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Generic Name: CamreseLo (ethinyl-estradiol-levonorgestrel)

CamreseLo Reviews

For Birth Control "I have been using a combination of Camrese Lo/ Lo Seasonique for 8 years now (used Lo Seasonique for about 2 years sometime in the middle. Purely just an insurance company issue). It took a good year/year and a half for my body to fully adjust. I used to get horrible periods with heavy bleeding and cramps so bad that I would have to stay home because I would need a bathroom every hour. After starting this, my periods got lighter and way more manageable. During the first year, I couldn’t get through a whole pack without having some bleeding. Over time, my body got used to it and now, all these years later, I rarely get a period at the end of the pack. If I do, it’s very light and doesn’t last more than a few days. No issues with weight gain or acne. I would certainly recommend this pill, but I would definitely say you have to give it some time for your body to adjust. Getting on a 3 month cycle won’t happen overnight, so be patient."

For Birth Control "Took 9 mos to regulate. I've been on this for almost 2 years now. I was prepared to wait because many years ago was on Seasonale so I knew it would take 2-3 packs (each pack is 3 months) for results. Dealt with spotting & irregular bleeding in beginning. Cramps went away with the first period. Well worth the 9 mo wait bc now only 4 periods per year that last 3 days with light bleeding and zero cramps. Im 42 yrs and a plus with CamreseLo is it gave me my sex drive back once it was regulated in my system. Well worth the adjustment period!"

For Abnormal Uterine Bleeding "I am rating this birth control (BC) an 8/10 because it truly has helped me control my horrible bleeding and bad cramping with my periods. The reason I took 2 points off is due to the bad headaches I got for 2 weeks and the spotting I had for the first few months. This has seemed to stop now. I have not gained any weight and my skin has cleared up from my former hormonal acne. I am so happy I was prescribed this pill. I am no longer worried about getting pregnant and I finally have a light and manageable menstrual cycle. My period lasted 2 days as compared to off the pill it was 7-8! My sex drive is better due to my ability to not be worried about unwanted pregnancy. Thank you Cam Lo for making me feel normal again! :)"

For Abnormal Uterine Bleeding "I am 24 years old and have been taking CamreseLo for approximately 2 and a half years. I love this pill; I have had no side effects. I have been on a birth control continuously since I was 12 because of an extremely heavy and irregular menstruation. After being on CamreseLo for a year, my flow became very minimal. Now after over 2 years, my period only lasts 1 day. It's amazing considering I have very minimal spotting in between the 3 months of active pills. It has also reduced my cramps; which used to be so bad I couldn't move."

For Birth Control "I've been taking Camrese Lo for about a month now I haven't had any serious side effects like nausea heartburn or abnormal bleeding. But I have been getting some acne which is actually very inconvenient being that I'm going away in 2 days. These aren't just little pimples you pop and have no worries but they're sore pimples that give headaches. I don't normally have pimples so this is a lot for me. Other than that it's pretty okay just the acne is a complete blow."

For Birth Control "I'm going to post what some other people have mentioned: You apparently need to give your body quite a bit of time with this. I started taking mine in August and am now on my final few pills before I need a new pack. August, I was free of spotting. September, I practically had a regular period. October, lighter but longer. It's almost constant now, but very light. I was debating even getting another pack because I hate bleeding but apparently sticking with it for a year will cause your body to start responding without the spotting. Let's hope!"

For Birth Control "I've been on this birth control for almost the full first pack now, I'm on the last pills in which I should get my period. It's been 3 pills and I haven't started it yet, I haven't had spotting, and I have all the symptoms of a period but the blood! Makes me nervous that maybe I have a blood clot or maybe it's made me infertile, and it makes me worry that I'm just going to get a horrible period in a week or two unexpectedly. I don't believe I'm pregnant, and this extended pill is way better with side effects than my one month pill, tri sprintec, was. I have a sex drive back and I am not as depressed. Obviously right now I'm very moody and nervous but that's not the normal."

For Birth Control "I’ve been taking camreseLo for about a month now and I have to say these comments made me feel a little better. Since taking this pill my boobs have been hurting extremely bad, I’ve had cravings like a mad woman, been depressed, and I have no sex drive at all. I’ve also lost confidence in myself (my body), probably because of the weight gain. I also cannot go to the bathroom more than once a week now (I used to go once a day...ya know) so that stinks :( On the bright side it does it’s job of preventing pregnancy but I don’t think it’s worth the effects."

For Birth Control "I have tried multiple forms of birth control and have always had a problem with the side effects. Went from Nuvaring to this and became a complete PSYCHO! Almost ruined my relationship and it affected my job. Gave me severe anxiety, nausea, stomach cramps, every side effect listed I got."

For Birth Control "I was on amethia lo and then camrese lo for about a year. This pill made me SO irritated all the time. It seemed to get worse the longer I was on it, too. I liked not having a period but I would randomly spot or sometimes even just have a period anyway, so it wasn’t even effective at stopping my periods all the time. I also went through a phase where my breasts hurt badly, which I’m assuming is because of this BC. But the main thing is that I’m usually a mellow person and this had me so angry I didn’t recognize myself anymore. Once I went off of it, I felt normal again."

For Birth Control "I took Camrese Lo for about two years and my only huge complaint was the breakthrough bleeding. In the 3 month pill pack I got breakthrough bleeding 2 different times for over a week (usually 9 days). This happened for every pill pack and I eventually got too fed up with it so I recently switched and am going to start taking Ortho Tri Cyclen. I had a few other minor side effects like occasional loss of sex drive and mood swings but nothing major."

For Birth Control "I have been on CamreseLo since I was 17 years old (2017). I had about 3-4 months of pre-bleeding and spotting, but I am now 24 years old, have been on it ever since, and love this medication. I may have a period of spotting before my period every 6 months or so, but I couldn't ask for a better birth control. From 16-24 (so far) and no problems but spotting every once in a while? I definitely recommend."

For Birth Control "So I went to my doctor because I have a really bad periods and I bleed really heavy but also my acne has always been bad from it so she recommended that I try camrese and I start Sunday. "

More about CamreseLo (ethinyl estradiol / levonorgestrel)

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  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: contraceptives
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Camrese Lo extended-cycle drug information
  • CamreseLo (Advanced Reading)

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  • Camrese Lo prescribing information

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Related treatment guides

  • Ovarian Cysts
  • Birth Control
  • Gonadotropin Inhibition
  • Abnormal Uterine Bleeding