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Generic Name: Ceftriaxone for Urinary Tract Infection (ceftriaxone)

Ceftriaxone for Urinary Tract Infection Reviews

Rocephin (ceftriaxone) "I came home from work with one of the worst UTIs. I went from having a small amount of blood in urine to straight blood and burning. I admit at the doctor's office, I was a little skeptical about getting the shot. This was the best decision I have ever made. Within thirty minutes, I was no longer urinating blood and no pain. I still had a small amount only when wiping, barely noticeable. By morning, it was gone. Why has nobody ever recommended this before? I can't praise it enough. If you get really bad UTIs that happen fast and are painful, talk to your doctor about this medication. I did have to take another antibiotic with it, but the instant relief was so worth it. Yes, the injection spot is a little touchy for a day or two, but nothing like the pain from the UTI."

Rocephin (ceftriaxone) "Received Rocephin injection in the left hip for a urinary tract infection. The injection itself was not any worse than any other I've received, but as the medicine starts making its way into the body, it becomes very uncomfortable. It feels very bruised and knotty at the injection site. However, I know this medicine works very well for this condition as I've had this twice previously, otherwise, I would not put myself through the discomfort. It is only painful from about 2-3 minutes following the injection up to about 30 minutes following when the pain wears down to barely noticeable except when the area is touched. It's highly worth the brief pain and discomfort. I always feel much better within 24 hours following the shot."

Rocephin (ceftriaxone) "42-year-old female. 1 month ago, I went to urgent care for a UTI. I was given Cipro. The burning never went away. I finished all the antibiotics and saw my gynecologist. I had another urine test along with a Pap smear. All were normal. This entire week, I felt bad - extremely tired, shaky, weak, irritable, and of course, the burning that never stopped. I went to urgent care tonight. I saw a young male physician's assistant. He suggested a Rocephin shot. It hurt like heck, but 3 hours after the shot, it's like I'm healed instantly. My whole body feels 100% better. I think the burning is finally gone. I hope I feel this great tomorrow. It's been one miserable month."

Rocephin (ceftriaxone) "Was given this after ER visit with severe testicular, urethra, and kidney pain. Tests for STDs were negative (ER did this anyway), so only conclusion was very bad UTI. Medicine (shot in buttocks) cleared up the problem within 72 hrs, even though azithromycin (1 g dose) given for bronchitis one week earlier did not."

Rocephin (ceftriaxone) "I've gotten UTIs twice a year for over a decade. Azo doesn't even take a little of the pain away... mine are always terrible! UTI hit me hard yesterday, and I went to the clinic. I asked for this shot based on people on the Internet saying it helped so fast. It's true. The shot hurts, but nothing is worse than the pain of the UTI. I felt better within hours. It's usually a couple of days before I get to feeling better using antibiotic pills, so I definitely recommend the shot!!"

Rocephin (ceftriaxone) "Had a severe UTI that didn't respond to Macrobid or Ceftin. My doctor ordered a shot of Rocephin, this is a miracle drug! The horrible pain I've had for over a week was gone in a few hours. I would definitely recommend this and would take it again even though the injection was a little painful!"

Rocephin (ceftriaxone) "10 weeks pregnant and found out I had a bladder infection/urinary tract infection. Doctor first prescribed Macro. Those were the worst 3 days ever. I could not stop throwing up. The smell of food made me nauseous. I was weak and did not move from the bed for 3 days, which is not like me at all. I am a very active person. I called the on-call doctor on Sunday night, and she told me to stop taking Macro and to come in tomorrow to get the Rocephin shot. I have to say just from one day of being off Macro, I already feel better but not 100%. I took the Rocephin shot and started to feel better little by little after 3 hours. I expected for the shot to hurt a lot. However, it only burned a little for a short period of time."

Rocephin (ceftriaxone) "Thank God for this shot! Doc had me on cephalexin, which only made it worse, and then Macrobid, which made me deathly sick. I couldn't take it anymore since I was pregnant and already miserable! OB gave me this shot in my right hip, and I couldn't feel better. Turns out I don't have any pregnancy symptoms, it was the urinary tract infection making me feel so awful! I felt better an hour after the shot and have been actually able to eat more than two bites of food since! Worth the burn and soreness afterwards."

Rocephin (ceftriaxone) "Second time posting hoping it might help someone. Had symptoms of UTI on Friday. Not happy all weekend. Got into doctor this morning and had shot. I still hate getting two shots in my bottom but my doctor also insists on giving me a B12 shot when I see him because I am slightly anemic. I am not sure if it is because I am skinny but Rocephin burns like heck and I am almost in tears getting it. Maybe I am just a wimp but I don’t like needles getting stuck in me and Rocephin is the worst! It it is now around 3:00 and I have no symptoms. It works and even though I dreaded the shot all weekend I am glad I got it."

Rocephin (ceftriaxone) "Because of chronic UTIs in my past, I had developed resistance to almost all antibiotics for treatment, including Cipro, Bactrim, Amoxicillin, and Macrobid. Either they made me sick with flu-like aches and pains or just did not cure the infection. The Rocephin shot was prescribed and done last time in the doctor's office, I felt better within hours. I have to say, until tonight, it had been 8 months since my last UTI. That is definitely a record for me! Given the shot again today, hoping for the same results..."

Rocephin (ceftriaxone) "Recurrent UTI and bladder infections. Last year, needed hospitalization, turning to sepsis. Three days of IV Rocephin and ten months later, another UTI and after a shot of Rocephin, started clearing up the symptoms immediately! Oral antibiotics never work! This is a miracle drug for this condition, with no side effects for me!"

Rocephin (ceftriaxone) "Have been in agony with UTI after UTI, burning and sick and debilitated, and no other antibiotics touched it. Had a positive strep B culture. Finally, feel relief after Rocephin injection. It also helped before quickly with a sinus infection. Highly recommend. Antibiotics are awful with deadly side effects. Ciprofloxacin and Levaquin can kill you. Research those two on side effects."

Rocephin (ceftriaxone) "Given one shot of Rocephin (IM, dorsogluteal) for severe UTI. Shot a little painful, but experienced relief of abdominal discomfort within about 30 minutes. Some bruising, but definitely worth it for the quick relief."

Rocephin (ceftriaxone) "I have been getting UTIs for many years. Usually take Bactrim or Cipro. Had such a bad one, plus pain in my back and I felt like the Bactrim was making me feel awful too. I ended up going to ER because I have only 1 kidney and can’t allow a kidney infection to set it. I got a Rocephin IV and it is now 9 hrs later and I feel so much better! It's still soon to say it completely cured it, but I am actually having real relief for the first time in 5 days. Why didn’t I ever hear about this drug before?"

Rocephin (ceftriaxone) "My 11-year-old had a 102 temp for 2 days, achy all over. Day 3, 104. Went to the clinic. Negative for flu and strep and white count normal. Advised to push fluids and treat fever. Day 4, temp 105. Went back to the clinic. Urinalysis shows raging UTI and now she's really dehydrated. Had 2 options: shot of Rocephin, push fluids, and start oral antibiotics, but if not better by morning she'd be admitted to the hospital. Or just admit her right then. We went with the shot. Within an hour, I saw vast improvements. Fever has not been above 100.5, pain is better, drinking better, and even managed to eat a little bit and work on 4 days of homework! Would definitely recommend Rocephin!"

Rocephin (ceftriaxone) "Had UTI diagnosed over a month ago, given cipro. Never felt quite over the UTI. Ended up getting bactrim, UTI started raging again. Went back to doc and requested rocephin. Received shot and was 99% better within hours. Seeing my own PCP in 2 days, may get another shot. I'm working away from home and I found out I’m resistant to many antibiotics now so rocephin saved me from permanent kidney damage :)"

Rocephin (ceftriaxone) "This is my 3rd UTI in an annual year. One in Oct of 2019, May 2020 and Aug 2020. I woke up at 2 am 2 days ago feeling that all so familiar feeling. By 1pm Sunday I headed to the ER. I started urinating blood, passing clots and my pelvic area was killing me! A UTI causes INTENSE pain, I would birth my 4 children all over again! Doc did a phone call appt (due to covid) today and he said I am perimenopausal(sp) at 38 years old :/. My estrogen is funky so that could def be a culprit. I did have the rocephin shot last night, but it's taking a bit longer to COMPLETELY go away vs the last 2x. I am TERRIFIED of getting another UTI. My doc suggested a natural supplement call de mannose. Anyone taking this? I have to order it, drug store was out. Apparently it's a preventative supplement for UTI's. All I know is that the pain of a UTI is forever traumatizing! The shot hurts, yes, but SO worth the relief. I would recommend it to anyone."

Rocephin (ceftriaxone) "Tried posting this on my iPad yesterday and the day before but it did not seem to post. I have been getting Rocephin injections for UTIs for about 10 years. Initially after trying pill antibiotics over a over with little success, my OB recommended the shot. I am extremely needle phobic and was very reluctant to agree to a shot in my butt, but convinced myself to suck it up. First it is a little embarrassing to be bent over a table with a bare butt , next the shot really hurts and burns. Your butt is sore or about 1 hour afterward. But it works. A few days ago I had symptoms of a UTI and ignored them. My husband convinced me to stop being a baby and go get the shot! I finally gave in and saw my doctor. I received one rocephin injection in my right cheek and a B12 shot in my other butt cheek. 5-6 hours later I felt fine although my bottom is still a little sore. I need to get over this fear of needles! Don't watch when they prepare it. But I would recommend this shot."

Rocephin (ceftriaxone) "I am only putting this out here so it can help others that have been or are in my same situation. I was seen 4 days ago for which I thought was a UTI. It was extremely painful and they prescribed be Bactrim, a 3 day supply. After taking 3 pills I was getting worse. My doctor finally called me back and wanted me in right away. I had literally no control over my bladder. I was in excruciating pain, and couldn't help but cry. The doctor told me I had tested positive for an STD as well as a UTI and I was on the wrong medication. I was given the Rocephin shot and prescribed another antiobiotic. It is now day 2 since the shot and I feel much better. I'm still in some pain but I'm hoping it goes away soon!"

Rocephin (ceftriaxone) "I had a stent put it for an obstructed kidney stone and developed a UTI was completely miserable went to my local ED and was given Rocephin I felt better by the time I was discharged. Never had an antibiotic work that fast."

Rocephin (ceftriaxone) "I went to Convenient Care late this morning. I have been having problems with urinating all week. I was running to the bathroom with extreme urgency to pee every 15 minutes or so only to urinate a small amount. My back had started hurting in a different area than usual a few days ago and yesterday my legs ached so bad I could barely stand it. I was nauseated also. Anyways, at the Convenient Care they checked me in and I had a temperature they asked for a urine sample so I gave them one. All morning I have been passing small clot like mucous pieces of blood while urinating. I have never had an injection before for my bladder infections but this morning I received my first Rocephin. I had it around noon and by 4:30 I was already starting to feel better! They also gave Cipro for 10 days so I hope that doesn’t make me feel too sick because I’m feeling a lot better right now. Still achy but not burning when I urinate."

Rocephin (ceftriaxone) "Had been dealing with a UTI for over a week was on two different antibiotics and neither cleared it up the infection had went to my kidney so had a kidney infection. My back was hurting so bad I couldn't hardly walk along with running a fever and feeling nauseous. Ended up going to the ER they gave me the Rocephin shot and within an hour I promise I could pee without it burning and the blood clots I was passing had stopped, so this was a miracle medicine to me. But I must add my arm is so swollen and still hurting and has a knot in it but if I had to do it again I would."

Rocephin (ceftriaxone) "I expressed I felt strongly I had an infection on my kidney or bladder and after she decided to test my urine she came back and said i made her a liar and there was infection still present after completing the Cipro. I was given Rocephin via IV, fluids, and CScan. Diagnosed with UTI and the infection was on my bladder. Gave me Nitrofurantoin and I've been sick as heck- chills, nausea, you name it! Going back and requesting Rocephin shot!"

"Day two of this very strong antibiotic and I think I'm out of all farts left to give, is it a fart or more severe diarrhea from this pill? I wander yet again helplessly into the bathroom. Unaware that I evidently eaten something disgusting at some point, as I see it evacuates from my now flaming hot butt. Flushing the toilet provides no relief from the horrid antibiotic gut stench and splash back creates a new horror of germs taking residence on my butt cheeks. I'm left wondering when I had time to eat a pile of something so disgusting as the smell indicates? I don't know. Pray for my bum. It hurts. 5 more days to go. On a positive note: the UTI is absolutely better! I took the first antibiotic at 11:30am and I stopped burning/urgent urinating by 4pm. Very effective for UTI."

Rocephin (ceftriaxone) "I had developed a UTI just a few days ago. After 2 days of back pain and abdominal pain I finally went to my Dr. They wrote a prescription for Ciprofloxacin and also gave me 2 Rocephin injections in my butt. Having been diagnosed with Spina Bifida while still in my Mother's womb in 1984, I've had many Urinary Tract Infections. Every oral Antibiotic takes so long for relief but the Rocephin injections worked almost instantaneous!!! The sting from the shot hurts but the results are well worth getting the shot!!!"

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  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: third generation cephalosporins
  • Breastfeeding
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  • Ceftriaxone injection drug information
  • Ceftriaxone

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  • CefTRIAXone monograph
  • Ceftriaxone (FDA)
  • Ceftriaxone and Dextrose (FDA)

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  • Bacterial Infection
  • Bone infection
  • Bacterial Endocarditis Prevention
  • Bacteremia