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Generic Name: Bactroban (mupirocin-topical)

Bactroban Reviews

For Skin and Structure Infection "As a correctional nurse specializing in wound care, I have found that this heals abscesses and 'spider bites' with amazing speed. Noticeable healing within 24 hours. Wish it were available OTC, it would be a staple in my medicine cabinet."

For Skin and Structure Infection "As per procedure, before a hospital stay for a knee replacement, I had to have my nose swabbed. Prior to this, I had a scab in my nose that hurt, so I had been using Bactroban on it. When I went for my surgery, everyone was gowning up before they came into my room because apparently, my nose swab results came back positive for MRSA, and Bactroban was detected as well. I was told Bactroban was the right medicine to use for the infection, and actually by the time of my surgery my nose was already healed."

For Skin and Structure Infection "I was first given this product while traveling in the Philippines. The pharmacist recommended Bactroban to treat a mild skin infection on my foot which I got from wearing flip flops too long in wet, sandy conditions. The area cleared up in less than two days. It has been in my medicine cabinet ever since."

For Skin and Structure Infection "This medication is a miracle drug. My 4-year-old daughter had a rash that nothing could cure. Then, 2 days after using this cream, I saw an amazing difference. She has extremely dry skin in the winter, which she scratches to the point of bleeding sometimes, but not anymore. At the first sign of dry/irritated skin, I apply this cream and it works like magic. I also used it on a rash I developed on my legs, and the same thing happened. The itching stops almost immediately. This cream is a staple in our medicine cabinet."

For Skin and Structure Infection "I had a heat rash in my groin, and it was red and very irritating. I used a small amount of the ointment twice a day after showering. Within 24 hours, the irritation was bearable, within 48 hours, the irritation had stopped, and within 72 hours, the redness had faded. I still have dull red marks where the skin was damaged, but the rash has totally gone. This is a fantastic product for heat rash, and also, if you have an insect bite, it stops the itching within 2 minutes. Can be bought over the counter in most Asian countries. Cost here in the Philippines is 299 pesos or around $7. Bargain!"

For Skin and Structure Infection "I've used this for years with nasal sores and skin sores. Usually after 2 to 3 days the infection clears up. Very helpful medication. There may be slight nasal burning that may last for a minute or two."

For Skin and Structure Infection "Was first given this for a skin infection on the face that began on the younger daughter, 12, then spread to the mother and older daughter. It was like acne that would not heal and would scab and spread. Worked well."

For Nasal Carriage of Staphylococcus aureus "After several uses of this effective medication, I started having a sense of dizziness, shortness of breath, and shaking. Now, if I use it just once, I have an occurrence of the same symptoms. I think I have an allergy to Bactroban, which gets worse every time I use it."

For Skin and Structure Infection "Using this on a 5-year-old's impetigo. She has a nasty lesion on the web of skin between her index and third finger. Nothing was helping it, but within one application of this stuff, I saw a difference. I'm grateful to whoever discovered this product."

For Skin and Structure Infection "My doctor told me to use it on my ears as I was getting yellow and red bumps that were painful to the touch. This stuff really works. My ears cleared up in about 4 to 5 days. The only side effect I had was it felt like my ears were getting a little warm for about 5 minutes, but that soon went away."

For Skin and Structure Infection "I was prescribed this cream for an infected hair follicle near my groin. The cream was used in conjunction with an oral antibiotic and worked well after just two days , however , the area in which the cream was used became intensely itchy to the point of waking me from my sleep . I ceased its usage and completed the internal antibiotic ."

For Nasal Carriage of Staphylococcus aureus "I'm suffering from severe tendonitis/arthralgia or bursitis that is excruciating, to the point of absolute tears, when I awaken. It takes all I have to endure the sharp, searing pains that race through my shoulders, elbows, back (lower and upper and I am still recovering from back surgery/instrumentation), my legs and feet, my hips. I can honestly say I am experiencing pain on level "12" on 0-ten scale. I would not wish this on my worst enemy. It takes me a half hour to get out of bed. By about two hours, my pain medicines from my back pain (intractable) take effect and I am able to hobble. Throughout the day, I gain a little more mobility. I watch the symptoms move about my body; not diminishing, only moving. At night, it starts again."

For Skin and Structure Infection "As in any tropical country , shoes are a not a comfortable item to wear. The down side of that is your feet are exposed for knocks and scrapes. I have been using an Iodine type product in the past , My doctor in Australia prescribed Bactroban as cream for my condition...It has twice the recovery healing times as iodine , Would recommend it for your first aid pack."

For Skin and Structure Infection "This cream is causing stinging and burning."

For Nasal Carriage of Staphylococcus aureus "I was prescribed topical ointment for my nostrils for an upcoming surgery. I've encountered a headache ever since I started using it. My surgeon prescribed it for an upcoming surgery."

For Skin and Structure Infection "Love this medicine. I got impetigo a few years back. A few days of applying this and it was completely gone. Works great for acne, too. Something I always keep in my medicine cabinet."

For Skin and Structure Infection "Got this cream to stop recurring boils on my upper leg and elbow, applied it within 48 hrs. The infection was healing! Magic stuff, wow!"

For Skin and Structure Infection "After 3 days infection is not getting better."

"I used this cream when I was younger on everything: cuts, burns, and even acne; and it worked like a charm. I haven't used it in about 8 years, but if it works the same, it's a miracle cream."

For Skin and Structure Infection "Give me hives and blister on the skin and itchy."

For Skin and Structure Infection "It's great for skin allergies, but it's super itchy to the point that I can't sleep properly."

More about Bactroban (mupirocin topical)

  • Compare alternatives
  • Side effects
  • Dosage information
  • During pregnancy
  • Support group
  • Drug class: topical antibiotics
  • Breastfeeding

Patient resources

  • Bactroban drug information
  • Bactroban (Mupirocin Nasal) (Advanced Reading)

Other brands

Bactroban Nasal, Centany, Centany AT, Centany AT Kit

Professional resources

  • Bactroban Cream prescribing information
  • Bactroban Ointment (FDA)
  • Mupirocin (AHFS Monograph)

Other brands

Bactroban Nasal, Centany, Centany AT, Pirnuo

Related treatment guides

  • Nasal Carriage of Staphylococcus aureus
  • Skin and Structure Infection
  • Secondary Cutaneous Bacterial Infections
  • Impetigo