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Generic Name: Clonazepam for Periodic Limb Movement Disorder (clonazepam)

Clonazepam for Periodic Limb Movement Disorder Reviews

Klonopin (clonazepam) "I have had restless leg syndrome since I was at least 5 years old, it runs in my family. It affected my school, jobs, trips, and sleeping. As I got older, the symptoms became worse. By the age of 30 years old, I could no longer sleep at night due to the energy build-up in my legs and arms, my brain was also not shutting down at night. I dreaded going to bed for years. My twin sister also has restless leg syndrome, and her doctor put her on Klonopin, it worked for her. So I went to my doctor, and he gave me a prescription of Requip. It didn't work well. He switched my medication, and I started taking Klonopin. The changes were immediate. I slept for the first time all night. I can take long drives, fly in airplanes, and actually sit through a movie."

Klonopin (clonazepam) "Have been on Klonopin since 2004, it works the best for me. I've had 2 sleep studies, which have shown moderate RLS and PLMS, with some sleep apnea. I have tried Requip, Sinemet, and Mirapex, even getting the doctor to up the dose of one of them, but did not have the immediate relief that Klonopin brings. I've had a bit of a hard time with my doctor to fill the script because it's a controlled substance. I've explained to him that I have not had to increase my Klonopin dosage much in the 10 years that I've been taking it (0.5 mg to 1 mg). The one time I did not take it, I woke up 4 hours later like a bolt of lightning struck me. It's necessary for my PLMS and to function in life!"

Klonopin (clonazepam) "I started on this medication for PLMD about 1 month ago. I am now able to sleep almost through the night, which for me is highly unusual. In that respect, it is great. I am, however, having some trouble feeling groggy during the day, with unclear thinking and some unsteady gait. I typically wear heels daily for my work, but have had to go to flats. The adjustment to the medication has been difficult; I feel sort of 'hung over' during the day, even though I take only one dose in the early evening to calm my legs and allow me to progress into a deep, restorative sleep. I am going to continue because even though it isn't perfect, I could not go on without being able to have any Stage 3 or Stage 4 sleep due to PLMD."

Klonopin (clonazepam) "Doing the medicines for restless legs syndrome, I started on Requip, and the medicine worked well, but it lowered my blood pressure so much that I was fainting when I stood up. That was on 1 mg of Requip. After 2 weeks of 'getting used to the medicine,' I went back and asked to get changed out to something different, and the Doc put me on Klonopin. No more fainting, and I get a good night's sleep. I only take half a pill (1 mg pills) before bed, so I guess I'm not a hardcore case. But it worked as a better alternative to Requip for me."

Klonopin (clonazepam) "I take this for Periodic Limb Movement Disorder. It works, but I have a hard time waking up in the morning. I tried to take it earlier in the evening, and it still was hard to wake up. I don't feel like I got a good night's sleep because I am groggy most of the day. I will talk to my doctor about different options. If it wasn't for this side effect, it works great for PLMD."

Klonopin (clonazepam) "I have been taking this for several years for a tremor and anxiety. I take it 3 times a day, it works so well, but lately, doctors are giving me a hard time filling it because it's considered a controlled substance. I have tried other medications, and this works the best for me."

Klonopin (clonazepam) "It helps my stimulus-sensitive myoclonus. Ten out of 100,000 persons have this condition. It is caused by a flu virus, and when I do not take it, I have a jerking of the head. One can get the jerking in the arm, leg, and diaphragm. This medicine takes away all the jerking movement. I have a movement disorder since I have been 2 years old, and when I take this medicine, I am perfectly normal. At the age of 2 years old, I caught a flu virus and had to learn to re-walk and re-talk. I have above-average intelligence. I have been on this medicine since 1985. I have no anger fits or anxiety or other things people take this drug for, just stimulus-sensitive myoclonus."

"Works great for Periodic Limb Movement Disorder for me. Can intensify if I stop talking it though.....which is a slight worry, as I would prefer not to take it for the rest of my life if I can help it. I do feel a little groggy sometimes, but the benefits are far greater for me. At my worst I was hitting myself and my partner in my sleep without any control at all and would waken me 9 times out of 10. So I was having very poor sleep, so was my wife. So I can live with a bit of tiredness over feeling like a zombie."

"I was prescribed clonazepam for myclonic jerks in legs at night with spasms in my feet and shooting electric shock sensations in my lower legs. I was terrified of taking it having read horror stores about tolerance and addiction. But, after lack of sleep impacting significantly on my ability to function on a day to day basis, I started to take it. I take it 2/3 times a week (0.25mg), it calms my legs down and I get some sleep. It works very well for me and I don’t feel I have developed a tolerance that requires me to up my dose or that I am addicted. Fortunately, I teach so take a break from it during holidays and just get what sleep I can knowing I can rest up during the day. Don’t be frightened by negative reports, if you need it, take it. It has been a godsend and knowing that it is there to give me a couple of good nights sleep a week is enough to keep me going during term time. I suffer no side effects. I am on a low dose so I am not groggy the next morning."

"I have been on 2 mg of clonazepam for 5 years for my plmd. I had two studies done a year apart from each other with the same results. I do not have restless legs. My average leg movement is 15 times an hour. I have found without the medication I get fragmented sleep. My daughters are saying that taking this med for a long time frame could bring on Parkinson’s or ALS. I also have a genetic gene that metabolizes at a much higher rate than normal. So, if I can’t sleep without Ned what alternative medication is safer (loaded question)? I have tried CBT and it doesn’t work for me sadly. I’m looking for answers as my family is on my case but they have no clue what it is like to not sleep for an extended period of time. Any thoughts are appreciated."

"Started on 0.5 mg at bedtime for possible restless leg syndrome, developed flat affect, lack of emotion, somnolence. Reduced to 0.25 mg at bedtime. Kept on this med by another neurologist who diagnosed tardive dyskinesia. Third neurologist increased to 0.5 mg at bedtime in attempt to promote better sleep (had restless sleep to this point). Found not helpful with sleep, still woke up many times and restless with increased somnolence next day, so decreased back to 0.25 mg. Med was somewhat helpful decreasing uncontrolled movements of TD, but not a lot. While not effective in my case in promoting better sleep, it was somewhat effective in reducing some of the uncontrolled movements of tardive dyskinesia, for which there are few effective meds."

"I have severe PLMD. Clonazepam has been the most effective medication for it. Initially took 0.5mg 2x/day, then moved all (1mg) to bedtime. It was initially very effective in reducing symptoms (for 6-12 months). Finally felt rested during the day. But since have had to add other agents/medications which had a similar effect - initially very effective but after a few months back to baseline sleep disturbance and daytime lethargy. When we’ve tried to reduce the Clonazepam dose severe symptoms return immediately + withdrawal symptoms. It will make you groggy during the day initially but it gets better. There is increased risk of cognitive decline after years of use. So, is a pretty effective medication but will build tolerance, become less effective, is really hard to decrease and has significant risks for decline in mental functioning. My advice is to not start Clonazepam or increase the dosage unless absolutely necessary and take the risks very seriously."

Klonopin (clonazepam) "Excellent, finally some relief!"

Klonopin (clonazepam) "Klonopin works way better for me, and with little to no side effects, unlike Requip or Mirapex."

"Excellent! The only side effect is that if I missed one night it will be impossible to sleep. I only have 1mg before going to sleep and I have my nights back."

Klonopin (clonazepam) "sleep start shoulder and neck jerks"

"It has stopped the muscle spasms from a disc in my back. Finally had a good nights sleep."

"I can really tell the difference for the worst if I miss taking clonazepam."

Klonopin (clonazepam) "Used for Burning Mouth Syndrome works well, I have no side effects."

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  • Clonazepam Orally Disintegrating Tablets
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Klonopin, Klonopin Wafer

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  • Clonazepam monograph
  • Clonazepam (FDA)
  • Clonazepam Tablet Orally Disintegrating (FDA)

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