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Generic Name: Caverject (alprostadil)

Caverject Reviews

For Erectile Dysfunction "Prostate completely removed at age 50, erection nerves were cut as well. Caverject injection is the most reliable to achieve results. Started with 20 mcg strength but moved to 40 mcg strength bottle of dry powder to get more servings per bottle. 40 mcg is diluted with 200 cc sterile water and provides 10 events in 20 cc increments. Results usually last about an hour but firmness is diminishing with age. 15 years of experience using Caverject. I mix it myself. I am now 65."

For Erectile Dysfunction "Wonderful medicine. It gives me a rock-hard erection lasting one to one and a half hours. No need to worry about changing positions, moving, and losing the erection. Caverject locks in the erection so you can focus on the sexual experience. A+"

For Erectile Dysfunction "Started taking Caverject 20 mg around 3-4 years ago. Worked great when I first started using it and was down to 1/4 of an injection to get an erection within 5 mins. That would last for at least 4 hours. Now I inject the full dose, and when it works, it works the same as before, but more often than not it does not work at all. Does anyone else have this problem?"

For Erectile Dysfunction "Started on Caverject 10 mcg. Moved to 20 mcg, big improvements. But still not totally firm. So moved to 30 mcg. The issue is I have to inject 10 mcg and 20 mcg separately. Anyone know if I can just inject the one dosage of both together? Hate needles."

For Erectile Dysfunction "I am a male in my fifties and have been using Caverject for the last 15 to 20 years. Works great, very little side effects for me, and really enjoy it. I hope it always works because I do not want a prosthesis. A lot of men cringe at the thought of putting a needle in your penis, but it hurts very little. I've been using it for so long that now, when I think about giving myself an injection, I immediately start getting an erection."

For Erectile Dysfunction "Only been using for about 4 months... I'm injecting 20mcg. Does anyone else experience burning pain after about 10 mins up until the penis loses the erection. I've had erection for more than 4hrs. But the burning sensation spoils it for me and can't ejaculated either. There's no pain on injection so anybody new don't be worried about injecting."

For Erectile Dysfunction "I had my prostate removed 5 months ago, bladder is still settling down, but no erection. Tried Viagra numerous times with no success. As of today, injected the needle at the doctor's and up he came. My wife is so happy and me too."

For Erectile Dysfunction "I started using Caverject some 8 months ago.  I started with 7.5ugm dose. It gave results in about 3 to 5 minutes while  massaging the injection site for 90 seconds to distribute the active component.   I have had to increase the dose rate over this 8 month period from 7.5ugm to now 15ugm.  It appears to have lost its potency and less rigid erections for about 45 minutes whereas before it for 90 minutes and hard.  This has been noticed by my partner.  Are other users finding this issue?  Here in Australia you can only get Caverject up to 20ugm."

For Erectile Dysfunction "Excellent... it must be used properly. Needle must be inserted almost to the hilt in the appropriate spot as advised in the accompanying literature. If not much less effective and burning sensation. Doing this , small amounts work !"

For Erectile Dysfunction "Have been using Caverject for six years now, at the beginning it was great. Injecting 20 mg. However, what the manufacturer does not tell you is each time you inject, the needle causes scarring to the penis wall. After about five years, I found it was taking longer to pee. I did not link the two together. However, recently visited a consultant and informed him of my condition. He then told me this can happen. So, advised me to now take Muse. Not so effective as the injections."

For Erectile Dysfunction "This is a brilliant product. It is recommended to avoid injecting too close to the base and instead inject around the one-third point to prevent potential pain in the testicles, which can be unpleasant. The suggested dose is 5 mcg and the effect can be expected within about 90 minutes."

For Erectile Dysfunction "I’m a 49-year-old with type 1 Diabetes (27 years) and Bipolar Disorder. I’m insulin-dependent, have neuropathy, and take Lithium, Topiramate, Bupropion, Prazosin, Atorvastatin, and Esomeprazole, which all affect erectile functioning. I used Viagra for 20 years until it stopped working recently. I take the Edex 20mcg injection and get fully erect about half the time. I’m going to request an increase to 40mcg. An interesting side effect for me: I cannot climax on this medication. I’ve tried. I used to have a minor problem with premature ejaculation (PE), but the other night I comfortably had sex nonstop for two hours. I never did climax. Bizarre. A great drug that cures erectile dysfunction (ED) and PE?!?!?! Wow."

For Erectile Dysfunction "Jack, I have the same experience. Worked like a charm in the begining but now its like I only get a little swollen but not hard. I even tried to inject a total of 60 mcg But still no real effect.. In the begginning it was a total blast.. But something happened and now it doesnt seem to work.."

For Erectile Dysfunction "This medication is not that great, if you can achieve good results on Viagra, Levitra or Cialis, any of these three drugs is a much better option. Biggest complaint about caverject is that after injecting this medication, it literally feels like there is a burning feeling, it is very uncomfortable, and significantly reduces any chance of pleasure during sexual intimacy. As the drug wears off, it feels like someone elbowed you in the groin. If it is your only option, then it maybe be better than nothing, but definitely has its drawbacks."

For Erectile Dysfunction "I have been using Caverject 20mg for up on 20 years now and find it to be an excellent medicine. Fortunately, I don't have any of the side effects as highlighted on previous posts. I have used it on average once per week. My only issue with Caverject is that it's dogged with supply issues and it has not been available in my pharmacy since Oct 2021. Perhaps Pfizer can give an update on when supply resumes."

For Erectile Dysfunction "I have been using injections for about five years. Before that, I used PDE5s for about 14 years. They gradually started to lose effectiveness. Taking the max dose gave me headaches and horrible lasting reflux, antacids, and PPI. The doc had to give me radiowave treatment for abnormal cell formations to prevent cancer. Yes, it's true regular PDE5 use can be dangerous. Switched to Trimix then to Caverject because of availability in this part of Europe. It works pretty well but 20 mcg is the highest dose and rigidity isn't great, with frequent buckling. If I add from another vial 5 mcg, it's good but sometimes I can't cum. A close call but it's okay for now. Not ready for an implant but love my intimacy."

For Erectile Dysfunction "Started with the dual chamber 20mcg Caverject injections. Injected two amounts ie 40mcg in total. Mixed results. Partial erection. Due to lack of manufacturing supply swapped to the single 40mcg single injection type. Use same dose as before but no errection at all just pain. Tried multiple times but no change. Pain is sometimes less but can't deduce why. Different injection methods, ensuring temperature of liquid is room temp gives no change in results. I am medically qualified."

For Erectile Dysfunction "Caverject ruined my life. I loved it when I needed it , but after less than a dozen times, it ruined my penis, I now have Peyriones. My penis is bent , disfigured and shortened, it use to be nice looking, now it looks like road kill. I'm in such a dark space as over a 2/3 of length and girth has gone, I now am receiving shockwave treatment to no avail. I'm at the point of hopelessness and complete breakdown."

For Erectile Dysfunction "Being overweight caused the absence of love making for the past few years due to ED issues. I started using caverject 20mlin the past couple of months (approx 16 times) and its difficult to see what I'm doing during injection time and using a mirror as a guide is something I'm not good at and never have been. Why the medication isnt working could be that the injections are missing their target. Either I'm going to deep or not deep enough I feel. How does one know when you are in the sweet spot that it's supposed to land in?"

For Erectile Dysfunction "I have been using this since 1993 due to inability to get an erection after a car accident broke my hip and dislocated my leg, along with bad concussion. It worked quite well during the first 10 years or so. Now, due to age I am guessing, it is a "hit or miss" with the injections. As of Jan 1st, 2018 I am no longer able to find it in my state-the only pharmacy that mixed it has discontinued doing so due to the high cost (I also had it shipped via UPS since pharmacy is a couple of hrs away). What confuses me here is that the rx that works best for me had to always be kept cold until use, and I have received it sometimes thru the years where it says not to keep cold ( and that rx never worked). So-there evidently different formulas? And as for the scar-tissue statements-yes, I too have the scar tissue with the "hard" spots, but they have not caused any pain; curvature, etc-I can feel them when I get ready to inject, and just inject beside them."

For Erectile Dysfunction "It’s been 5 years since I started using it 20mg now and then. At the beginning I needed less than 1/4 to get 4 hours erection, now whole injection barely work. Wondering if anxiety and depression affect its performance or its performance has been causing me anxiety and a depression. Anyway, too much life hassle to maintain a sexual life, I’m losing interest in sex cos it has become too complicated."

For Erectile Dysfunction "I have been using Caverject for ten years. It works great with no negative side effects. It has changed my life. VA will provide at little cost. Whatever you have to pay, it is worth every penny."

For Erectile Dysfunction "When used correctly, it works well within the 60 to 90-minute time for satisfactory and excellent results. Quick injections, and within 10 minutes, you are ready."

For Erectile Dysfunction "A little hesitated first two times injecting myself, but it is worth it. Had nerve sparing for bladder cancer, but after 2.5 years with no normal erection, this saved the day."

For Erectile Dysfunction "It didn't work, I tried 5mg then increase to 20mg and still didn't work, it only worked about 30 percent of the erection for about 5 minutes Only, I tried that for 5 times and same."

More about Caverject (alprostadil)

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  • Reviews (28)
  • Side effects
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  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: impotence agents
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Caverject advanced reading
  • Caverject

Other brands

Edex, Muse, Prostin VR Pediatric

Professional resources

  • CaverJect prescribing information
  • Alprostadil (Systemic, Local) (AHFS Monograph)

Other brands

Edex, Muse, Prostin VR Pediatric

Other formulations

  • CaverJect Impulse

Related treatment guides

  • Erectile Dysfunction