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Generic Name: Ceftriaxone for Pneumonia (ceftriaxone)

Ceftriaxone for Pneumonia Reviews

Rocephin (ceftriaxone) "Sick for 4 weeks, went to the doctor. Ear infection, sinus infection, and bronchitis prescriptions of Augmentin and Mucinex. Since 6 months earlier, I had pneumonia that took me out of work for short-term disability. When I heard the telltale 'rattling' on my left side 8 days later, I went back to the doctor. So after 5 weeks of coughing, sneezing, headaches, and overwhelming tiredness, I received a shot of this. I had not had a shot of anything for many years, and it did hurt. I am not a wimpy, owy person. It did hurt. It hurt for 45 minutes. But the next morning, I woke without coughing up a lung, rested, and feeling better than I had for a month. The second day (now), I am headed out to cut the grass after vacuuming the house. Yeah."

Rocephin (ceftriaxone) "I've been sick with what I thought was just a cold for the last 3 weeks, and finally my cough got so bad the other day that it hurt in my back every time I coughed or took a deep breath. I went to the urgent care clinic and found out I have walking pneumonia. They gave me a shot of Rocephin and Dexatron. It didn't even take 30 mins for it to begin working on my breathing and my lungs. I was already feeling halfway better when I left the doctor's office, and when I woke up today, I feel almost back to normal. With the exception of my right buttock being a little tender from the shots, and I have a little leg pain. I am so thankful for this shot. I have been in misery for the last 3 weeks, and it took less than 24 hours for this medicine to start healing."

Rocephin (ceftriaxone) "Had a 102-degree temp for 4 days, 101 degrees for 4 days. Felt like I was coughing up my lungs and could not catch my breath. Sounded like a gurgling sound in my lungs all the time. Was the worst I ever felt. Went to the doctor and got a shot, and within 6 hours, I was ready to go cut the grass."

Rocephin (ceftriaxone) "I'm a healthy 71-year-old male with one weakness - my lungs. I've had bronchitis as a boy and had pneumonia twice before, and this is the third time getting pneumonia. The Rocephin was added to a slow intravenous drip. Good relief the first day, and today, the second day of treatment, I got my appetite back. I have one more day of intravenous, and I think I may be back to near normal."

Rocephin (ceftriaxone) "I have been so sick I had average of 104 temp. Couldn't breathe. I went to the dr. They ran tests and xrays turns out I had pneumonia. They fave me two shots a steroid and also this besides my butt feeling sore I feel so much better. I also was given antibiotics. But three hours after this shot I can breathe without mini painful short breathes."

Rocephin (ceftriaxone) "I wish I would have received as fast a healing as others had with Rocephin, but it still worked! I had a very severe case of pneumonia and was hospitalized for three weeks. I was given Rocephin by IV while in the hospital and four weeks at home. Although my illness was stubborn, the Rocephin did its job, and now my lung is clear of infection. I am thankful for the doctor that prescribed the medicine and those that make it."

Rocephin (ceftriaxone) "It has only been a day since my 4-month-old son was diagnosed with double lobe pneumonia. I have seen a huge difference within the past 24 hours. It's hard to believe he was sick for 3 weeks prior. We were told it was just a cold. So I took him back every few days until they finally listened to me. He ran a 103 fever for about 5 days, and it has disappeared."

Rocephin (ceftriaxone) "This shot is only given at a medical facility urgent clinic or hospital wait time after given is approximately 20 minutes to make sure there's no allergic reaction ... Within a few hours my cough was slowed down"

Rocephin (ceftriaxone) "I rate this low because I am an exception. Within 3 minutes of my shot I had severe reaction and it took excellent medical intervention to save me. I have never had any allergic reaction to any food, product, or medicine prior to this shot. I am informed this is an excellent drug, however, do not take this shot without the first being at a clinic or other medical setting."

Rocephin (ceftriaxone) "'Came down with what seemed like a bad bout of influenza on a Friday night. Absent from work Monday, and Tuesday. Wednesday and my cough is dry, chest heavy, gurgling sound in my chest. I thought it was wheezing, but that sound didn't go away even after inhalers. I regret returning to work on Wednesday, but I've used up my sick time. Doctor gave me Rocephin on Thursday morning. By Thursday evening, I'm feeling good enough to be bored and wanting to return to work! The creators of this medicine deserve Nobel Prize!"

Rocephin (ceftriaxone) "Went to the doctor on a Monday with what I thought was sinuses acting up. They thought the same...by the next day I Had a bad cough and didn’t even feel like moving any muscle. I stayed on the couch for 2 days with a fever ranging from 100-102! I finally forced myself to go see the doctor again on Wednesday and yup pneumonia. They gave me a rocephin shot in office and also a prescription for a z pack! Time I got home an hour later my fever had dropped to around 99 and 30 minutes later it was back to normal. Woke up the next day and thought man I could go to work (not very smart thinking on my end) I made it through work but it wore me out. The doctor had me come back Saturday for another rocephin shot and today I feel more back to normal."

Rocephin (ceftriaxone) "I'm a 16 year old girl. I have had mono in the past I recently was concerned about my right tonsil because it won't go down. I shortly after the doctor appointment got a cold or so I thought and it turned out I had walking pneumonia.. It happens fast! I had a shot of rocephin and my right buttock has never Been in such pain but within 24 hours my chest felt absolutely clear. And I have had a little cough since and some leg and butt pain otherwise I'm so grateful for this medicine! ❤️"

Rocephin (ceftriaxone) "I had been to hospital with some pretty bad pneumonia. They were in the process of discharging me when the nurse gave me the shot. Let me be clear I have NEVER EVER felt such a painful shot in my life. Holy cow it felt like I had broken my arm and I couldn’t move it for at least 30 minutes after. Nurse said to rub it out and luckily it didn’t hurt too bad the next day."

Rocephin (ceftriaxone) "My son was running high 102-104 fevers, took him to ER on Tuesday night. Chest x-ray confirmed upper left lung pneumonia. Was put on 2,000 mg of amoxicillin 2x per day. Was still running high fevers like before and went back to ER Thursday night with pneumonia that spread through the rest of his left lung. He received 2,000mg of rocephin by IV 1am Friday morning . 21 hours later he is still getting high fevers. This latest one being 103. I'm starting to think this antibiotic isn't working."

Rocephin (ceftriaxone) "Got sick really fas,t had bad sinus drainage, fever and coughed up my lungs (it felt like) with so much force. My dr did X-ray which was normal but I’ve had pneumonia several times so he started me on Rocephrin and steroid shot next day another shot rocephrin and day 3 another plus a few steroid pills 20 mg but those make my head almost explode I can do the shots better it seems I’m still coughing but mucus is getting clearer but I’m happy to have a Dr that knows me and his fast I can get sick I’m putting my ankle surgery off was suppose to have it next week but waiting 3 more weeks to get stronger"

Rocephin (ceftriaxone) "I was told by my physician after tests that I had pneumonia. He gave me a shot of Rocephin. The next morning I was almost back to normal, except for having a very sore butt. I feel much better."

Rocephin (ceftriaxone) "Saved my life when I had bacterial pneumonia."

Rocephin (ceftriaxone) "Great! Received IV drip and felt better in less than 6 hours after IV! Miracle!"

Rocephin (ceftriaxone) "My 6 year old daughter immediately went into shock after it was administered to her. She started itching, had hives all over her body, struggled breathing and collapsed."

Rocephin (ceftriaxone) "Worked well, gave relief from breathing problems and reduced mucus. Given as IV injection"

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  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: third generation cephalosporins
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Ceftriaxone injection drug information
  • Ceftriaxone

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Professional resources

  • CefTRIAXone monograph
  • Ceftriaxone (FDA)
  • Ceftriaxone and Dextrose (FDA)

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Related treatment guides

  • Bacterial Infection
  • Bone infection
  • Bacterial Endocarditis Prevention
  • Bacteremia