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Generic Name: Cephalexin for Upper Respiratory Tract Infection (cephalexin)

Cephalexin for Upper Respiratory Tract Infection Reviews

"I'm 68 years old and went to an urgent care because my doctor was on vacation. I knew I had bronchitis and an upper respiratory infection. I know after all these years if I have an infection or a cold or flu. I was also a pharmacy tech. A nurse practitioner said I just had flu symptoms and wouldn't give me an antibiotic. Why oh why don't some young doctors in the medical field believe in antibiotics? What generation has died from antibiotics? I had waited an hour to get in and she told me I had the flu. I was in so much pain from deep coughing and demanded to see another doctor. I said I'm not leaving without some kind of antibiotic and that I knew the difference between the flu and an infection. They finally gave me amoxicillin. It didn't work for me this time (it usually works for sinus and ear infections). I went to my doctor and she gave me Keflex. This is great for bronchitis. I'm so upset at these young doctors who don't believe in antibiotics. People will end up in the hospital or worse. It's a disgrace!"

"So I went to a local urgent care place on Saturday complaining about headache, chest congestion, cough, runny nose, and sneezing. I informed the doctor on duty that I've already taken my flu shot and I really don't think what I have is the flu. So after the typical checkup, he diagnosed me with acute bronchitis/sinusitis and prescribed me Cephalexin 500mg 2x a day for 10 days. Today is my third day taking the meds and I feel better already. Not to mention, I think I might've had a vaginal bacterial infection or UTI, and that has cleared as well. Definitely killed 2 birds with 1 stone. Oh... and the doctor gave me a prescription for an extra 10 days... definitely will be saving them! Although it's not recommended, I'll use them again!"

"After suffering with a respiratory tract infection for well over a year (which doctors kept swearing was viral and nothing they could do except refill my asthma meds since the coughing fits caused asthma attacks), I was actually prescribed this for a urinary tract infection in early pregnancy, and my respiratory tract infection is almost non-existent after 3 days!"

"As someone who has suffered with chronic bronchitis most of my adult life, I have used Cephalexin for these URTIs for years. It has and is working for me when things looked really bad; usually in just a few days, I am on the mend and within a week or so the nasty cough is gone. The stuff saved me from being admitted to the hospital yet once again."

"After just the 2nd day, my energy levels increased dramatically. I was being treated for bronchitis and was also prescribed an inhaler and cough syrup. All three helped my congestion, and after about the 4th day, I stopped waking up to hacking fits. I would suggest eating something light before taking it because it did make me nauseous."

Keflex (cephalexin) "Being a person with cancer in remission and following health problems- COPD, Bronchiectasis, Chronic Bronchitis, Emphysema, Chronic Sinus and ear infection, odd UTI at odd times. I passed out during the night and woke up on the floor and could not get up off the floor or walk - not Covid. After roughly four to five trips by ambulance to hospital and various drug treatments with relapses now and again my GP put me on low dose 250 mg Keflex to take one tablet every night and since that day have never had to go back to hospital or have not passed out again. So possibly l may now be helped with bacterial infections, and I can only speak of my personal experience but for me this is a wonder drug. I do realize that bacteria become immune to antibiotics but as far as I know I have had no adverse side effects. Antibiotics have come a long way, since I was a child. My age is now seventy nine years of age. I do not have diabetes or heart problems, mainly lung problems and do not smoke."

"I had so many problems and my doctor didn't know what was wrong with me until I went to the Philippines and the doctor prescribed cephalexin. All the problems I had seem to have disappeared. I wish I had gotten that medicine before. I feel great."

"I have chronic allergies and sinus problems . I am usually put on Levaquin but , it hasn’t seemed to work anymore after the past few years . My ENT-s always like to tell me “ it’s just inflammation “ - when I am 60 years old and I know that sometimes it IS an infection. Anyway - 2 weeks ago I went to an urgent care and was seen by a kindly , older, very intelligent doctor . He mentioned Keflex , and I thought “ oh yeah , I took that 8 years ago when my first sinus infection happened and it really worked . The experienced doctor gave this , and it was AMAZING . I felt much better after the first day . I can’t believe how the so called experts don’t think this works . I had NO side effects , but I take probiotics every day no matter what . So happy that this doctor re discovered this medicine for me !"

"I am 34 weeks pregnant and I was prescribed Cephalexin to treat both my urinary tract infection/Bronchitis. I've taken the medicine for 5 days now and although my UTI has cleared up my lungs still sound horrible and I still have a nasty cough."

Keflex (cephalexin) "I went to the ER, they said I had a UTI so they gave me keflex 500mg 4 times a day for a week. I despise ANY medication because of the side effects but I didn’t want a kidney infection as that’s way worse so I took it. I had nausea and some mild diarrhea about an hour in, normal right? So a few days in I felt like I was hit by a truck I woke up fatigued and my anxiety was so bad and I developed an achy back that lasted a week even after I was done taking it! I still have some mild diarrhea everyday and it’s been a week since I’ve finished the medicine, I have no clue how I pulled through and took all of it. It did indeed clear up my infection but I still feel sick. I know it’s a turn off reading this and it makes you not wanna take the medicine but you HAVE TOO unless you want a kidney infection which is way worse and you’ll be put on even more antibiotics if that happens. Just pull on through but if you genuinely don’t feel good when taking it, talk to your doctor."

"My doctor prescribed this med for a sinus infection. After the 5th pill, my lower legs turned bright red and hot! I was miserable and knew right away this was from the pills. I tossed them and will never use Cephalexin again."

"I've been on this medicine for 7 days now. The first two days I would get hot flashes in the middle of the night. Sweating, drenched. That went away then I would get headaches and now my head feels all dizzy. I'm trying to stick it out since I only have 3 more days, but geeze. I also experienced palpitations and I'm on a medicine already that's suppose to control that."

"I am allergic to penicillin and my doctor prescribed Ranceph (Cephalexin) 500mg - 3 times per day. I started the medicine this morning and took my second dose at 13h00 this afternoon. An hour after I took the second tablet I had the worst headache, pins and needles in my hands and feet, and my tongue felt swollen. I immediately knew it must be the antibiotics. I read the leaflet and noticed that 10% of people that are allergic to penicillin will be allergic to Cephalexin too. I am concerned that my doctor prescribed this as he is well aware that I am allergic. Anyway. I stopped the treatment immediately and will have to treat this bronchitis with otc medicine. So be careful if you are allergic to penicillin. My son took the same antibiotics and he is almost completely healthy so I am confident that this is a great antibiotic and works well, but not if you are allergic to penicillin."

Keflex (cephalexin) "The only antibiotic that promptly and consistently resolves my chronic bronchitis."

"Awesome – back from the dead after only the 2nd day. Great stuff."

Keflex (cephalexin) "Horrible, did not work at all on my husband's bronchitis, and his bronchitis turned into pneumonia."

"This medicine works great. Had to take it twice a day for one week."

"Within hours of starting the antibiotic I had the infection coming out of me, be ready to drink a ton of water,,, it will help coughing out the crud as well with blowing your nose"

"I took this drug, and it cleared up my problem in just 3 days."

"My lungs are compromised due to damage from Pulmonary embolism's And I have an auto immune disease cephalexin is my antibiotic works everytime"

Keflex (cephalexin) "Unfortunately, did not help 4 year old with chest infection. "

"I was given cephalexin for bronchitis. 500mg 4x a day for 7 days. It gave me the worst case of oral thrush. Also since its so strong it gets the good gut bacteria. Definitely take a probiotic"

"It takes effect very late. Minimum 3-4 days. I had diarrhea 6 days after I started using it."

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  • Reviews (505)
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  • During pregnancy
  • Support group
  • Drug class: first generation cephalosporins
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Cephalexin drug information
  • Cephalexin Capsules and Tablets
  • Cephalexin Suspension

Other brands

Keflex, Biocef

Professional resources

  • Cephalexin monograph
  • Cephalexin (FDA)
  • Cephalexin Suspension (FDA)
  • Cephalexin Tablets (FDA)

Other brands


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