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Generic Name: Commit (nicotine)

Commit Reviews

For Smoking Cessation "After 38 years of smoking, the time to quit came at the age of 50 for me. When I saw my youngest son taking up smoking and my brand too I knew it was time. For that is the way I started and history does repeat itself. When I asked my son not to smoke he just said "if you stop I'll stop". I told him how niether the patch nor the gum worked for me. He told me of how Commit worked for a friend of his. Well, I made the first attempt and gave up after three days. I promised him I would try again in one week, I did and now I have not smoked for 4 years and 8 months. And with commit it WAS easier than I could hope for. I followed the suggestions given and as I began to, as Dr.Oz put it, breathe free, I just had to go on. It took two months."

For Smoking Cessation "Commit are the ONLY thing that ever enabled me not to smoke. Patches, gum, hypnosis - totally useless. First day I took Commit I was over cigs. The prob is that Commit are HIGHLY addictive - as bad as cigs. I found myself later sometimes buying a pack of cigs to take a break from Commit! I used Commit for 12 years. Never was without one in my mouth during waking hrs. I would eat meals with one in my mouth, it was that bad. Recent surgery required I get 100 % off nicotine or DIE, and that finally did it, now I'm out. Commit will get you to stop smoking cigs but then you need a plan to stop Commit too. Don't be fooled, Commit is an addictive drug"

For Smoking Cessation "I was a smoker for over 20 years. For the last ten years I was a relatively light smoker, about 1/2 pack a day. I had tried at least four serious attempts at quitting smoking. The lozenges were very effective and I did completely quit smoking. I have not smoked in over two years and feel very happy about that. However, I am now addicted to the lozenges themselves. I have taken about five a day for two years! I truly do believe it is still better than smoking. However, I have had some recent health problems and suspect the lozenges may be part of the problem. I quit them yesterday. I feel extremely cranky, but determined."

For Smoking Cessation "I quit smoking with Commits help for five years. We sold our home and moved a 1000 miles and had a new home built. It happened fast and I was so stressed I started smoking again. It's been a year and six months and I am now back on Commit again. Problem is, I used them for the entire five years. I started having a lot of cavities and that worried me. Don't know if it was the constant use or not. They also gave me uncontrollable gas. It went away when I stopped use. These are still better than cancer. They do work. "

For Smoking Cessation "I'm convinced the Lozenge has saved my life. For me, the patch was awful. I chewed the gum so hard my jaw was very painful. The lozenge was perfect, especially since I was a chewer of tobacco, not a smoker. After my first child was born, I knew I needed to quit and finally got committed (no pun intended). I have been tobacco free for about 5 years, but like others, I still use lozenge's daily. I will make an attempt to get off them as I've had some stomach or intestinal pains lately. Still a way better choice than all the cancer causing things in the tobacco."

For Smoking Cessation "Commit really works if you want to stop smoking. The cons are: stinging or burning at first which goes away; heartburn definitely if you use them frequently; gas. The major CON is COMMIT REALLY ARE ADDICTIVE THEMSELVES! Considering that we are dealing with an addict in the first place....we will use Commit constantly. I have a lozenger in my mouth constantly. ...even while sleeping! There has to be a better way. Trying to go down to the 2mg lozenger and use according to the directions. Certainly don't think of cigarettes. Hate them now. Have been on Commit since 2003. Have bad heartburn and ulcers. Concerned about effect on my red blood cells."

For Smoking Cessation "I have been a smoker for about 20 years and committ was the only thing that worked for me. I tried many times to quit before and was unsuccessful until i tried these. My only problem now is that I have been smoke free for the 12 weeks and yet I am still hooked on the lozenges. I can definately feel the need to still have the lozenges and so I need to find a way to break free of this new habit."

For Smoking Cessation "Yep, you're gonna get a mild case of hiccups during the first 3 days or so, but like the man said below, it's better than cancer. Don't be foolish - smoking isn't good, and these work. After a few weeks, start trading off with cheap mint candies every other turn, then 3 to 1 etc. I started with 8 a day, and ended up done with it all at the beginning of week 5! Seriously, you really must want to quit. Get through the first week (that's the rough part), and it's all downhill after that. Do it!"

For Smoking Cessation "I tried several times to stop smoking, but always relapsed. Commit lozenges were the only success I had. Here were my complaints about other methods: * Prescriptions - didn't want to put medicine in my body * Nicoderm CQ - patches didn't stick to hairless parts of my body * Hypnosis - I always lit up after my hypnotherapy session I stopped with Commit, but started again because I wasn't truly ready. Once I was finally determined to quit, I went back to Commit. Just when I was making this decision, they came out with the Cappuccino flavor version and as of today I have been a non-smoker for three and a half months. It's the only method that has truly worked for me."

For Smoking Cessation "I was a smoker for 30 years, I used commit when my granddaughter was born because I couldn't smoke in the hospital. It worked, I decided to continue with the program. I have quit for 30 months now. When I feel the urge to smoke now which is not often (maybe 1 time in 4 weeks) I pop one in my mouth and never completely finish it until the urge leaves. I kept 1 bottle after I quit using them for this reason and still have over half left. It works."

For Smoking Cessation "Had to stop smoking due to cost and a friend gave me these after she failed to stop. The lozenges weren't melting in 20 to 30 minutes in my mouth. More like 3 to 5 hours. I don't know why that is, but I'm not complaining. The medicine wasn't expired or anything. I'm at week 2 2 days and I haven't cheated. Still have slight urges now and then, but the lozenges do help curb that urge. Since my friend only had so much Commit left, I am going tomorrow to buy a new box. I recommend it. Side effects were low for me. Good luck all."

For Smoking Cessation "I smoke for two reasons: habit or stress relief. While Commit lozenges were fantastic for my habitual smoking, I found that when I was stressed, Commits just didn't cut it. I did however, go from a pack a day to less than a pack a week with commit. So all-in-all, Commit was a success."

For Smoking Cessation "They worked for me and I had smoked for almost 40 years. I occasionally got the hiccups, but they were better than Cancer."

For Smoking Cessation "It works, but it gave me gas and diarrhea."

For Smoking Cessation "Tried everything this is the only thing that worked"

For Smoking Cessation "I want to thank Commit. It was the only thing that helped me to quit smoking. I have been 2 years smoke free. So thank you for helping me."

For Smoking Cessation "Commit is the only one that worked for me. I've been smoke-free for 13 years now! It works!!!!"

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  • Reviews (17)
  • Latest FDA alerts (1)
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  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: smoking cessation agents
  • Breastfeeding

Patient resources

  • Commit advanced reading
  • Commit

Other brands

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Professional resources

  • Nicotine monograph
  • Nicotine Transdermal System Step 3 (FDA)

Other brands

Nicoderm CQ, Nicorette, Nicotrol Inhaler, Nicotrol NS

Related treatment guides

  • Smoking Cessation