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Generic Name: Ceftin (cefuroxime)

Ceftin Reviews

For Sinusitis "I am on my 5th day of a 10-day prescription - taking 500mg in the morning and 500mg before bedtime. The pills are hard to swallow and taste awful, so I dip them in honey before taking. It works great. Ceftin is working great. Being a person who has lived with nasty sinus infections most of my life, I never take the same antibiotic twice in one year. However, Ceftin is at the top of my list. It cures the infection. Make sure you take a ten-day (1000mg daily) course if you have a bad infection. It does make you feel bad - it is hard on your stomach, so you must take it with food. Yogurt or Activia is a must, and also make sure you have a bunch of bananas on hand. Good luck."

For Sinusitis "I've had sinusitis for a couple of weeks, woozy, dizzy, pressure. I took a dose pack, which I normally take anyway and it helped some but no appreciable effects. I tried Augmentin and couldn't take anymore after one dose due to side effects. I've taken 3 Ceftin since yesterday and I feel much, much better."

For Sinusitis "I had a sinus infection with fever (spiking higher at night), took me a while to figure out because I never had one before. Within a day of taking Ceftin, I no longer had a fever and felt much better. Had no problem taking the pill with water (unlike others), don't taste it at all. After 5 days, I still have thick mucus and less appetite than usual, but otherwise am doing much better than before. I notice no side effects from this medicine."

For Pneumonia "I was prescribed this after 3 days on Azithromycin was making me worse. My doctor told me the Z-pack wasn't working because my bronchitis had become pneumonia. After 2 days on Ceftin (250 mg, twice daily), I was really starting to improve. My cough had lessened, chest congestion had loosened nicely, and my headache/stuffiness had started to subside. I also used a humidifier. Now, 4 days in and I'm feeling almost human. The cough is almost gone, I can breathe almost normally, and am much improved. I have always heard the Z-pack knocks out almost everything, but I'm proof it's not a cure-all. One thing to note is that Ceftin can be rough on your stomach, so be sure to take it with food. Crackers, toast, or yogurt should be fine."

For Sinusitis "I was given Ceftin by my regular doctor for a sinus infection. 500 mg, 2 times a day. It always clears my infection, I usually notice feeling better after day 3. After a while, it didn’t work anymore, and my sinusitis became chronic. Levaquin was then the only thing that worked. Now Levaquin is dangerous. So I thought maybe, after 7 years of no Ceftin, maybe it would work again. Thankfully, it works again. I have no side effects, I take it with food. It is really the BEST antibiotic I’ve ever taken. I can’t take Augmentin or sulfa, so I’m very glad that there is Ceftin! It’s a big pill. I smash it into a powder and take it with cinnamon applesauce-thereby no bitter or metallic taste."

For Upper Respiratory Tract Infection "I'm currently being treated with Ceftin for a chest infection. I had been coughing, and try as I might, I couldn't bring up all the stuck mucus in my chest and throat. After one pill, the phlegm was loosened, and there was a dramatic decrease in my coughing. Plus, I've had zero side effects! :)"

For Sinusitis "I have been dealing with bad breath for about 1 year and have been to my internal medicine doctor and my dentist. They said I was fine. I wasn't okay with this answer, so I went to see an ENT doctor. He then prescribed me Ceftin 500 mg tablets to take twice a day with food. This is the miracle drug. I have only been taking it for 3 weeks out of the 4 weeks I was prescribed the drug and can already tell a difference. I go back in 1 week to have a CT scan of my sinuses to see if the bacterial infection has cleared up. I would recommend this to anyone who is suffering from the symptoms it treats."

For Bladder Infection "I have painful bladder syndrome and was having many infections. I have been using Ceftin 250 mg once a day for a year and have had no infections since the use of this medicine has been added to my routine."

For Sinusitis "After being hospitalized for 6 weeks and on other mag-antibiotics, I am so pleased to report that after 3-4 days on Ceftin, I finally could stop going through a 200 count box of tissues EVERY day and could actually breathe through my nose most of the time. My ENT Doctor prescribed Ceftin for 17 days. I've been on it now for 7 days. I have a severely depressed immune system due to MDS. We want to avoid surgery at all costs. I am hoping and praying the relief continues. I am also on Astepro nasal spray. Hoping for no or minimal side effects, which is always a concern. So far, so good. Will try and further evaluate at the end of the regimen. I hope this helps someone else."

For Urinary Tract Infection "When I read all of the reviews, I was kind of terrified to start Ceftin, but I had no reason to be! The only side effect I found for the first day was gas and bloating, but it definitely could've been unrelated. As long as you take this antibiotic with a meal (nothing crazy, doesn't have to be huge) and take probiotics daily, you should be totally fine! I've been on it for 4 days, and I feel great with no side effects. Tomorrow is my last day, so I'm hoping my UTI will be cleared out! My only complaint is that because I took the liquid, it definitely was not pleasant to swallow, and I found the easiest way to make it tolerable was to mix it with a sweeter flavored drink, as the antibiotic is a bit gritty and bitter."

For Sinusitis "I had a headache for 2 weeks straight and couldn't figure out why, so I finally broke down and went to the doctor's yesterday! She prescribed me Ceftin and said I had a sinus infection. I took both pills yesterday and woke up today with no headache at all and feeling amazing. This pill really works so far!"

For Tonsillitis/Pharyngitis "I have infections in the sinus, throat, and upper chest. My doctor first put me on Augmentin, which caused me to throw up. She changed it to Ceftin, and it is giving me no trouble at all. Also, I am already feeling better in the sinus. I have a horrible cough, but I imagine that's from the bronchitis breaking up. I'm very pleased with how this is working so far."

For Sinusitis "Did excellent job with clearing up sinus infection. 4 days in, however, I got hit with pretty severe diarrhea. Dr. had me stop taking since I was so much improved in terms of the sinusitis and due to the side effects. Been 48 hrs of diarrhea. And 24 since I terminated the medication. Hopefully it resolves with the probiotics I'm taking and cessation of the Ceftin. I am concerned about the severe colitis I've read about but we shall see."

For Pneumonia "I developed pneumonia from COVID and a sinus infection after I was COVID negative, still with lingering pneumonia. I was given Levaquin and it seemed to be working. But I developed a severe reaction to it, insomnia, shaking, panic attacks, nightmares, dizziness, and felt like I was having a mental breakdown. I told my doctor I need to get off Levaquin and why, and he prescribed a 10-day course of Ceftin. After two days being off Levaquin and now taking Ceftin, no more anxiety, insomnia, nightmares, dizziness, etc, Sinuses seem better. and less coughing. No diarrhea yet at two days in. Will go for CT scan in 18 days to see if chest is cleared from pneumonia, as they saw small pleural effusion on lower left lung, even after being on Levaquin for 15 days.It could be COVID scarring, which might take longer to go away. Who knows."

For Bronchitis "After taking Ceftin (Cefuroxime) for 3 days, my throat swelled, and my chest became more constricted. It felt as though I could not swallow well. I was dizzy and anxious. I consulted the pharmacist, who told me to take a Benadryl and if I didn't improve quickly, to get myself to the hospital. Within 5 minutes of taking the Benadryl, I could feel my throat relaxing. After relating this situation to my daughter, she told me she had a similar experience with this drug when it was prescribed for her a year ago."

For Sinusitis "I was put on Ceftin for a sinus infection. Three days later, I developed terrible diarrhea with blood, found out it was called pseudomembranous colitis. It is now a week later, and I am still suffering from the side effects."

For Sinusitis "I have been prescribed Ceftin multiple times over the course of 6 years to treat my sinusitis. Every time I have taken it, I have only been able to endure a few days before the incredibly harsh nature of this medicine on my stomach forces a doctor to stop the use. This week I was prescribed it again and 4 hours into the VERY FIRST PILL of my VERY FIRST DOSE, I began to feel terrible stabbing abdominal pain and then began over 24 hours of awful diarrrhea and vomiting. My body felt like it was going through a war. Now not only was I still battling through sinusitis, but due to taking this Ceftin I added symptoms of being in the throes of a stomach virus. I went to the doctor 12 hours into this episode whereby he told me NEVER TAKE THIS MEDICINE AGAIN....it clearly is having awful reactions with your body. This has really set me back now and thanks to the havoc it wrecked on my insides now I can’t take any meds orally for a bit until we can stabilize my stomach."

For Bladder Infection "I have been on Cefuroxime 250 mg tabs (Generic for Ceftin) for 3 months, and my bladder infection has not improved. In fact, my urine is more bloody and continues getting worse. I have told my Dr. and requested a different, hopefully more effective, antibiotic, but she keeps pushing this one. I am about to change doctors if she does not change it or my condition worsens more."

For Tonsillitis/Pharyngitis "It quickly helped get rid of the infection in my throat BUT it is very hard to take. The taste of the pill is horrible and sticks around for a long time in the back of your throat. I used flavored yogurt to help counteract the flavor after I swallowed the pill. It also starts dissolving quickly so it tended to get stuck in my throat."

For Upper Respiratory Tract Infection "Very gentle antibiotic for me. With every other kind I've taken, on the first dose, I expect it to feel like it "hit bottom" in my stomach. This one did not make my stomach upset one bit. A surprise. Had a cold for 1.5 weeks and it came back a few days later (after some sinus pains) Sinuses opened up and a torrent of mucus poured down my throat, caused laryngitis. was getting worse so I decided to suck it up and take these. I was VERY apprehensive at first because I think antibiotics should be a last resort. I have a trip abroad coming up so, no time to be sick. Started working the day I took it. It is now day 4 on them and my voice came back. I've been sipping kefir and taking a probiotic between doses. I don't know if this will cause a yeast infection, but I still might take a fluconazole after my prescription is finished if I feel ANY hint of discomfort. So far so good though. Penicillins usually give me instant vaginal yeast infections! Cleared my cystic acne too!"

For Bladder Infection "I took cefuroxime , a high dose for a bacterial bladder infection. I go t a massive side effect of setting my butt on fire. It still burns and I had to take an antifungal to stop it, which just made it burn less. I'm still using a steroid powder. But I still burn & I'm in a wheelchair."

For Pneumonia "I found the tablet form difficult to swallow. On my second dose, the tablet got stuck in my throat. Scary. But I managed to get it back out, and tossed it in the trash. Then I realized I would be one dose short. So I retrieved the tablet, only to discover that by now, it had swollen into a spongy mass. So I dropped it into a glass of water. Extremely bitter this way. And with irritated throat tissues. So, next dose, I put almond milk in my mouth, maybe 4 ounces, and tossed in the tablet and quickly swallowed. This time, it went down ok. I think the tablet needs a coating. I was thinking of using butter. I will try this on my next dose."

For Bacterial Infection "Daughter is 16mths old and was prescribed this garbage from the ER doc for an ear and chest infection. She was on this for 3 days and had the worst experience ever with stomach pain, vomit, diarrhea galore and would not move from wife's lap/crying. We stopped this med and saw a night and day difference within 16hrs. Unbelievable."

For Bacterial Infection "Prescribed this antibiotic Ceftin after a severe reaction to Levaquin for bacterial infection. Only problem is muscle aches and stomach issues. I am on day five but I may have to stop before the ten days. Feels like gallbladder problems but I did not have these symptoms before taking this medication."

For Sinusitis "The medicine clears the infection , but extremely harsh on the stomach. I am on day 4 and had to stop taking it because I threw up all over the driveway. It repeats on you all day and leaves a horrible taste. Very strong"

More about Ceftin (cefuroxime)

  • Check interactions
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  • Drug images
  • Side effects
  • Dosage information
  • During pregnancy
  • Generic availability
  • Drug class: second generation cephalosporins
  • Breastfeeding

Patient resources

  • Ceftin drug information
  • Ceftin (Cefuroxime Oral Suspension)
  • Ceftin (Cefuroxime Tablets)

Other brands


Professional resources

  • Ceftin prescribing information
  • Ceftin Tablets, Oral Suspension (FDA)
  • Cefuroxime (AHFS Monograph)

Related treatment guides

  • Bacterial Infection
  • Bladder Infection
  • Bronchitis
  • Bone infection