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Generic Name: Cogentin (benztropine)

Cogentin Reviews

For Extrapyramidal Reaction "Absolutely the ONLY way I can take Latuda (life-saving me for me) is by taking three small doses of Cogentin a day. I had excruciating muscle pain, a strange kind of dizziness, brain fog, and restlessness. I thought it could be some presentation of akathisia. It was unbearable until I started Cogentin. Wonder if those with side effects are prescribed too high of a dose. I'm taking half of the 0.5 pill three times a day."

For Extrapyramidal Reaction "I took 0.5mg Cogentin for residual akathisia at about 3PM which helped. Unfortunately it also gave me a general feeling of unwellness, nausea with occasional dry-heaving and loss of appetite. These went away at about 6:00 but left me with a general indescribable (but not overwhelming) feeling of fear."

For Extrapyramidal Reaction "It helped me a lot with akathisia."

For Extrapyramidal Reaction "This medicine worked. Took my akathisia away the moment I took it."

For Extrapyramidal Reaction "After two days of taking this, I got blurred vision."

For Extrapyramidal Reaction "Currently taking 1 mg two times a day, but considering taking 1 mg at bedtime since I have side effects like brain fog. Hopefully, it will stop the restlessness that is caused by Risperdal."

For Extrapyramidal Reaction "I took this for the side effects from seroquel This drug made me disoriented, confused, and forgetful. It also didn't help with my side effects."

For Extrapyramidal Reaction "I have just started this medicine, 100mg, to help my tremors. (head to toe). I take 2 a day. So far, it is working. Even with the increase of mgs."

For Extrapyramidal Reaction "I simply won’t take my latuda without cogentin. The akathisia is too unbearable but with cogentin it is not there! so it works great"

For Extrapyramidal Reaction "After taking Cogentin for 2 to 3 weeks I've been having a hard time urinating. Abdominal pain."

More about Cogentin (benztropine)

  • Check interactions
  • Compare alternatives
  • Drug images
  • Side effects
  • Dosage information
  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: anticholinergic antiparkinson agents
  • Breastfeeding

Patient resources

  • Cogentin drug information
  • Cogentin (Benztropine Injection) (Advanced Reading)
  • Cogentin (Benztropine Oral) (Advanced Reading)

Professional resources

  • Cogentin prescribing information
  • Benztropine (AHFS Monograph)

Related treatment guides

  • Extrapyramidal Reaction
  • Parkinson's Disease