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Generic Name: Celebrex for Pain (celecoxib)

Celebrex for Pain Reviews

"For 6 months I've suffered chronic pain in the morning, woken from sleep in pain in my joints. It started in my knees, then elbows and wrists. But 2 months ago, it started in my hips and lower back, and as my sleep was interrupted daily, so was my life. As soon as I get up, the pain would go, but the other day it wouldn't. So, I went to my doctor who gave me Celebrex. I was scared to take it after reading bad reviews. So, I rang my doctor, and he said take it and let me know how you feel tomorrow. I took it last night and can't believe I waited this long to try it. For the first time in 6 months, I woke with no pain and it made me drowsy, which was a bonus. Celebrex worked for me, so I want to write a positive review for people out there who are scared off by bad reviews. I'm pain-free!"

"I agree with those who say Celebrex has improved the quality of life. I joked with my doctor that Celebrex is the only 'anti-depressant' that ever worked for me. Chronic pain is depressing. I have been on this medication for over a decade and my joints still move with ease, and without disabling pain. I am grateful."

"I noticed a lot of people on here giving up after only a week or so. I have been on Celebrex for years and at different times, I would stop for a week or 2 immediately. I would start going downhill. Celebrex needs to build up in your system, the more time you take it, the more it helps. Should give it at least a month. I was on heavy pain meds for years. Now all I take is Celebrex. I have severe neck and back problems and severe arthritis. Celebrex is a miracle drug for me without the side effects of heavy pain meds. Thank you for Celebrex, it has changed my life."

"Celebrex was so much easier on my stomach but it was 'weaker' than other NSAIDs, and I have taken almost all of them. But, because it didn't irritate my stomach, I could take it twice daily. With that said, on Celebrex I gained at least 15 pounds in the first month, with actual increase in activity and no dietary changes. I've had this happen with other medicines before, notably, Lyrica. At my age, and with my health conditions all complicated by weight gain, it was not worth it for me. If it weren't for the weight gain this would get a 9-10. But, since the weight gain was so profound, I couldn't continue. Which is super sad because it really was awesome otherwise! Within weeks of stopping I lost nearly 10 pounds already. If you can stand to gain weight, like if you are underweight, I highly recommend this. But, if your weight is a problem, stay away!"

"Celebrex has been the only thing to help me for my lupus inflammation and pain. I'm always in pain, my entire body and joints. We haven't been able to get down the inflammation. In October, I switched rheumatologists and she changed my meds, and immediately my pain was finally reduced and tolerable! I let myself run out this week for the first time, and I'm in so much pain! My husband is at the pharmacy right now for it. I refuse typical addictive pain pills. Celebrex has helped me tremendously, I haven't had a crying breakdown from pain since I started it!"

"In my early 50s, I began having right knee pain. Then I had all-over pain, felt especially upon standing after sitting for a short while. I was diagnosed with referred pain from my right hip, so that at age 59, I had a right hip replacement. Knee pain stopped. The all-over pain persisted. I started taking Celebrex shortly after it first came out. I’m now 77 and had both knees replaced, left at 63, right at 66, my left shoulder at age 72, and now I need my right shoulder replaced. I am able to hold off on that, so far. If I didn’t have Celecoxib (generic), I fear I’d be using a walker or possibly a wheelchair. I have tried taking one 200 mg per day, but the pain becomes too severe. I’ve also taken two one day and one the next, which worked for a while. Every spring and fall, I have an arthritis attack, and Celebrex gets me through. Celebrex has saved my life! So far, no bad side effects."

"I'm a 41-year-old male, and for the last few years, I started suffering from many of my gym- and sports-related injuries. At first, it was the pain I associated with too much work at the gym or too many miles on the trail, or picking up too much weight for my arthritic lower back, etc., but when my elbows both shut down completely at exactly the same time, and I couldn't hold a tube of toothpaste anymore, I started to freak out. For months, I took way too many OTC NSAIDs, prescription painkillers, steroids, on and on, and nothing came close to relieving the pain. I became angry and depressed and was a complete grump. Then my doctor prescribed Celebrex, and it is nothing short of amazing. My quality of life has greatly improved. It's expensive though."

"Having chronic knee pain due to hockey injuries that has been getting worse and worse as I turned 50 - but now using 200 mg Celebrex each day has been nothing short of 100% recovery. I can now take the stairs, exercise and play hockey pain-free with no side effects. Awesome, awesome."

"I went through 2 years of hell with lower back pain. It ruined my life for those 2 years, seemingly endless pain and suffering. Then my doctor prescribed Celebrex, which stopped the pain dead in its tracks."

"After my nucleoplasty surgery in 2001, constant pain because my 3 lower discs were turned into flat tires since they removed some of the disc's fluid. No surgeons could help me, I just had the right and left nerves deadened by a nerve block that did not work, and the lower steroid shots work for a couple of days. The one doctor put me on gabapentin, which helped about 5% with the pain. Last week, I read in the AARP paper that Celebrex is not really that bad or dangerous, it's on the same level as Motrin or ibuprofen. After taking the 200 mg pill twice a day for the past 3 days, my pain has lessened by 80%, and I am sure as it builds up, it will kick in and work for me. It's been a godsend since my pain was driving me crazy, I can sleep now."

"Dealing with knee osteoarthritis for years. Pain got so bad that I could only do minimal exercise and was waking up from pain. Ibuprofen does help, maybe a 50% pain inhibition taking 6 pills a day. With Celebrex, 200mg twice daily, I am having about 90% pain reduction. I am now biking daily, no problem going up and down stairs. This is a miracle drug. Not a cure, but close!"

"I have been in pain for years. I did massage therapy, physiotherapy, yoga, ran, walked, and weights. Finally, my doctor gave me a script for Celebrex - Instant pain relief in both my neck and lumbar. It is November 11, 2015, and I am going to celebrate tonight. I am pain-free!"

"I have had back pain (mid-back and shoulder and neck pain) for 10 years or more every day. I have had 3 cortisone shots in my shoulder. I have massages every month and go to the chiropractor when it is bad. I finally caved in and went to the doctor and got Celebrex 200mg once a day, and Omega 3. I have taken it for 10 days now and have never felt better. I cannot believe I have no pain. Why did I wait so long? I am 50 years old."

"Was skeptical when my GP first prescribed this pain reliever, Celebrex, for plantar fasciitis. As my pain level was quite high, but with continued use, it has reduced the pain down to a very manageable level and sometimes no pain, where I'm not limping in extreme pain anymore. There have been no side effects with this drug."

"I was in a lot of pain in my lower back and shooting pain down my leg for months, and I had increasing difficulty in walking and sleeping. I had been forced to use a cane and a scooter to get around, and I could no longer walk any distance. I had to stop physical therapy because the pain was too bad, and epidural injections seemed to offer little relief. The MRI indicated that I had tissue from a herniated disc and a protruding disc pressing on the nerves, so I was scheduled for surgery. I was given a prescription for Celebrex (250 mg/2 times/day) 8 weeks before surgery to help relieve the pain. One week before surgery, I was told to stop taking Celebrex. The pain has not returned, and the surgery was canceled. I am now essentially pain-free."

"I had great relief of the pain issue, but I gained 40 pounds in 3 months. My weight has been stable for 15 years until I began gaining weight overnight. The sudden weight gain is worse than the initial pain, so I have discontinued taking Celebrex."

"I am 49 years old, my mother is in hospital with 2 knee replacements and I have noticed over the years I too have pain in my knees after years of them cracking as I walked upstairs. Then the pain got worse so I went to the doc, and he told me to try Celebrex 300 mg a day, and let me tell you, so far, no side effects, and I am happy again. The wife says I am acting strange, she's never seen me so happy, but it's not for all. For me, I wish I would have done this a lot sooner."

"I have been suffering with arthritis in my knee and chronic plantar fasciitis heel pain for almost a year. The pain was brutal, and I asked my doctor if she would please give me a trial of Celebrex, as I had read a lot of positive responses about it. Within a few days of taking, yes, the generic version, I could feel a difference in my pain, and now a couple of weeks, and it's definitely helped my pain level, especially the plantar fasciitis. You should definitely take it with food, and I take it in the evening, or sometimes I do get a little dizzy, so I take it with supper, but it has definitely made a big difference in my pain level, and I can function now without being in agony by the end of the day."

"I have debilitating pains from my costochondritis for years. I have tried naproxen, Mobic, and Voltaren gel with no relief. My rheumatologist then suggested Celebrex. This has been a lifesaver. Celebrex has made my chest pains go from a 9-10 to about a 0-1. I would recommend this medicine to anyone dealing with costochondritis. Even the price is not bad. I pay $60 for a 90-day supply."

"I was prescribed Celebrex 8 months after a meniscus tear in my left knee. I have severe arthritis in both knees as well. It helped quite a bit after only a few weeks, but I had to stop taking it after two months because my ulcerative colitis returned with a vengeance. Do NOT abruptly stop taking this drug, you will feel like a truck hit you. I did not realize this was actually a powerful NSAID, my orthopedic doctor should have known. Instead, he said I was a “perfect fit” for it because of my digestive system issues. NOT!! It is contraindicated for a PT with a UC history, even if mine was in full remission. No more! Now I am dealing with that as a full-on condition again, and it makes my joint pain even worse. I recommend you DO NOT take this drug if you have IB, UC, or Crohn’s Disease."

"I've had arthritis and back pain. I started taking this medication, and it's helped immensely. Although the side effects are there (and you can look them up), I still will continue taking this medication. I'll give it a couple of months and see how my body adjusts and go from there, but for now it's working, and that's a wonderful thing. I actually have my movement back, before, I was like an 80-year-old woman, and I'm in my 50s."

"I took Celebrex to treat constant chronic pain derived from cervical spine and fusion due to abscesses, MRSA, and lumbar fusion. I dutifully took it as prescribed until the side effect of a perforation of the stomach. Very serious."

"I LOVE Celebrex! I have degenerative disc disease, bulged disc, and degenerative hips. My doctor had me try it after learning how I can tolerate 6 ibuprofen a day. I have been 85% better as far as the daily pain. I can do things in exercise that I could not do before due to the pain. I take homeopathic anti-inflammatory supplements as well. I am a 43-year-old photographer, Pilates student, and teacher living in pain for over 6 years. So wonderful to have this relief."

"Very tolerable med, almost no side effects and the minimal side effects go away after a few days. Mild tiredness and indigestion in tummy went away after 2-3 days and now I have less pain and more energy. When my dose was upped to 100mg 2x daily I experienced mild palpitations after my evening dose but it went away after a few days. I would start with 100mg for a month and then increase to 100mg 2x daily. I have 0 side effects and minimal pain. Fantastic medication. I do take Pepcid because I have GERD/hernia already. I love Celebrex. It helps my pain. I was scared to take it because I fear side effects from all meds. This one is easy. Works a little better than meloxicam."

"I am on my second day of Celebrex. I was taking way too many ibuprofen every 4-6 hours for widespread osteoarthritis and skeletal-muscular pain. The first day, I was really dizzy and drowsy and spent all day in bed. Today, I am back to work, and while I feel my overall arthritis is slightly improved, the areas where I have the most swelling (ankle, knees) are not responding as well as with the ibuprofen. And areas like my back, shoulder, and hands have increased pain levels. I am having more trouble walking. I keep getting headache pain that comes and goes and causes me to feel dizzy and nauseous. I am not sure if this is typical and I just need time to adjust or not. But I find myself having trouble getting through the work day."

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  • Drug class: cox-2 inhibitors
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

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  • Celebrex drug information

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  • Celebrex prescribing information
  • Celecoxib (AHFS Monograph)

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Related treatment guides

  • Osteoarthritis
  • Ankylosing Spondylitis
  • Familial Adenomatous Polyposis
  • Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis