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Generic Name: Benzaclin (benzoyl-peroxide-clindamycin-topical)

Benzaclin Reviews

For Acne "My doctor prescribed Benzaclin after my other acne medicine stopped working for me. The first month was rough, my skin was really dry, and it peeled a lot. Things got better, my face cleared up. I did get some breakouts here and there, but with a pea-sized amount of Benzaclin, it would shrink and dry out my pores and pimples. If you do not see results within a week or two, do not stop applying Benzaclin! The first 6-8 weeks may be rough, but it really does clear up your skin. And my scars have faded. Do not over-apply the medicine, it can cause over-dryness of the face and excessive peeling. Hope Benzaclin will help you beat acne like it helped me!"

For Acne "This stuff is amazing. I used it for 3 days and all my acne was completely gone. I went from 20 pimples to none in 3 days. The first day I used it morning and night the first night and found it was quite drying. I've found that one pump at night and just a moisturizer in the morning is perfect! This stuff is a miracle product! I recommend not using it all over your face after your skin clears up just as a spot treatment when needed."

For Acne "I absolutely love this product. I had severe acne since I was 11 and nothing worked on my skin. When I was 14 I tried Clindoxyl gel for 8 months and saw little to no effect. It only made my skin drier than before. I went to my doctor and asked for a solution and she prescribed Benzaclin Gel. I applied it every single night after washing my face and within a month I saw results. My skin was brighter and my acne had almost completely stopped after 2 months of using it. After the third month, my skin was amazing and had no breakouts at all. I started to use the Oil Cleansing Method and my skin was better than it had ever been. After I stopped the Gel, my acne came back within 2 weeks. I am using it again now and my skin is better than ever."

For Acne "After years of adult acne, my family doctor offered me this, to save me extra expense with a dermatologist. The results were immediate and acne is no longer something I stress about. It is very drying, so I mix it with my nighttime moisturizer and in winter, I sometimes have to skip a night, but I can't say enough good things about it!"

For Acne "This stuff works fantastically well. I am a 30 year old female with adult onset acne. I have been struggling with cysts, nodules, and pustules for eight months, exclusively on my chin. I was using a Retin-A 0.025% product but it wasn't enough. I started taking Benzaclin around the same time as Yaz (birth control) and Minocycline (antibiotic) and the combination cleared me in a month. The Benzaclin stands out in my regime because it single-handedly dried up all of my large pimples upon first use (I noticed a dramatic improvement the next day, and then every day after that). It will take a bit for all the current pimples to heal themselves (and some may surface over the first two weeks) but you should notice improvements right away!"

For Acne "I have SEVERELY oily skin! I mean I have to blot my face several times a day to literally keep from looking like I rubbed baby oil on my face! I used the medicine as a teen and it worked wonders! Now I'm 25 and my dermatologist says I still have the skin of a 16 yr old (the oil producing cells in your body are supposed to stop working as well as you age, which is the cause of wrinkles, but mine shows ZERO sign of slowing down) anyway, dermatologist put me on Tazorac which is supposed to fix that, worked ok for a few weeks but still super oily! I asked him for this medicine because I remembered it working so well for me! I've only been on it a week and WOW I can already see a difference! And for someone with as much oil as me, I appreciate the drying affect of this."

For Acne "I applied this cream twice daily, after cleansing my face with Spectro Gel, and it works amazing! It has cleared up my face completely. All of my friends have noticed, too. I would recommend this to any teenager with issues with acne or pimples and blemishes. Just make sure you apply it faithfully! Your blemishes, acne, and pimples will come back if you don't stick to your facial cleansing routine."

For Acne "This year I was prescribed benzaclin by my doctor, and the results were amazing! Within the first 2 weeks, there was a visible decrease in acne, and by 1-2 months, all of it was gone (with the exception of scars) , now it has been about 6 months and the scars have all disappeared! Never experienced any of the side effects, as long as I used a good moisturizer- 100% suggest"

For Acne "It has been the best! I only had a little acne here and there but this stuff gets rid of it completely! My advice would to only use a little dot for every part of your face . Because when I first got this product I used way to much for the first month and it dried me out like crazy until I realized I was using way too much"

For Acne "Due to a switch to a generic brand birth control by the pharmacist, my acne flared like a raging fire. I am almost 30, and it was painful and embarrassing. I have tried numerous topicals when I was younger, but this one is by far the best! I apply it to my face only at night. As recommended by my doctor, I mix my regular face cream with it to provide extra moisture! As a result, I have not had any of the mentioned face peeling/drying issues. I also spot treat my acne scars with Vitamin E cream that makes them fade significantly quicker."

For Acne "I had mild acne until I went on Benzaclin. Usually 4-5 pimples at any time. After using Benzaclin for a week, I can say my acne has completely cleared up! I apply a thin layer all over my face. It is very tempting to apply more to troublesome areas but additional product will only cause dryness. I still have red marks from where the pimples were but am sure that within a month or so they too will be gone!"

For Acne "I had moderate acne and frequently got cystic acne due to my extremely oily skin. The cystic acne was so deep and painful that I asked my doctor about what to do and she perscribed me this. I swear it works miracles! My acne was virtually gone after 2 weeks, and my ultra oily skin felt normal and smooth! Even though the box says it only helps acne vulgaris, benzaclin really works on cystic acne as well."

For Acne "When I used Benzaclin, my skin was amazingly clear, beautiful, and oil-free. I have oily (shiny) skin. I also had massive acne on my cheeks, very painful. But after I started using Benzaclin, the pain went away, along with my acne and my oily skin. I would recommend it to anyone and everyone (who, of course, has acne/oily skin)."

For Acne "Everyday I'm embarrassed because I have severe body acne. I get acne on my arms, shoulders and back - its not attractive on a female. I have struggled with this problem since I was a child. I've spent lots of money on products that would work temporarily and then reverse effect and make my breakouts worse. I have been using this cream for almost 3 weeks, and already everything is clearing up fast. I am extremely happy with this product that i would recommend it to ANYONE!!!!! I can finally have higher self esteem and not be the mom in a t-shirt going swimming. LOVE IT!!!!! 10's all the way across the board"

For Acne "My type of acne was small bumbs all over my forehead and not even kidding benzaclin stated working overnight after my first use! Completely dried up my acne and my skins been perfect since I have used it"

For Acne "Used it a few times during bad breakouts. Nothing else has ever made my acne disappear so fast, even cystic acne is gone within a few days. I’ve used Benzaclin a few times this week and it literally destroys pimples, within a few minutes I notice white heads start to dry up and bumps evening out. This stuff is almost magic"

For Acne "Mild stinging definitely occurs, I felt like I had a sunburn the first few weeks of using this. Also, my face was super dry as a result of this medicine. On the bright side, though, I did see improvement within 2 weeks and that's what counts. So just get a thick moisturizer to reduce the stinging and the dryness and apply about 10 minutes after letting the Benzaclin soak in, then you'll be all set."

For Acne "When I used Benzaclin paired with a salicylic acid face wash and/or cream my face would become dry, red, and the breakouts more severe. Murad was the worst offender, Clinique Acne Solutions also offered no relief. As a last resort I bought a Mia face brush and used simple Cerave foaming face wash with it, along with spot treating with Benzaclin using a qtip. For the first time EVER my face is 99 % clear. Routine: a) wash face with Mia and Cerave Foaming Cleanser b) apply Benzaclin with qtip where needed c) wait 5 mins for it to soak in and apply light moisturizer d) PM: sleep or AM: apply makeup on top. I am a 25 year old female with combination fair skin."

For Acne "I have struggled with acne ever since I was 9 years old. After three years of horrible acne all over my body, I was taken to a dermatologist who prescribed an antibiotic pill for a few months (tetracycline) and Benzaclin. Now that I am in my 20s, my acne has lessened and I have kept it at bay by washing my face 2x daily with Cetaphil, and using a vitamin C serum before bed. Until now I still use Benzaclin for particularly difficult pimples and cysts that won't go away. It is a very effective spot treatment but will dry your skin and make it feel tight and uncomfortable if used in excess. Use this medication at night and wear sunscreen on your face because this cream makes your skin very sensitive to the sun."

For Acne "I specifically asked for this prescription from my dermatologist due to all of the high ratings. I am very glad I did. I have been on Clindamycin solution for about three years and it has stopped being effective and that is why I switched to Benzaclin. It was helped my breakouts a lot and my skin is mostly clear with an occasional break out or two that go away in a couple of days. However, it is extremely drying the first 2-3 weeks. My skin was so dry I could literally feel my skin rubbing off in the shower. Also, avoid your eyes and your eyebrows. The skin around your eyes is way too sensitive for this product. Also, it lightly bleached some of my eyebrows. Nothing too bad, but I notice it. Overall, I would give it a chance."

For Acne "I started Benzaclin a little over a week now, on November 9th 2016. My face was covered in little acne bumps that gave my skin an awful skin texture and when I wore foundation you could see just how bad it was, especially in the light. I also had hormonal acne on my chin and a little bit on my jaw line. The tiny bumps on my skin are already mostly gone, the skin texture is so smooth and soft, my face is obviously really dry from this but its not uncontrollably dry. I just use a really good moisturizer during the day. With this week being very busy for me with school I haven't been eating my usual healthy diet and I still haven't been breaking out as I normally do if I eat poorly. This stuff is amazing and I'm seeing great results."

For Acne "This is AMAZING. I was prescribed Benzaclin after my doxycycline stopped working. The first night I applied this, I had multiple zits on my chin including a large cyst-like pimple. Normally my cyst pimples can take several weeks to clear up. The next morning that I woke up, the redness and size of all of my zits were visibly smaller, including the cyst. 3 days later, although a little dry, my chin is almost cleared up. I just add a little moisturizer after the medicine dries and I apply makeup and my confidence is back. I have not experienced any burning or stinging like I have read in others' experiences. I ONLY apply to the affected area, not the whole face. I HIGHLY recommend this product."

For Acne "I'm 18. I've been using this since I was 11. This really helps me, hands down the best product. I always find myself running back to this product! I'm not even kidding right now. I broke out so much and I finally bought it and it works wonders. I tried so many products. You name it, I used it. This cleared me up and everyone was complimenting on how clear my skin was. I was once again confident! Then after a while when I was 17, I started breaking out again but this time it was hormonal. They were painful acne, it hurt to move my face and everything but thanks to Benzaclin it changed everything. Yes, it gets real dry and itchy but it's worth it because in the end you get beautiful skin."

For Acne "I absolutely love this product. I am 15 years old and this thing is a life saver. I use it every night before bed on my back, shoulders, chest and face. It clears my skin up in a couple days. The only down side I would say is that it drys out your skin alot. I have fairly oil skin too. But I use moisturizer so it isn't to much of a problem. I recommend it to my friends all the time."

For Acne "I've been using this product for about 6 months now and it is great. I noticed that it also prevents breakouts from happening as well as getting rid of existing breakouts and it also fades scars due to the bleaching effect. I would not recommend you use this around your eyes or on your eyelids the product can make them puffy. Also apply a very thin layer because this product is very drying! As an effect of drying out all the oils causing clearer skin. Overall this is a great product and I would highly recommend it to anyone who has acne."

More about Benzaclin (benzoyl peroxide / clindamycin topical)

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  • Drug class: topical acne agents

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Duac, Onexton, Acanya, Neuac, ... +2 more

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Duac, Onexton, Acanya, Neuac

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  • Acne