off with very mild pneumonia with few coughs so the Dr gave me a 5 day Z-pack. After starting on this, my pneumonia didn't get any better. In fact it got progressively worse, my fevers higher, and my hot chills more frequent. No appetite and lots of body aches and soreness all over. At the end of finishing the medication, it was difficult to breathe without coughing almost every minute. Maybe this might work for other people, but it definitely didn't settle well with my body."

"I'm 14 and I ALMOST got 'walking pneumonia'. I had all the symptoms, but it was all slowly developing. I'm now taking azithromycin, its my 2nd day. I just get dizzy but not to often. I still have a heavy feeling in my chest, but its slowly going away. I'm sure (or hope) to be better in no time. Thank you antibiotics!"

"So far, not impressed. Just finished my dosing for 5 days, with little discernible difference in my condition (Pneumonia and COVID). If I am generous, I'd say I have improved 10%. Still feels like I have a python wrapped round my chest. Very painful to take even small breaths. Worst part has been the cough. Fever continues to come and go. I have been prescribed this medicine in the past for strep throat, and after one day it was a HUGE improvement. This time around, it does not seem too have much of an impact on my pneumonia. :-("

"Pneumonia. Seems to be working on the infection. Side effects are rough. I have tension headache. Never had it before. Rate headache a 7 of 10. Tylenol won’t touch it. Lethargic. Hard to sleep yet so tired. General feeling that my body is being nuked."

"I have been suffering from systematic Candida since I took this horrible medication over 4 months ago. I had pneumonia and was prescribed this horrible drug. After 5 days I got a UTI, stomach cramps, dehydration, yeast infection and have since been fighting UTI's, yeast infections, oral infections, eye infection and esophageal infection. I highly suggest thinking twice before taking this awful thing."

"I have a lung condition and have had pneumonia 15 times in the past 8_9 years even though this medication kills my apitite and makes me feel sick i can honestly say its my saving grace. I'm alway on Zithromax for 10 days and I take Septra 3 times a week year round."

Azithromycin Dose Pack (azithromycin) "Started 5 day dose pak on 1/17/18 at 8:30 pm. I had been running a fever for 6 days by the 17th. I finished my pack the evening of the 21st. I am still spitting out green every 20 minutes or so when awake, but no fever today. I had diarrhea the first evening only. The last evening dose, I noticed tiny blister like rash about the size of kosher salt on my chest and back. I still have them today the 23rd and am still sick,"

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  • During pregnancy
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  • Drug class: macrolides
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Azithromycin drug information
  • Azithromycin (Intravenous) (Advanced Reading)
  • Azithromycin Tablets
  • Azithromycin Extended-Release Oral Suspension
  • Azithromycin Injection

Other brands

Zithromax, Azithromycin Dose Pack, Zmax

Professional resources

  • Azithromycin monograph
  • Azithromycin Dihydrate (FDA)
  • Azithromycin Injection (FDA)
  • Azithromycin Oral Suspension (FDA)
  • Azithromycin Tablets (FDA)

Other brands

Zithromax, Zmax

Related treatment guides

  • Bacterial Infection
  • Babesiosis
  • Bacterial Endocarditis Prevention
  • Bartonellosis