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Generic Name: Balziva (ethinyl-estradiol-norethindrone)

Balziva Reviews

For Birth Control "I switched from Junel to this Balziva and things started out with no side effects. About 3 months in I had to go to the doctor because I was bleeding heavily in the middle of my pack. My uterus was completely filled with blood and I continued to bleed extremely heavily for 2 weeks until I started a new brand of the pill. They said I was having a hormonal storm something seen more in menopause ( I am 21)"

For Birth Control "I started Balziva a month ago because of my fibroids. I was taking Junel and I was experiencing break through bleeding and heavy periods. So far I've been happy with it. I experienced breast tenderness and fullness. No breakthrough bleeding. Slight cramping a week before my period. My period seems a little lighter than normal. No acne nor weight gain. I did feel a little more hormonal, slightly more agitated but no overly moody. I would recommend this pill."

For Birth Control "For me, this pill has been a life saver. It’s really true that every body is so unique and different, and on other birth control options I have experienced many of the side effects people have mentioned. I have had no side effects at all from taking Balziva. I initially pursued birth control as a means of preventing ovarian cysts from forming as mine tend to burst and cause very extreme pain—like, so painful I’m blacking out and have ended up in the ER kind of pain. It has stopped those cysts from forming, and my periods and cramping are much lighter than before. I have tried other forms of birth control—different pills and an IUD—and for me, this works so, so much better for my body chemistry. I hope that for those whom Balziva may not be a fit, that you find the solution that does; it is literally night and day."

For Birth Control "I would not recommend Balziva. I was on it for a little over a week and developed a DVT in my left arm. I was hospitalized and placed on blood thinners to help and I will still need to continue to take blood thinning medication."

For Birth Control "I have been on this birth control pill going on about 2 months now. The pill was suppose to stop my menstrual cycle due to severe cramps and inability to function when on my cycle. I originally was on Vyflema but the prescription changed when I went to different pharmacy and how the regime was suppose to be taken changed as well. Problems started as minor spotting and very mild cramps to continuous spotting/bleeding and cramps everyday for the past 3 weeks. I thought at first it was because my body was trying to get use to skipping the placebo pills from the first pack however everyday the bleeding and cramping got worse during the second pack. I called my doctor today to have me switched to something else."

For Birth Control "I've been taking it for 4 months now. After 4 months I can say that my body has adjusted pretty well to these meds. The first 3 months I suffered with very tender breasts, headaches, breakthrough bleeding, bloating, and nausea, but month 4 has been a breeze. I'm 28, had NEVER had a menstrual cycle, extra hair growth, abnormal hormone/thyroid levels. This has worked wonders for me. Just give your body 3 - 4 months to adjust to it! My cycles are regular and last 5 - 6 days now."

For Birth Control "Please do not take this pill!! I took a different pill for 5 years prior to starting Balziva and I’m very upset I ever switched. Balziva caused me horrid mood swings daily, increased anger for no reason, weight gain, acne (after never having before), cramps (again, after never having before…etc. I felt like a MONSTER on this pill. I also was very emotional for the 5 months I was on it, crying without cause, easily getting upset, it was HORRIBLE. I would not recommend this pill to my worst enemy. I stayed on it for that long too see if I was just regulating changes, but I was wrong. Been off it for a week and a half and am already starting to feel like myself again."

For Birth Control "I love balziva. I was on it for about 8 years before my pharmacy switched it and had serious side effects with the new birth control. Went back to balziva. I have very little if not no weight gain with this pill, no mouth ulcers like my last pill did, mild PMS, and no cramps. Works great, but once again everybody is different"

For Abnormal Uterine Bleeding "I had a decent experience with Balziva. It wasn't right for me, but everybody is different, so that doesn't mean it won't be great for someone else. Before birth control, my periods coming every other week. With Balziva, they came about halfway through the pack and lasted until the end of the pack. This happened for the 3 months I was on it, so my doctor switched me to a different one. Other than the weird periods, I've had a positive experience with Balziva. I think my face did break out a little bit, but nothing serious. My breasts were also a little bit more sensitive, and I have gained a few pounds, but I'm not quite sure if it's due to the Balziva or me being away at college. But overall good experience."

For Birth Control "I took Balziva for 8 months when I was 23 and never bounced back. This medication elevated my sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG) through the roof, and I started struggling with painful sex/burning from atrophy due to the dramatic reduction in free testosterone levels in my tissues. Women need to be aware that this is a common side effect of oral contraceptives, but you never hear about it from your doctor. I developed vestibulodynia, high-tone pelvic floor dysfunction, interstitial cystitis, and was finally diagnosed w/ a connective tissue disease called Sjogren's Syndrome. I'm on other meds for life for this disease, and I never had these issues before Balziva. Your hormones matter. Birth control is not a tic-tac. These medications are more extreme than most gynecologists care to acknowledge. Please consider avoiding this medication."

For Birth Control "I recommend staying as far away from this pill as possible. Only 3 weeks in and cystic acne everywhere on chin and forehead other breakouts. Keep in mind I have never suffered from acne or breakouts before!!! Also extremely bloated, always fatigued, and made me very nauseous. Please avoid this birth control!! Getting back on the one I was on for 5 1/2 years (tri-previfem). Don't know why I even switched...terrible decision. Never been so self conscious in my entire life. After all these negative reviews and my personal experience, I'm quitting this pill today."

For Birth Control "I started balziva because I was having irregular periods( every 7-10 days), within 3 months, my period was regular. I did not gain weight because of the pill but it did cause my breasts to get a bit bigger. I still get periods on this pill lasting 2-6 days, with only one day of bad cramping and they tend to be light. The lack of side effects make this a good choice. The cost is a bit much where I get it currently, at around 17 dollars a month."

For Birth Control "This birth control was terrible for me. I originally switched because I was bleeding heavily on the Estrella birth control. It caused me constant nausea for me. My doctor advised me to change the time of day I was taking the pill which I did. I was fine for a week and then the nausea came back. I couldn’t eat and my acid reflux was terrible and I felt like I was having panic attacks all the time. Balziva helped reduce the heavy bleeding till I basically had no period. This pill was way too strong for me. Everyone is different, but I would not recommend this birth control."

For Birth Control "I have use this birth control for about 3 years. I have no cramps or any others side effect since using this pill it actual stop my endometriosis and PCOS from forming cyst and causing me constant pain. In addition, it help with my irregular period which I had for 6 months straight with heavy flow one week and spotting the next. I was prescribed to skip the placebo pills to help with my period and cyst and only get 2 day spotting once month. I have tried several different types of pill and method and this so far has been the best."

For Birth Control "I’ve taken this birth control for 4 months now. I have irregular bleeding and cramping from it. It seems like I’m always bleeding than not. Didn’t work for me."

For Birth Control "I had a bad experience with Balziva. One week after starting new pack I would start spotting which will not stop until the end of the pack. I would not recommend."

For Birth Control "Was on this pill for two months and had a horrible experience. Please do not take this pill! It causes a lot of weight gain, acne, depression, bleeding, great tenderness, and mood swings."

More about Balziva (ethinyl estradiol / norethindrone)

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  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: contraceptives
  • En español

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  • Birth Control