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Generic Name: Cipro for Urinary Tract Infection (ciprofloxacin)

Cipro for Urinary Tract Infection Reviews

"6-8 years ago, I used to have a UTI every other month. Cipro was my go-to because I'm allergic to most others. It always worked. Haven't had an infection for at least 2-3 years until now. Cipro took care of it 100% in 3 days. It isn't easy on the digestive system, and definitely have to follow all instructions on the bottle (don't take with calcium or before anything fortified with vitamins & minerals and stay out of the sun!), but it works! The things I did to stop getting UTIs: no baths, only showers; urinate before and after sex, lots of water and not too many caffeinated drinks, don't try to 'hold it' (if you gotta go, then go!). Taking cranberry daily is helpful also."

"Prescribed Cipro every 12 hours for a urinary infection, but only took 3 doses as my side effects felt terrible. I had the worst headache I've ever felt. It felt like there was so much pressure in my head that it could explode. My muscles started to ache, and my body would tingle. I had absolutely no energy, and felt like my brain wasn't even working, and like I was in a different body. Complete disconnect from reality. Trouble staying asleep at night, and just laid awake in pain. Back pain, neck stiffness, and my vision blurred. Worst thing I have ever experienced. Called my doctor before I was supposed to take the next dose to get something new and instantly felt better. Hoping this new one works without the side effects as I'm terrified to feel that way ever again."

"At 52, got my first UTI and I can say it was absolutely awful; ended up in ER because symptoms seemed to come fast and severe. Was prescribed 500 mg ciprofloxacin 2X a day for 7 days. Within 4 hours, I started to feel better. Pain and urgency to urinate decreased dramatically. (Thought it was in my head... how could it work so fast?) No side effects. Rarely on antibiotics which is maybe why it works so well for me."

"I had no side effects and it cleared up my infection well! Scary reviews can scare you but don't ever forget YOUR body is different than someone else's therefore drugs can affect you differently than someone else."

"I had a mild UTI that I was trying to treat naturally, but it didn't go away. So, I was forced to try an antibiotic. I was prescribed Cipro for 5 days. I had no side effects at all and felt 100% by day 3. I continued taking them through the 5th day even though all symptoms were already gone."

"I just read mom of 4, and I also have had a UTI for 8 months straight. I have been in 8 rounds of antibiotics, and nothing is completely ridding me of my UTI. I did a CT scan and MRI, and blood work, and all is clear. I’m on Cipro again, and this round also seems to not be working. Is this the end where you just have a UTI till you get sepsis or an antibiotic-resistant infection? Is there hope?"

"I've been suffering from urinary tract infections for most of my adult life. The first doctor that prescribed Cipro for me was a 'Saint'! Nothing else works for me like it. I take 500mg twice a day for a week to 10 days. I insist on this medication. I've never had any issues with any side effects... Only amazing relief! I'm now in my late 60's and I still take this when I have a UTI."

"Wow, many of your reviews are very helpful. I am a vibrant, healthy & semi-athletic post-menopausal female. I ignored symptoms which were later diagnosed as UTI; acute abdomen pressure, urge to urinate every few minutes with pulsing, and finally, bloody urine. Cipro worked for me within the 1st 24 hrs... 500 mg 2x p/day for 5 days... No side effects, only relief..."

"I was suffering from a UTI for over 2 weeks. Burning had stopped but was losing my mind over how severe the urgency was. I got prescribed Macrobid. After 4 days of no relief, I went to the ER and got prescribed Cipro 500mg two times a day for 5 days. I took my second pill and my symptoms are 98% gone. The only side effect was a bit of anxiety after the first pill. But, this could've been because I had read so many scary reviews. I'm truly grateful for this drug. I was sleepless and restless to the point of depression. So happy something is finally helping!"

"Cipro was very effective in treating my bladder infection after another antibiotic failed to work at all. Within 24 hours, my fever and pain had subsided, and I was feeling much better. Cipro works great!"

"Used ciprofloxacin frequently for several years for chronic urinary tract infections. Ended up with painful urination frequently. After much money spent on tests for bladder cancer, I discovered that blood in the urine is a rare, but serious, side effect of ciprofloxacin. So all those times I thought I had a bladder infection, I had a ciprofloxacin-induced condition. Blood (not usually visible to the naked eye) in urine, but makes urinating very painful nonetheless. A word to the wise. We consumers have to do our research on side effects."

"Cipro was terrible. I was given an 8-day supply for a UTI and started having sharp joint and leg pain on day 6. For the next 15 days, I had problems walking because of the pain. I will never take it again!"

"I was panicked reading all these reviews, but it worked great for me and got rid of my UTI after three other useless antibiotics. Bit of usual antibiotic side effects, e.g., stomach pain, but nothing really bad and nothing that lasted."

"I am reading the comments, and I am really surprised at how long and at how high a dosage some people with urinary tract infections are reporting. I went to the doctor this morning because I have a UTI, but I was given 6 Cipro pills, each 250 mg to be taken twice a day. From what I understand, most doctors will try this 3-day fix and not put you on an extended dose. I am reading comments that some people are on for 10 days. I am all for stamping out an infection, but I want to do it with as little medication as possible. So far so good. Who knows, I might need a new prescription, but for now, I am hoping that this modest approach of a 3-day treatment will do the trick."

"Worked wonderfully. Was on Bactrim for a week with no relief, but after my first pill of Cipro I felt 100 times better and was sleeping through the night. On my fourth day of taking and no side effects and feeling awesome."

"I get UTIs about once a year (bad enough to cause bleeding). I go to Urgent Care and get Cipro. It works wonders. Within 3-4 hours after taking only one pill, the urgency and burning sensations are reduced to a bearable level. After 2 or 3 pills, everything feels like normal again. Cipro is great for me. Unfortunately, not everyone reacts the same to medications. It might be the worst thing ever for some people, but I've never had any adverse reactions to Cipro."

"I have had bladder and kidney infections all my life, and Cipro has been a lifesaver for over 25 years. I have never experienced any side effects, and feel better within hours/days depending on the severity of my symptoms. I take Cranberry supplements on a regular basis, and it seems to aid in preventing urinary tract infections."

"Despite all the side effects that are plaguing other users, I believe Cipro is worth a try - it is the most effective antibiotic I have been prescribed for UTI, and I experience little to no side effects. The only time I tried to take Macrobid, I experienced fever, nausea, muscle pain, dizziness, and had to call in sick to work last minute because I'd slept through the whole day prior. So considering alternatives, I trust Cipro for MY use."

"I usually get 2-3 urinary tract infections per year. This is my first time using Cipro. I started on it 3 days ago and have had no side effects. The UTI is about 99% gone and I had major relief in the first 24 hours. No problems with discomfort when urinating, just a slight tinge after I go but barely noticeable and my urine is clear without any odor. I was hesitant to use it due to the side effects but am pleased that I have not experienced them."

"I took my second Cipro pill today out of a 7-day dosage. The burning sensation has almost disappeared, as well as the bladder pressure. However, the back pain is still strong. Side effects include diarrhea, weakness, and sleeping problems, but it’s tolerable. I will come back with an update on day 3."

"I was given ciprofloxacin when I was 18 as a cure for my UTI, that wasn't a bad one. The UTI went away, but I was left with constant nausea, abdominal pains, loss of appetite for multiple days, and chills and fever at night, making it impossible to sleep, so the Cipro had the hideous long-term side effects. Cipro is the worst medication I’ve ever been prescribed and should be taken off the market. This drug is so awful. It has altered my stomach and its sensitivity for life. :( This drug sent me to the ER, and I was fed through an IV for 2-3 days. HORRIBLE!"

"I've been taking Cipro for three weeks now, had a horrible urinary tract infection that was not caught on time, and it went to my kidney. To my luck, this medication exists and also is my worst nightmare. (I'm used to it now, but the first three days, I couldn't sleep, I had the worst headaches ever, fever, body aches, a little diarrhea, and loss of appetite.) I have two more days to go. At first, I thought the headaches were because I stopped drinking coffee, like a lot!, but stopped my coffee intake when I got super sick. I'm currently on a 1000mg Cipro, and wow.. I can tell you that as much as the side effects kick you, this medicine sure is working wonders. I drink plenty of water now. I honestly don't ever want to go back to having a urinary tract infection."

"I've taken this medicine about 7 times. It works well for the UTI, and prior to taking it this last time I had little side effects. This last time, however, was horrible. I couldn't sleep (not even a wink!) was shaky, felt like I couldn't walk, sore everywhere, headaches from hell... all of these effects started to happen on the 5th day... the 7th day (last day) was the worst and continued for the next week. I like this medicine because it works for the UTI, but I will not take it again. The side effects are scary."

"I get chronic UTIs and kidney infections. I recently found out that my chronic infections have led to scarring of my left kidney and both ureters, so I go in for a cystoscopy and Videourodynamics in December. Cipro is the only thing that works for me. It works fast too. I usually get bad headaches with this medicine, but I am prone to headaches as well...lucky me. I always make sure I take good probiotics when I am on this medicine to replenish the gut flora. Bactrim is weak and never works...Cipro is the only thing that works for me and my body. Everyone's body is different, so do your research and talk to your doctor about your concerns."

"I have taken Cipro many times, but only 250mg at a time. Taken 2 times a day. Maybe these other people that were on 500mg were on too high a dose. I've never had a bad experience with it, only relief & stopped the UTI. I can't take a sulfa med because I'm allergic to it. So this works. I was on it for 5 days."

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  • Drug class: quinolones and fluoroquinolones
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Cipro drug information
  • Cipro (Ciprofloxacin Oral Suspension)
  • Cipro (Ciprofloxacin Tablets)

Other brands

Proquin XR

Professional resources

  • Cipro prescribing information
  • Cipro Tablets (FDA)
  • Ciprofloxacin (AHFS Monograph)

Other formulations

  • Cipro HC otic
  • Cipro XR
  • Cipro I.V. injection

Related treatment guides

  • Bacterial Infection
  • Bacteremia
  • Anthrax
  • Anthrax Prophylaxis