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Generic Name: Clonazepam for Epilepsy (clonazepam)

Clonazepam for Epilepsy Reviews

"Klonopin has been the only one out of at least 50 that has been effective at controlling my seizures. I've been on it since I was 7. I don't know why the neurologists had to go screwing around with my brain like I was a guinea pig. At least they always kept the first-line treatment going (Klonopin), which eventually became available as generic in the '90s-and by then they were done poking and prodding, trying this, that, and the other... just left me be. Today, it's almost September 2024, I'm 55 years old, I've been on Clonazepam since it came out in 1975. And I'm still on the same dose today, seizure-free, as I was (titrated up to over the course of 12 years) 35 years ago-20 mg/day. They say I could get dementia. Well, I say back: if I can live this well, long enough to get dementia, I'll be too happy to remember to forget to remember I have dementia."

Klonopin (clonazepam) "If you are having trouble withdrawing from this drug, declare war with yourself and exercise like you have never exercised before. With an understanding of what the drug does to the brain, you have to fight for it back. Yes, it's hard the hardest painful workout I ever did. I went against doctors' advice, and the doctor told me to keep doing it on the next visit. And make this part of your life till the day you are no longer on this earth. Keep fighting the war against addiction. I wouldn't wish benzos use on my worst enemy. Good luck."

"I have multiple reasons for my lifelong prescription for Klonopin™ (1981-1996) Clonazepam (1996-Present- July 14, 2022, my 61st birthday). #1 Epilepsy (seizure prophylaxis) #2 Agoraphobia with panic disorder #3 GAD/Social Anxiety #4 Nerve pain. #5 Migraine #6 Insomnia #7 Because I don't have ANY interest in discontinuing the one and ONLY medication that's helped me live my life! I've been on various doses since 1981, but the best, lowest effective dose has been 2mg × 8 daily. 10x/day-- 20mg-- was just enough more to make me have dizzy spells.16mg is what keeps me at an even keel. I take 2, 2mg tabs 4x per day. I know ALL the details - FDA BOXED WARNING ⚠️"

"Clonazepam is a life saver for me. Other benzodiazepines like Xanax were too harsh and had a super short half-life. This medication has the longest for me. If you don’t take one for a couple of days , it’s ok. It doesn’t give you harsh withdrawals. No seizures and no anxiety! A winner in all categories for me."

"clonazepam is a life saving drug. It broke my constant partial seizures and reduced them by 99%. It also helps me not be anxious, controls my mood swings, and prevents my migraine aura headaches. My only complaint is it makes me a bit emotionally numb and my memory is a bit affected, but the pros far outweigh the cons. Very cheap where I live too"

"I took clonazepam for about ten years and it calmed down my brain to enable me to sleep soundly. I was admitted into hospital a year ago and the doctor changed my medication from clonazepam to Keppra liquid Keppra has a foul taste but seems to control epilepsy better than clonazepam"

"Clonazepam is great for my epilepsy"

"Clonazepam worked well to control my seizures for over 30 years. No side effects."

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  • During pregnancy
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  • Drug class: benzodiazepine anticonvulsants
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Clonazepam drug information
  • Clonazepam Orally Disintegrating Tablets
  • Clonazepam Tablets

Other brands

Klonopin, Klonopin Wafer

Professional resources

  • Clonazepam monograph
  • Clonazepam (FDA)
  • Clonazepam Tablet Orally Disintegrating (FDA)

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  • Benzodiazepine Withdrawal
  • Anxiety
  • Borderline Personality Disorder
  • Bipolar Disorder