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Generic Name: Benadryl Allergy (diphenhydramine)

Benadryl Allergy Reviews

For Allergic Reactions "I have a severe dairy allergy, and I have had it for all of my life. My doctor (who has been a doctor for more than 20 years) told me I had the worst case he has ever seen. If I touch it, I break out into hives, if I eat it or just put it in my mouth and then spit it back out, I go into anaphylactic shock (where my lungs close up and I stop breathing). I always carry around the liquid Benadryl (because it works faster than the pills) in my purse. On many occasions, a double dose of it has saved my life and delayed the reaction from getting worse until I could get to the emergency room. Literally, a lifesaver."

For Allergic Reactions "I have severe allergies and life has been miserable. I couldn't afford the time or money anymore for allergy shots. Claritin stopped working. So did a bunch of over-the-counter allergy medications. I took so many cough and zinc lozenges my tongue became sore. I coughed all the time, to the point of stomach pain and incontinence. My coworker just gave me Benadryl. I was on the verge of going home sick, but now I'm 100% better. A stress rash that was erupting on the back of my neck just now went away. This is a marvelous product, and I didn't know it had so many uses."

For Allergic Reactions "I have taken Benadryl or its generic equivalent for many years. It is very good for itchy throats and ears and all kinds of symptoms, and particularly good for sneezing. If the Benadryl doesn't work, then I know I'm coming down with something more than just seasonal allergies. I try to keep Benadryl with me all the time. There are so many food products that I am supposed to be allergic to that sometimes I take Benadryl before I eat, especially peanut butter and bananas, two of my favorite foods."

For Allergic Reactions "Experienced an allergic reaction during dinner at a new restaurant. Throat started itching terribly so we left and drove to the nearest pharmacy. Used Benadryl syrup because I thought it would work faster. Fixed my allergic reaction in a minute."

For Allergic Reactions "I am severely allergic to all nuts, and I always keep a few pills with me. If I eat something that has been in contact with nuts, I take two pills or a gulp of the syrup, and my itchy mouth and throat, swollen lips are instantly soothed. The syrup does work faster than the pills, but pills are lighter to carry around. I once ate a huge piece of hazelnut chocolate, and having Benadryl on me really saved me. It won't work on severe reactions, i.e., eating peanut butter, but it is definitely a lifesaver for all other allergic reactions. I am never without Benadryl and my EpiPen. The only thing to look out for is intense drowsiness, so make sure to be at home to take a long nap when it takes effect."

For Allergic Reactions "I couldn't stop coughing for one week, I lost my voice and severe lung pain due to the coughing. Went to see a pulmonologyst and did xrays, the results, negative. My lungs were clear and no infection whatsoever . He recommended me to go to Walmart and buy claritin pills, but I was desperate last night to have a good sleep without coughing all night, I haven't been able to sleep with this horrible killing coughing , not mentioning dry nose, itchy ears, and itchy throat. Last night I took two regular benadryl pills and slept like a babe for 10 hrs straight, the only problem is that I make my living driving and can't take the pills during the day. Probably I will take clartin during the day, but I honestly prefer benadryl, way more effective"

For Allergic Reactions "I have been using Benadryl for the past 4 years and I never leave home without it. I have sneezing fits both indoors and outdoors and Benardryl is the only allergy pill that works for me. It works fast and stops my runny nose immediately. Although I do feel sleepy (most of the time), I can't be without it. "

For Allergic Rhinitis "I have severe seasonal allergies as well as severe allergies to dust and mold. I had gone through the gamut of second generation antihistamines (Claritin, Zyrtec and Allegra) with minimal success in treating my extreme symptoms. I decided to try the first generation antihistamine: Benadryl. Of course, it's been around for a long time, but it's definitely the most effective. The drawback to this older antihistamine is that it causes sleepiness, and it's not slight. Also, the newer antihistamines can be taken once a day, while Benadryl doses last only 4-6 hours. But to this extreme allergy sufferer, it's a small tradeoff, because it certainly treats the symptoms far better. "

For Insomnia "In some people such as myself, benadryl will cause kicking of the feet all night long. For some it works great but be aware that some of us get nervous feet, which does not help when you are trying to sleep."

For Allergic Rhinitis "My wife has anxiety disorder and found out that by taking Benadryl that it stopped her racing thoughts. Problem is, it made her mentally confused and babbling about random topics for a few hours. Best case scenario, it will make you pass out, not enter healthy sleep. Other times, depending on dosage as it is very addictive, she would hallucinate and not remember the incident at all! It can also put you in a coma or worse if combined with the wrong drugs. VERY DANGEROUS DRUG! STAY AWAY."

For Urticaria "I have suffered with chronic uticaria for over 10 years and over the last 6 months it has become a daily nightmare. Benadryl worked a bit but it was probably due to the sedating effect allowing me to sleep. However, I can now take 4 tablets and still itch. I've combined this with an H2 blocker such as Zantac and it helps enough to be able to sleep a couple of hours and then I'm awoken to intense itching."

For Allergic Reactions "I have had allergy all my life, pretty severe and I live in allergy heaven in TX. I have tried Everything and for me, benedryl is still the best. I work and it does not effect me, I often take it several times a day."

For Allergic Reactions "I suffer from severe sinusitis, but I am a person who suffers multiple other ailments. Especially, a really bad heart.(5 heart attacks and a mini stroke) this is the only over the counter med that helps me without effecting my heart in any way. I find it safe and has helped me when I had anaphylaxis along w prednisone."

For Allergic Reactions "Takes 4 hours to work and by then you need another dose. Since they took the other ingredient out, Benadryl and Wal-Dryl no longer work for me. Back to experimenting. No side affects, but not effective either."

For Allergic Rhinitis "I have taken benadryl for interstitial cystitis because of mast cells. Recommended by several urologists. It also works for other allergies like rhinitis or seasonal allergies. My current primary doctor does not like it for seniors but it is the only thing that works for me. I do not take it longterm because the effectiveness wears off but when I need it, and use it intermittently, it works!"

For Allergic Reactions "Benadryl works great to help with the chronic itching this infestation has caused - I got bit by chigger bugs. Only side effect is sleepiness so I spread the dosage of 2 out. It’s too bad the packaging is so difficult to open. My heart goes out to anyone with arthritis of trembling that would have to open this product,"

For Allergic Reactions "It's the only one I trust with my allergies..."

For Allergic Reactions "I'm allergic to pollen. Took a dose, felt a million times better. Slept for 16 hours straight."

For Motion Sickness "I use benedryl for motion sickness and it does work. I can never remember the car ride, due to being asleep. I love it."

For Urticaria "Benadryl does knock me out but when I have bad hives, it works a lot better than other antihistamines. I get them bad enough sometimes that I have to be on prednisone as well."

For Insomnia "Not only is Benadryl great for allergic reactions, it is great for insomnia too. I use it for a variety of conditions and always carry some in my purse - just in case."

For Insomnia "I highly recommend using benadryl if you have no other sleep aid. "

For Pruritus "These blister packs are insanely hard to open! I don't get it!! Children safe is one thing, making it hard for an adult is another..Ill never buy these again just to protest.."

For Insomnia "Does not really work for chronic Insomnia"

For Urticaria "Benadryl made my 16yr old so sleepy that he had to be sent home from school but it did take away his hives."

More about Benadryl Allergy (diphenhydramine)

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  • Latest FDA alerts (4)
  • Side effects
  • Dosage information
  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: anticholinergic antiemetics
  • Breastfeeding

Patient resources

  • Benadryl Allergy drug information
  • Benadryl DF
  • Benadryl Dye Free Allergy
  • Benadryl Fastmelt
  • Benadryl Ultratab

Other brands

Banophen, ZzzQuil, Sominex, Unisom SleepGels, ... +21 more

Professional resources

  • Benadryl Allergy Ultratab prescribing information
  • DiphenhydrAMINE (AHFS Monograph)

Other brands

Diphen, Dicopanol

Other formulations

  • Benadryl

Related treatment guides

  • Allergic Reactions
  • Allergic Rhinitis
  • Allergies
  • Cold Symptoms