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Generic Name: Cortef (hydrocortisone)

Cortef Reviews

For Adrenocortical Insufficiency "After a long chronic stress, my adrenals were in 'burnout.' This medicine, until now, has worked great. The progression has been very slow but with satisfaction. The only side effects were an upset stomach (which have gone) and frequent urination (which has been reduced)."

For Adrenocortical Insufficiency "Made stomach upset early on, gurgly/hungry feeling. Goes away. Severe prolonged subclinical hypothyroidism resulted in needing this medicine. Makes my Cytomel work. And reduced my anxiety to manageable levels. Even the little painful scab bumps I used to get on my scalp are gone... gone! Those things were as painful as a bee sting the day after."

For Adrenocortical Insufficiency "Started experiencing fatigue a few years ago and passed out suddenly. Rushed to hospital with normal cardiac workup and blood tests. After seeing a long list of doctors one finally came to the realization I had adrenal insufficiency. Prescribed 10mg hydrocortisone daily and feel much better."

For Addison's Disease "Cortef has saved my life Diagnosed with Addison’s 7 years ago after months of declined health (deathly thin, anxious, random cry spells, brain fog, intense nausea, lower back pain) and eventually slipping into a coma. Once the doctors figured out it was Addison they put me on Cortef. It was a bit of a challenge at first, trying to figure out the right amount for my body however after about 2 years of trail and error I found the right dosage and the proper times to take them as I found that was extremely important. I was also put on Cytomel which I would highly suggest for anyone who’s struggling with Addison’s disease. With those combined meds, Addison’s became controllable. Until I started premenopausal symptoms and now it feels like the first year of my addison diagnosis. I’ve been taking a bit more Cortef as of late to help me through the premenopause which can become more of an issue for the body and brain."

For Adrenocortical Insufficiency "Take 25 mg daily - 15 mg morning/10 mg evening for 46 years. No side effects. No symptoms. Restored my well-being!"

More about Cortef (hydrocortisone)

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  • Side effects
  • Dosage information
  • During pregnancy
  • Generic availability
  • Drug class: glucocorticoids
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Cortef drug information
  • Cortef (Advanced Reading)

Other brands

Cortenema, Cortifoam, A-Hydrocort, Colocort, Alkindi Sprinkle

Professional resources

  • Cortef prescribing information
  • Hydrocortisone, Hydrocortisone Sodium Succinate (AHFS Monograph)

Other brands

Cortenema, A-Hydrocort, Colocort, Alkindi Sprinkle

Other formulations

  • Solu-CORTEF injection

Related treatment guides

  • Adrenocortical Insufficiency
  • Addison's Disease
  • Crohn's Disease, Active
  • Asthma, acute