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Generic Name: Cataflam for Period Pain (diclofenac)

Cataflam for Period Pain Reviews

"Been using for 12 years. Tips when using Cataflam: - If you want it to kick in faster: take the pill on an empty stomach, then eat 10 minutes later, take it with warm water, take it before the cramps begin, otherwise, it will take like an hour to start working. - You shouldn't: drinking anything with caffeine might affect the drug, don't drink anything that is cold, has ice, avoid spicy food, avoid intense workouts. Personal experience: I don't think we should take more than 2 pills within 1 hour. I once took a pill and another about 30 minutes later, ended up in the hospital throwing up because the dose was too high :( but the pain was so bad I swear my period was going to be the end of me... Cataflam has been saving my ass for 12 years now. When I first came to the US, I packed a 2-year supply of Cataflam because nothing else works for me and I'm kind of afraid to try new things now."

"Cataflam is a miracle for my period pain. I have suffered for years and wouldn't be able to walk a few steps with the horrible pain. I've tried everything from Meftalspas to Spasmoproxyvone, Brufen, Panadol, etc. Nothing works. With Cataflam, in just half an hour, my pain is completely gone. I take it every 8 hours on my first two days."

"This miracle drug has saved me so many times. I suffer from unbearable abdominal pains from ovulation to period... It's very effective and goes directly to the source of ANY other pain I suffer. Whoever invented it should be called a hero.!!"

"Its the best medicine for period pain so far.. I usually experience severe pain in my abdomen .. I take up to 4 pills every 6 hours on my first days.. but to be honest its a magical medicine. I recommend it to every women that cant bare her period pain"

"I always have very painful periods every month to the point where I can't stomach to eat, or much less smell food. I can't move out of bed or even speak a proper sentence. But cataflam is truly a life saver. I take two 50mg pills about every 5 to 6 hours and it reduces my pain drastically. My pain is only really bad on the first 2 days so after those 2 days I don't take anymore pills and just bare the little cramps I tend to get. BUT I have noticed that if I take the pills before my cycle arrives, it tends to delay my cycle a bit, other than that I love cataflam"

"My sister used to work for Novartis, a company which produces Caraflam. I remembered the first few months of my period, I didn't feel painful as how I do now. My other sisters always need to take Caraflam. So when I couldn't bear the cramps anymore I took it, it started working about an hour later, I didn't feel painful anymore. Even though my sisters are pharmacists, they always told me that the less medicines I take, the better it would be. So I tried not to use it. It was the worst ever, I took one, it didn't work well when it reached the max of pain. I threw up and took another one. After an hour, it worked. So if you decide to use Caraflam, take it before it's painful."

"Cataflam has helped but I have to take at least 4 - 6 a day to be able to survive the pain of my period. But once it starts working I feel so much better I have tried so much but only this works for me."

"Cataflam is a life saver but it takes about an hour after swallowing to start working. I take 2 at a 6 hr interval and can take up to six at the end of the day, but that's only for the first day of the period. "

"I can’t actually believe this works 1 and half hour in my pain has gone I took two 50g tablets I took one more now although I have hardly have any pain but just incase and I’ll take another in the morning. Really I’m shocked for so long I been crying in excruciating pain thinking I’m having a miscarriage or have something wrong with me Alhamdulilah so happy about this finding."

"Cataflam is the best OTC for period pain. I can function properly now. I use to take 2 panadol tablets which are pretty useless. I end up feeling nausea and tired. Do take this at the first sign of period for best results. It will be too late to take it when the pain starts."

"This is the best medication I have ever used for painful periods. (It actually helped my sinus pain, as well.) I experienced no grogginess and no side effects, very just soothing and complete pain relief."

"I had to take two and they did not start working for a hour and minimal pain relief lasted for about two hours. I have extreme pain for the first three days of my cycle where I am at a point of wondering if I should go to the ER."

"Cataflam is so far the only medication, OTC or otherwise, that has done anything to help with my menstrual cramps. It allows me to function at a basically normal level during my period. The pain is not entirely gone but Cataflam seems to keep it manageable."

"I've taken Cataflam for over 10 years now. I make it a point to take it on the first day of my period and I never feel any cramps or pains. I do have a pretty bad dysmenorrhea. Cataflam's great and makes my period so bearable."

"This has helped my period a lot. I’ve realized that taking it leading up to my period it has caused it to come a day later than normal but maaaaaannnnnnn it is so good. I use the dispersable cataflam because I can’t swallow pills for both migraine and period pain and it works like a charm. 10/10 would recommend."

"Yes. This is ouch again. I took the first one around midday and it took about five hours to kick in but when it did I have to say I'll take back that rating of 1 and give a 9 because its working so well. I forgot I even have my period. Only thing is it has kind of burned my stomach and made the pain doubly worse before stopping it completely."

"Usually I take 2 tablets of Panadol and it works in 30 minutes, but this time I tried 2 tablets of Cataflam 50 mg and it SUCKS!!! It’s been an hour, the pain is incredibly intense and I have dizziness and nausea because of it. I’m only feeling worse!!"

"This drug is great. It takes away the pain and I don't feel the period pain for a lot of hours. When I don't take during my period, my period gets heavier and lasts for more than five days which is not usual."

"I was prescribed Cataflam by my dentist after a tooth extraction and it worked very well. After the extraction had healed I had some left over , so I decided to use it when my dreaded monthly demon of a period hit. I must say, although not all the pain has gone it helped drastically, from not being able to do anything but whine in pain to actually functioning normally. Try it ladies, it helps. I took two 50mg tablets."

"I used it and it worked wonders...... after a few hours of pain. My period cramps are soooo bad..they are horrible they make me vomit and cry and take breaks from uni but it’s the worst pain I ever feel. I have tried all the tablets in the world nothing works so I take a injection to feel better"

"My period is awful like I can’t leave bed when I have it, nausea, bent over in pain the works. The pain is something I can’t stand and so when I was 17 I first tried this it’s saved me a few times. I suffer from other chronic conditions so I’m constantly in pain and I need to manage my period pain as best I can and this works. I take one about every 4-6 hours for the 7days I have my period"

"First days of my period are always bad. I usually take an algopyrin with no-spa in the morning it starts, and it lasts 2-3 hours at max. Regardless of whether I take it before the pain starts or after. With cataflam, it's even worse. I took it before the pain started. Nothing for 30 mins-1hour, then the pain slowly started to creep in. 2 hours later, and it's like I haven't even taken anything, if not worse. It hurts a lot. So for me, it's a big no. As good as this pill was for toothache, it does seriously nothing for period pain for me. For my sister, it works wonders though. So it really is a hit or miss. At least it's easy to swallow."

"Cataflam is a life saver, I usually have excruciating pain during my period but Cataflam literally makes it disappear. I recommend you take before you start to feel cramps else if take about an hour to kick in but once it does I even forget I’m on my period. I take two pills every 6 hour interval."

"I have very bad pain during my periods. I can't stand straight without a cataflam. I used to take a paracetamol during periods when I was very young. But still I had to deal with the rest of the uneasiness like muscle cramps and bad back pain. No words. I have tried taking the most commonly taken medicine - Mettal spas as well, but I felt a bigger difference with cataflam and I always prefer cataflam (diclofenac pottasium) over any medicine. But don't take more than 1 tablet in an hour. I took a 2nd doze one time within 30-60mins and I ended up feeling very difficult ( which I never expected), very bad dizziness, and there was complete unexplained heart attack like effect and sweating where I got so frightened thinking what is happening. (I normally don't panic, but I did that day.)"

"A life saver. Quick relief from a painful cramp session in the middle of the night. Thank you, person who invented it!"

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  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

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  • Cataflam prescribing information
  • Diclofenac (Systemic, Local) (AHFS Monograph)

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