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Generic Name: Chondroitin / glucosamine for Osteoarthritis (chondroitin-glucosamine)

Chondroitin / glucosamine for Osteoarthritis Reviews

Schiff Move Free (chondroitin / glucosamine) "I started on this on the suggestion given to me by a medical professional. Not only does it work for me, I feel blessed to be fairly pain-free from my chronic low back pain. I ran out and thought I would see what would happen. Within a week, the LBP was right back! Started using it again and about a week and a half, the LPB was gone again. I have had absolutely no side effects...ankles and face, no swelling."

Osteo Bi-Flex (chondroitin / glucosamine) "I had recent blood work, and my AST (liver measurement) score was 60. The reference range is 7-37. My number was 23 on blood work taken 6 months earlier. Can Osteo Bi-Flex cause this jump in my AST score? I started taking it early October 2020."

Osteo Bi-Flex (chondroitin / glucosamine) "After one month, hip pain and lower back pain dramatically improved. Haven't slept more than a few hours for the last 3 years due to severe pain, and now I can sleep all night. Used to have monthly flare-ups of full-body inflammation lasting 3-5 days. Fingers crossed... So far, no flare-ups!"

Schiff Move Free (chondroitin / glucosamine) "Seven years ago, I was in an accident, and my knee was hurt. I've tried many different drugs, and none of them helped. I have been taking this Move Free Ultra for 25 days, and this last week, I've been pain-free and walking more than I have in two years without pain. So far, there isn't any swelling like I was having daily. For me, this is the best."

Schiff Move Free (chondroitin / glucosamine) "This product all but eliminated my knee and joint pain. Unfortunately, I failed to follow the recommendation to inform my doctor that I was taking it. My side effect is very swollen feet and legs. I had to give up on less joint pain and stop taking it."

Schiff Move Free (chondroitin / glucosamine) "I have been taking Free to Move for 20 days now and my pain feels better, but I have a very itchy rash down one side of my neck and down my back. I am going to stop the tabs for a while to see if things improve."

Schiff Move Free (chondroitin / glucosamine) "After one full week of taking the Move Free Ultra, the one pill per day dosage as indicated in the directions, I found zero relief from my joint pain, but on about the 5th day, I noticed my face was a little puffy, but didn’t attribute it to the pills, and on the 7th day, along with the puffy face, both eyelids were puffy. When I looked closer at the side effects, puffy eyelids were listed as a possible side effect. Not wanting to risk any further problems... after one week, I am going to stop this supplement."

Cosamin DS (chondroitin / glucosamine) "Started taking Cosamin DS several months ago for arthritis pain and stiffness. Started having excessive gas about the time I started taking Cosamin DS. I plan to stop taking Cosamin DS to see if this cures my gas problem. Hair loss may also be associated."

Schiff Move Free (chondroitin / glucosamine) "Only used the medication for a week without noticing much of a difference I read the ingredients on the pack only to notice it contained shrimps, crabs, lobster and crayfish which is bad for my high levels of cholesterol am stopping it right away."

Osteo Bi-Flex Triple Strength (chondroitin / glucosamine) "Watched a show on TV about a woman and her dog. She jogged with dog. Dog stopped running. Arthritis affected dog, Vet prescribes glucosamine. Dog returned running with owner. I retired in 1998. Over the road truck driver. Fingers and hands ached. Started to Osteo Bi-Flex in 1998. My wife was told she would need her thumbs operated on for arthritis, She has been taking it since 1999. No operation 2018 had x-ray on knee had an inflamed bursa and gout in knee. Orthopedic Doctor said, I have a knee of an 18 year-old. I am 80 this year 2019. I have friends younger than me late 50's & 60's and they have had double knee implants. Sorry If it don't work for others. Take it with your lunch and not other medications... Some cholesterol pills cause muscle fatigue and cramps in legs."

Schiff Move Free (chondroitin / glucosamine) "After several months of taking the Schiff Move Free I noticed swelling in my feet and a deep rash on one foot & leg. I know I cannot eat tuna but that's in the 'finfish' category so not sure about this. I stopped taking the Move Free & the rash cleared up.. So to be on the safe side I stopped taking this product altogether.."

Osteo Bi-Flex (chondroitin / glucosamine) "Osteobiflex is an amazing supplement for mobility issues and pain. To me it was a miracle drug. The downside is I had bad side effects which were difficulty breathing and my legs starting hurting really bad. It's too bad because it was giving me so much relief otherwise."

Cosamin DS (chondroitin / glucosamine) "I started taking Cosamin DS for osteoarthritis and back pain in 2010 and continued taking it for 10 years. Over time I became pain-free and stopped regularly taking all other pain medication. In early 2020, I stopped taking Cosamin and remained pain-free until Spring 2021 when I lifted something too heavy. Over-the-counter anti-inflammatories did not help the pain. In late fall 2021, I had an epidural injection of steroids and another in the late Summer of 2022. They only worked for a few weeks. In October 2022 I purchased a 1-month supply of Cosamin DS and within 3 weeks I noticed less pain. It’s now mid-January 2023. I am still nearly pain-free in my back, hips, and thumb. I can walk a mile, even more, if I rest a few hours between excursions, and climb a few flights of stairs."

Cosamin DS (chondroitin / glucosamine) "Have been taking Cosamin DS for a couple of months. I started having severe gas and stomach pains. I never associated it with the supplement until reading these reviews. I’m discontinuing and hope the issue resolves."

Schiff Move Free (chondroitin / glucosamine) "I started taking the Move Free five days ago. I have had muscle pain and headaches every day. I have barely been able to sleep more than an hour at a time since. I am definitely going to stop taking this product."

"I began taking GC after being unable to tolerate meloxicam, although meloxicam relieved my inflammation and pain considerably. After taking GC for 14 days, I notice a definite improvement in my arthritis symptoms. The GC does give me excessive gas and bloating, but does not give me the severe stomach pain that the meloxicam produced. It's all about what side effects are less severe."

Osteo Bi-Flex Triple Strength (chondroitin / glucosamine) "I was having pain in my joints so I started taking Osteo Bi-Flex Triple Strength. Within a couple of weeks I developed severe swelling in my legs, ankles, and feet. I stopped taking it, and lo and behold the swelling went away. I'm very disappointed, to say the least."

Schiff Move Free (chondroitin / glucosamine) "I was having age related joint pain and muscle stiffness, I’m one month in with MF, haven’t had any adverse reactions, I’ve noticed better flexibility and less pain, in the morning I can practically jump outta bed, I’m usually 10 minutes to get up with joint pain, will continue and talk to my physician about it, I’m feeling right now it’s worth the money."

"Started taking for knee pain. After two weeks, I started having insomnia--felt my heart was racing, skipping beats. Took blood pressure and found both my blood pressure and heart rate were quite elevated. I take BP meds that keep my BP at good levels. Just did some online research and found this supplement is not recommended for those with high BP. So, I've stopped the supplement...and will not take it again."

"The side effects seem to be fairly rare so I wanted to share my experience. I started taking "Nature Made Triple Flex" a week ago. Ingredients are *Glucosamine Hydrochloride, 1500mg *Chondroitin Sulfate Sodium, 800mg *MSM, 750mg. Directions say to take two per day (1 serving). On the 4th day, I woke up with body aches, not much appetite, and slight cold chills. I've been doing a lot of lifting, working outside so thought it was that. I took two pills that day. Fifth day, same symptoms. I took two pills, one in morning and one at night. My husband started taking these when I did. His only symptom was fatigue. We stopped taking these two days ago. I still feel bad. The body aches are causing even more pain. No thank you. I don't understand what could be causing these symptoms? Neither of us have had any obvious allergic reactions. I do take one BP med. I just want to feel back to normal! I know I'm never taking this again."

Schiff Move Free (chondroitin / glucosamine) "I've never felt worse all arthritic joint pain. I’ve been taking the supplement for two months on the recommendation of my physical therapist who is aware that I have gout. Nowhere on the label or anywhere can I find that this supplement contains shellfish, which apparently it does. I knew something was wrong and just stop taking it because it was the only change I made. Only to find out two weeks later that the supplement contains shellfish this product made me worse."

"When I took this continuously, it appeared helpful in movement and pain relief. I ran out of stock for about 15 days, the Pain and stiffness returned with a vengeance. It can merely be a pain killer and not a cure."

"At age 60, I pushed my elbows way too hard doing curls one day. For the next month I could hardly lift a coffee cup with my right hand. I'm right-handed. From googling & studying WEB MB, I discovered Osteobiflex Triple Strength. Incredible results in days!!!!!!! Helped my back from a 10 year old automobile injury, too. Wasn't expecting that bonus. . I never run out. I have battled a little hair thinning, but if it's caused by the product."

"Not long after I first started mountain biking on a hard trail bike my knees started to ache and soon become pretty painful. I came across a product from Hammer Nutrition called Tissue Rejuvenator. It is glucosamine & chondroitin that’s suppose to rebuild joint, tendon, and soft tissue, while reducing swelling and alleviating aches and pain. So I tried it for a couple months and did have relief. I ran out and a few weeks later my knees were starting to ache again so ordered more, soon the aching went away. That was about 20 years ago and I’m still using it and still mountian biking, road biking and working out at the gym with no knee pain. I have upgraded to full suspension mountain bikes since but I’m pretty sure the glucosamine chondroitin is a big contributor to being pain free joints. As far as hair loose I've lost a little over the years but it's mostly associated genetics."

Schiff Move Free Caplets (chondroitin / glucosamine) "I started taking Move Free Caplets with Turmeric for almost 2 weeks to help ease my knee pain. After a week my knee pain decreased significantly, but I started having pain in my left calf, which has increased with each day. I didn’t do anything out of the ordinary to cause muscle stiffness/soreness, so I’m going to stop taking the caplets to see if it makes a difference. Has anyone had the same experience? Thank you."

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  • Reviews (52)
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  • Drug class: nutraceutical products
  • En español

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Osteo Bi-Flex, Cosamin DS, Schiff Move Free, Glucoten, ... +4 more

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