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Generic Name: Celecoxib for Rheumatoid Arthritis (celecoxib)

Celecoxib for Rheumatoid Arthritis Reviews

Celebrex (celecoxib) "I was given Celebrex for arthritis in my knee. After taking it for about two weeks, I started to notice not only was my knee better and I was able to resume all of my normal activities with no pain, but my foot that I had been suffering from plantar fasciitis for two and a half years was finally not hurting. I had been through every treatment and three different foot doctors with no relief at all. Celebrex is by far the best medicine I have taken, it has given me back my life in more ways than one."

Celebrex (celecoxib) "Celebrex has been wonderful for me - I never thought I would be able to regain mobility as well as I have. I haven't experienced any side effects at all. It took weeks to work, but I couldn't be more pleased with it now. I've noticed on some of the comments here that it worked immediately for some people, but it's not always like that, so be patient and give it time - hope this helps!"

Celebrex (celecoxib) "Miserable RA flare after my mother's passing! I went to the doctor, offered methotrexate. I refused. I'm 37, no children! I was in tears until Celebrex. Immediately I was up on my feet! Thank you, God! I have my life back!"

Celebrex (celecoxib) "I'm 17 years old and last year I was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis. I was switched to 200mg of Celebrex three months ago instead of taking 20mg of prednisone a day. And all I can say is that Celebrex has made my life almost normal again. I can go back to school and hang out normally with my friends again. Even if it might only be short term, Celebrex has saved my life."

Celebrex (celecoxib) "I'm in my 60s but have had arthritis since my early 40s. Arthritis is both osteo and rheumatoid. I only take Celebrex when it's really painful, especially in my hands. Celebrex starts easing the pain immediately, and within 6 hours, I feel like I'm 21 years old again! It is a miracle medicine for me!"

Celebrex (celecoxib) "About a year ago I started having symptoms of RA (seronegative). I started on prednisone 20mg which helped somewhat, but I was having flare-ups in the ankles and hands. Finally got switched to Celebrex because the pain and swelling were not going away. 200mg daily - all I can say is it's been like night and day since I started taking it - less pain, less swelling, better days!"

Celebrex (celecoxib) "Works fantastic, a wonder drug, except for a flushed face for about twenty minutes. I had excruciating hip pain, nothing worked except Tylenol and Motrin in huge doses. One 200 mg dose of Celebrex reduced 90% of my pain and allowed greater range of motion. I'm truly amazed. I have been using this for two days. At 50 years old and having had a very physical life, this seems to be my path back to full physical activity."

Celebrex (celecoxib) "I have RA, DDD (degenerative disc disease), and osteoarthritis. This medicine helps me so much. I like to take walks 2 to 3 miles a day. But if I don't take Celebrex at least twice a week, I am in so much pain. My feet and back the most. I try not to use it so much because the side effects scare me. I do think it causes weight gain too. Or it's just my age (54). Celebrex seems to work better than methotrexate. But I will continue methotrexate to help reduce joint damage later in life."

Celebrex (celecoxib) "Have been on Celebrex for a year. Initially for TMJ issues, then picked up mild-to-moderate rheumatoid arthritis last summer. Been on it continuously except for a couple month-long steroid regimens. I wouldn't call it a miracle medicine, but it knocks my inflammation and pain back about 60%. Certainly not as effective as the steroid, but 60% is enough to keep me fully functional and unlike the steroid, I have minimal to zero side effects with it."

Celebrex (celecoxib) "I have had chronic pain and tried many medicines, including narcotics, to help. Celebrex has helped me so much. I am able to do so many things that I couldn't before. My doctor has me taking it with Tylenol with Codeine #3 and Carisoprodol."

Celebrex (celecoxib) "This medication, Celebrex, is helping to reduce inflammation and pain. Do I still have pain? Yes. I started with 200 mg, I just started taking 400 mg. The 200 was helping, but not enough. I'll know by the end of this week if the increased dosage of Celebrex (generic) has helped."

Celebrex (celecoxib) "Celebrex has helped me now for over 5 years. I have arthritis in one old disc injury and pain in the next one. I have tried nearly all of them and nothing worked as well as this. Just don't know how long to continue but I am only 49. I take 400 per day."

Celebrex (celecoxib) "I knew that I had arthritis since I started college. Since then, I'm suffering from it after my doctor told me to take this medicine. Thanks to Celebrex, my suffering has ended. This medicine is great!"

Celebrex (celecoxib) "I've been taking it for 2 months, 200 mg daily. The first 2 weeks were great, all pain was gone. The pain gradually came back, and I had so many flare-ups even when I was taking it. My doctor just gave me Prednisone 20 mg daily to combine with Celebrex. I started yesterday, and most of the pain has gone, however, my doctor advised not to take Prednisone for more than one week in order to prevent having serious side effects, such as bone problems."

Celebrex (celecoxib) "I just started Celecoxib generic for Celebrex at a dose of 200mgs a day. I haven’t noticed any difference on my pain which is still very intense. The dr said it could take up to two weeks to really work. I’m going to stick with going it will work. Also I haven’t had any side effects. But as much pain I am in I’m willing to risk the bad with the good"

"52 y/o male; I have dealt with joint pain 15 yrs. I dismissed as aging. Hands & knees really bad, & feet. Complained to Dr. over yrs. only to be dismissed. Last 3 yrs pain increased after walking, yard work. Get out of bed, hobble 5 min. before can walk. Have sporadic scalp psoriasis 20 yrs. Thanks to TV comm. by pro golfer Phil Mickelson, life's changed. I realized/suggested to Dr. I may have Psoriatic Arthritis. He agreed. Started me on Celebrex, 200mg x2. On for 1 mo now. Fixed all fore mentioned issues! Unbelievable! I've hauled 20 wheelbarrows of dirt from neighbors yard to mine, from across street! Couldn't have done a mo. ago. Worried its a black box drug through! No side effects, but maybe stomach (feeling bloated/funny).Will tapper off to 1xday"

"I got Celecoxib prescribed about 8 months ago for joint pains in my knees and hips. I take three to 4 pills a week. It's good for my arthritis pain and joint stiffness. I'm able to go to the gym now and exercise. The complaint I have with it is that now that I am taking more of the medication, it's giving me an allergic reaction. I didn't get it before when I started taking it. I get itchy skin rashes. I'm going to reduce the frequency and see if the itching stops. It's hard to tell because I'm taking other medications also."

"please every body try my regime for rheumatoid arthritis. I have told other people with rheumatoid arthritis and it works great. 1-take reishi mushroom red one powder 2-3gm and half prednisolone tablet 5mg (try not to take 1 tablet because it will raise blood sugar with time) take it before sleep with half cup water only) 2.take celebrix 200mg capsule once day This regmine works great for me and other rheumatoid arthritis patients.....hope for you all good health"

Celebrex (celecoxib) "I get severe GI side effects with all NSAIDs so PCP prescribed Celebrex 200 mg 2x/day. After a week of taking it my stomach began burning then diarrhea started and continued for five weeks and is still going. I am waiting for surgery to replace and extend entire cervical spine instrumentation due to herniation and stenosis with myelopathy and thoracic T10-11 herniation with radiculopathy. The Celebrex gives minimal pain relief from these conditions but it is all that I have for pain so in desperation I still take one when the pain becomes unbearable and stay close to a bathroom."

"I was put on Celecoxib for arthritis in my ankle... 3rd day on the lowest dose I was bleeding out my number 2's. I was sneezing nonstop with severe chest pain for each sneeze. My nose was running. Nonstop farts. But, my ankle no longer hurt. I love this medicine."

"My Dr ordered this medication for my Rheumatoid Arthritis in my back and my hands. For the pain it's really helping me but my heart is beating too much for few min and it's gone, it's on and off followed cough also dizziness and headache. I stop taking this medicine after 4 days of taking 200mg/day. After I talked to my doctor because of the said effect."

"The only thing the TEVA 200 mg brand of celecoxib did was make me sick. The medicine gave me diarrhea, heartburn to the point of reflux after 3 months of taking it & increased swelling & joint pain. I was relieved to be put on a different generic celecoxib, my joints improved & so did my stomach."

"Many people on here are confusing Celebrex and celecoxib! The latter is a generic and for many including myself does not work in the slightest. Check the package as the chances are if you are on Celebrex you are getting relief! Celecoxib generic is not even touching the sides it's doing nothing."

Celebrex (celecoxib) "After a year of back pain, this is a miracle, except for indigestion and gastric discomfort after a week of use. I take medicine to minimize the indigestion."

Celebrex (celecoxib) "I have been using it for years, and I now have no insurance, can't even afford the generics. I am now using Aleve, it works for a while, but nothing like Celebrex. I am missing my Celebrex."

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  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: cox-2 inhibitors
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

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  • Celecoxib drug information

Other brands

Celebrex, Elyxyb

Professional resources

  • Celecoxib monograph
  • Celecoxib (FDA)
  • Celecoxib Capsules (FDA)

Other brands

Celebrex, Elyxyb

Related treatment guides

  • Chronic Pain
  • Ankylosing Spondylitis
  • Fibromatosis
  • Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis