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Generic Name: Bicalutamide for Prostate Cancer (bicalutamide)

Bicalutamide for Prostate Cancer Reviews

Casodex (bicalutamide) "My PSA had reached 39.7 and I underwent surgical castration on March 19, 2009, in Delhi, India, where I was on holiday. I returned to the UK on March 23. My consultant prescribed Casodex 50mg once per day for my remaining lifetime. I am 79 years old and tolerated the surgery well. On May 13, my PSA level had dropped to 0.6, and on July 13, my PSA result was so low that it was non-recordable. I have suffered a recent bout of pneumonia, and I have frequent hot flashes, but otherwise I feel much better than I did before surgery and the Casodex seems to be doing its job. I take no other medicine than the Casodex."

Casodex (bicalutamide) "Just diagnosed with metastasized prostate cancer. Have been on Casodex for 11 days today (will be on it for 30 days). The only side effect (at least so far) was fatigue for the first 5 days, nothing now. My urinary symptoms (delayed start, dribbling, weak stream, urgency & frequency) have all improved dramatically over these 11 days. Received my first shot of Lupron today (7.5mg) and am hoping for the best. That will be my next medicine review in about two weeks."

"83 yrs old, had PC 11 yrs ago, 27 x-ray treatments, 60 cesium seeds implanted, and 3 mos on Bicalutamide. Fast forward 10 yrs and PC is back and metastasized to my lymph node. Urologist put me on Erleada which zeroed the PSA but with way too many BAD side effects plus unaffordable dollar expense. After 3 mos of that drug, I talked him into Bicalutamide which I have been on for 12 mos now. I have bad fatigue and hot flashes every day but it's a LOT better than on Erleada (dollar-wise too!). So far my PSA is zero, thank God! Definitely recommend it! Hope this helps someone!"

"I have stage 4 Prostate cancer, which spread to my lymph nodes and tumors on my spine. Had no surgery. PSA started out at 144 after using this medicine and Eligard shots. My PSA is 2. Hats off to this medicine going on 2 years."

Casodex (bicalutamide) "I had a prostatectomy, removal in 2012. My PSA started spiking up in 2015. I was put on Casodex, and my PSA has gone undetectable till now. My doctor says I can't stay on it forever, and if it spikes up again, I would need radiation. I don't understand why, especially if it's the first drug I've used, and it seems to be working fine with slight side effects. Any advice?"

Casodex (bicalutamide) "My father was given this after a PSA climb following chemo treatment. Chemo shrank swollen lymph nodes and PSA dropped to around 2 but climbed 1 point after chemo. Taking this medication has made no difference to his PSA. The doctor is switching him to Firmagon as he says it shows aggressive PSA reduction in studies."

"Was diagnosed with Gleason 4+3 and had a PSA of 10 and have a very strong family history of prostate cancer. I am 53, and my brother had cancer at age 39. Dr. immediately placed me on 150 mg bicalutamide in preparation for the HIFU procedure. PSA dropped to 3.3 within 2 weeks. I also noticed that a fibrous lymph node on my neck shrank noticeably. After stopping the medication at 3 weeks and undergoing the HIFU procedure, the fibrous lymph node regained its previous size."

"Had prostatectomy 4/18. Initially after surgery PSA 0.01 and on 8/19 PSA climbed to 0.14. Will get radiation treatments right away, combined with Bicalutamide 50mg along with injections for 4 months. Goal is to eradicate the cancer completely. Will keep posting."

"Had Gleason score of 9 after prostate removal at age 72. Went on Lupron and Bicalutamide. Experienced severe headaches, dizziness, and fainting resulting in two trips to the ER. Not a pleasant experience but the combination did reduce my PSA 0.1. Cancer metastasized 5 years later. Had radiation therapy, Lupron and abiraterone for 18 months. At almost 10 years, I restarted Lupron and Bicalutamide with headaches and dizziness after only one pill. Am presently in a quandary as to whether to continue. At age 82, I cannot afford to faint and break a bone or have a concussion."

Casodex (bicalutamide) "I have taken Casodex for years and PSA stays around 3.7. No operation. Side effect is enlarged breasts. Now 79 years old and swimming a mile a day. Feel strong and doing well."

Casodex (bicalutamide) "After 8 years on Zoladex, I became resistant to it, and my PSA started to increase. Casodex has brought it back down. I did have major prostate removal surgery."

Casodex (bicalutamide) "Had to take Casodex as part of treatment for prostate cancer. Seems to have worked with only minor side effects."

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  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: antiandrogens
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Bicalutamide drug information

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  • Bicalutamide monograph
  • Bicalutamide (FDA)

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  • Prostate Cancer