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Generic Name: Budeprion SR (bupropion)

Budeprion SR Reviews

For Depression "Celexa worked well for me for about 9 months, then the side effect that all SSRIs, SNRIs, and Bupropion give me became overwhelming-somnolence. Each time I try a new one, it's several weeks of exhaustion, and tapering off is ten times worse. I have to isolate, otherwise, I'll ruin every relationship in my life from angry outbursts. Bupropion has been no different in terms of somnolence, but at the 8-week mark, positive signs have finally appeared. Depression is much better, and I'm finally experiencing the extra energy people talk about from this drug. If you're trying this out, be patient-it may just take extra time for it to become effective. At 4 weeks, I told my doctor it was doing nothing but make me tired, and depression was maybe even a little worse. At six weeks-same. Since I have no work due to Covid-19, I agreed to my doctor's recommendation to wait till 12 weeks to judge efficacy. 8 weeks was the magic number."

For Depression "I started Bupropion SR 150mg once a day about a month ago as I have been struggling with depression without really realizing it. The only side effect I initially had was an upset stomach for a couple days. Then about a week into it I irrationally lashed out at my daughter. BUT after 2 weeks I could tell a big positive difference. Not avoiding social situations, not stuck on the couch unable to function all weekend, improved concentration and motivation at work, and no longer feeling snappy. I am now one month and 4 days into it. My generic medication was switched from the white pill to the light purple pill. Since switching I have been feeling edgy and easily irritated. I am still able to function, but I am constantly cranky. I am going to see if there is a way I can switch back to the white pill. So 9 for the white pill and 5 for the purple pill."

For Depression "I’ve been taking Bupropion SR for about 6 weeks now. A little over two weeks ago I started to itch at night. It would itch pretty much everywhere, including my scalp. When I scratched, my skin would welt, turn red, and get hot. It wasn’t until a few minutes ago that I realized it was the bupropion. Dumb, Ik. I did some research and found a connection between the bupropion and Urticaria. Apparently, this medicine is know you cause dermatological issues. I wish I had realized it was my meds sooner instead of thinking it was an allergy to my laundry supplies. Also, noticed I am getting a side effect of joint pain, called arthralgia. I’ve noticed for the past couple weeks joint stiffness, pain, and swelling- which the doc brushed off as a meniscus injury. I’m sad to have to stop the bupropion bc it was really helping my anxiety and depression- especially the anger."

For Depression "I have been trying both 300mg and 150 mg. Daily doses in combination with 20 mg Lexapro for several years now. I was not doing well on Lexapro alone, still too mopey and negative. I am finally doing much better and feel strong enough to let go of the Lexapro and try Budeprion alone. After just a few days I feel totally different and much better. It is very energizing, I feel positive and am getting a lot done. My libido is coming back and the sexual side effects from the Lexapro are gone too. 300mg per day may be too high for me, I feel almost manic. I may try (with my psychiatrist's support) to stay on 150mg but so far this medicine alone is working extremely well for me."

For Depression "I was on citalopram 20mg and due to a death in the family, I was unable to get my prescription renewed before I ran out. So two months passed before I got to my doctor and I had done extensive research before making the decision to switch to Bupropion. I have been on it for 4 days now, and I definitely have the get-up-and-go that I never had before. I am beginning to enjoy the things I used to again. HOWEVER, I am a serious coffee and sweet tea addict and for the first 3 days of use I had diarrhea and according to other people's reviews, it's actually quite common. I also was concerned because falling asleep is just a little more difficult but I still get 8 hours. I guess I'm still adjusting to the idea of being normal and stable."

For Depression "I have been wanting to write this for a few months because I have seen so many questions about side effects/interactions. I started taking SR on a friday, I was fine, Saturday - fine, Sunday - fine, on Monday I went to work, by lunch, all He** broke loose, the dreaded diarrhea. All day Monday was horrible, Tuesday, same thing, by Wednesday I could not take it anymore, so I started researching and found that Wellbutrin (Budeprion) interacts with caffeine. So Wednesday- no coffee, no diarrhea, Thursday- no coffee, no diarrhea. So I have only drank decaf coffee since, and have had no diarrhea."

For Depression "Wellbutrin works well for the type of depression recently crippling me. That 'I Don't Want to Get Out of Bed and Face Yet Another Horrible Day -- I Just Want to Give Up' type of depression. Wellbutrin, for me, erases those bad feelings and does so very quickly. Within 4 hours of my first dose my confidence came surging back. The rapidity of action is due to the unique way it works; it isn't the typical antidepressant. Wellbutrin has side effects, but none harsh enough to stop me from taking it regular. The side effects I experience is (a.) a tense feeling (physically), and (b.) kind of a 'chemical taste' in my mouth. But, there's no blurred vision, no zombie feeling and no terribly dry mouth. The payoff is worth it."

For Depression "I was prescribed Budeprion SR for SSRI induced weight gain, focus, situational depression, many types of anxiety and PMDD. I have a severe medication side effect fear due to having a fear of nausea/vomiting. Since my researched showed that SR had worse side effects, especially for nausea, I was scared to take it. I asked for XL but my psych wanted me on 100mg SR. I found it amazing. I did have some nausea at start, but nothing I couldn't handle and took a Gravol as needed. I had some energy back again, laser like focus, motivation, it didn't worsen my anxiety. I felt good. My PMDD disappeared. It did cause constipation though. My doctor wanted to increase me up to 150mg before she left town for a month and gave me XL. I hated it. I felt so exhausted and lost my focus. I felt down. No motivation. I had insomnia. My PMDD came back and along with that came suicidal thoughts.Back on SR again now (100mg bid) and feel so much better."

For Major Depressive Disorder "I have tried almost every med. there is for major depression. Most caused lots of weight gain and sleeping all the time. I felt hot and sweat with many of them and vision was very blurry. I thought life was over for me. I have major anxiety and panic attacks. I was better taking the Buspirone, but I was taking bupropion anxiety attacks. I take clonazapam 2mg for sleeping at night because the welbrution keeps me from sleeping. I went on praying for being healed from all the sickness and came off all my meds 2 months ago to prove my faith. I haven't been able to walk out my door for 2 months without forcing myself just to go get groceries and then I am right back inside. I live in darkness. I started them back up this morning."

For Depression "Hi i just started welbutrin SR Today is my 5th day and I feel very energetic and motivated Only thing is insomnia. Wondering will that go away. Also I was on cipralex for 2 years and gained 20 pounds. Hope weight gain is not side effect of this medicine Crossing finger to get a good night sleep and no weight gain"

For Major Depressive Disorder "I 've been on Bupropion SR 150 MG for 9 days , I'm to take one a day for seven days , then 2 a day the second week one was to be taken before 4:00 clock in the afternoon . When I took the one I felt ok, It was the second one that made me feel bad , my head began to hurt , my face began to feel funny , and a little over a hour I was sound asleep for hours . Just thankful I don't have children at home ."

For Depression "One of the first drugs I was given, worked for exactly one day after I had been on it for 3 weeks. Not a slow improvement, just one day it worked, the next it didn’t and it never changed anything again."

"My psychiatrist decided to start with bupropion SR for my ADHD because it was less addictive than the usual ADHD meds. Of course, I was open to this because I just wanted help. I have been on bupropion for 3 weeks now and it has been, emotionally, the worst 3 weeks of my life. I would say that typically I am a happy person and I don't ever have a hard time controlling my emotions, but on bupropion I've done a 180. I cry throughout the day, some days I can't get out of bed, I find myself getting extremely angry over the smallest things, and to top it off I am less focused than I was before because of these emotional episodes. Overall, I would say that I don't really understand why it was prescribed for ADHD. If you have depression and ADHD then I think this MAY be a good fit for you, but if you just have ADHD this may not be for you."

For Depression "I was changed from Wellbutrin XL 150, to Bupropion HCL SR. I have gained weight since the change. I feel better, but don't need the extra weight. Is this drug causing it?"

For Depression "it was great but i got shingles from it,but hope to start it up again i see my doctor tomorrow,it saved me from deep depression"

More about Budeprion SR (bupropion)

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  • Drug images
  • Side effects
  • Dosage information
  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: miscellaneous antidepressants
  • Breastfeeding

Patient resources

  • Budeprion SR advanced reading

Other brands

Wellbutrin, Wellbutrin XL, Wellbutrin SR, Zyban, ... +4 more

Professional resources

  • Bupropion Hydrobromide monograph
  • Bupropion Tablets (FDA)

Other brands

Wellbutrin, Wellbutrin XL, Wellbutrin SR, Zyban, ... +2 more

Related treatment guides

  • Depression
  • Major Depressive Disorder