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Generic Name: Decadron (dexamethasone)

Decadron Reviews

For Asthma "I was given this med for asthma from a virus that my inhaled steroids weren’t helping with. I was given a one-time dose of 10 mg, and though it worked for my breathing, the rest of my body is a mess. I have had severe elevated heart rate, high blood pressure, headache, rigor shakes, muscle spasms in the arms and legs, faintness, cold sweats, increased urination, severe exhaustion, muscle weakness, heartburn, increased anxiety, cloudy headedness, nausea, and an intolerance for anything physical beyond just walking. I am a fit 42-year-old woman with no other health issues, and this has been blowing my mind that I could get this sick. I did go to the ED, and I was told that it can cause these symptoms. The worst part is that because it’s long-acting, it can take a week from your last dose for it to be cleared out. So I was told to rest and drink fluids until time passes. The good news is, I can breathe. The bad news is, it has been a nightmare for the rest of my body."

For Inflammatory Conditions "Never take this drug. I am a healthy individual that had a bad experience with this drug. I received one shot because I had the flu. One week later, I had burning pains running all through my body. They gave me a shot in my butt, and it's still sore two weeks later. I had trouble sleeping, couldn't breathe at night, and thought I was going crazy. My resting heart rate went from 49 to 58 beats a minute. I don't know what this drug does to the body, but it's not good. You have mood swings from anger, confusion, weakness, coordination, etc. Please ask the doctor what they are giving you before they inject you. It could do more harm than good later."

For Inflammatory Conditions "I have disc issues. When the inflammation around these discs starts to put pressure on the nerves going to my feet and legs, a shot of this stuff is like gold. It loses its effect the longer you use it, so save this as a last resort."

For Inflammatory Conditions "I have degenerative discs. I was given injections of Decadron near the area. Within a week, I almost went crazy! Felt like I was running for my life all the time. The doctors have no clue what this does to your brain, nor how to reverse its effects. Do not take this."

For Allergic Rhinitis "This drug is terrible. I am an athlete/coach and have always been a very upbeat/motivated person. I got into a hornet's nest, and they gave me a shot of this instead of Benadryl. I experienced weeks of the worst mood swings of my life, my heart stayed racing so hard I thought I was having a heart attack at times, and I dropped from 160 lbs to 145 lbs and couldn't stop eating anything in sight. Afterwards, I experienced depression/fatigue beyond what I ever thought I could go through that took about 3 months to fully recover from. The migraines were terrible as well. I'm writing this because a friend just stopped by to ask about my experience, he had an allergic reaction and they gave him the same Decadron shot. He went through almost identical symptoms. Try your best to avoid this stuff, the side effects aren't worth the benefits."

For Allergic Rhinitis "This drug was given to me for an anaphylaxis reaction I had from an antibiotic. I was admitted so It was given IV then by mouth to wean. I am a nurse and was blown away! I was put in drug induced psychosis on this med. I was on it about 3 weeks from 6mg down to 1mg. I was 302 initiated at the nearest ER. I passed out from sleep deprivation and thus drug changed my life for good. It's not worth It! It mimicked bipolar symptoms. I NEVER had this before! BEWARE!"

For Inflammatory Conditions "Was given Decadron Shot in ER for a severe Sinus Infection and Upper Respiratory Infection..I have had a severe migraine for 2 solid days! NOTHING will ease the headache. I will never have or take Decadron again!"

For Inflammatory Conditions "I was given this for a migraine, via iv . Instantly starting between my legs and moving out through my body I felt like my entire body was set on fire. I had difficulty breathing and was screaming and sobbing. Needless to say none of which helped the severe migraine that had landed me in the Er. Two days later my vaginal tissue still feels inflamed. I won't be taking this one again."

For Shock "I was given this twice through IV after a nut allergy gave me anaphylaxis and put me in the ER. Within seconds of administering my groin area, vaginal area and arm pits were burning like they were on fire. I screamed it was so bad. At some point afterwards I started blacking out. I ended up receiving another dose somehow. I went temporarily deaf and blind. I thought it was the end of me. I became violent and hostile. I was not my normal self. They had to strap me down and sedate me. The next day I woke up in the ICU. I was wet like I had peed my pants. Every time I would stand fluid was coming out of me like when your water breaks. This kept on for 3 days. I couldn't even walk to the bathroom without it happening. I was not pregnant. By day 4 I was heavily bleeding. A few days later it finally stopped. I didn't have another period for 5 years and it nearly sterilized me. I haven't had a successful pregnancy since this event. I was told to never again take a steroid, especially this one."

For Multiple Sclerosis "Spent 7 days in the hospital and 6 weeks off work, but this medication got my eyesight back from complete blindness. The side effects are a bit extreme, and this was the third steroid I developed an allergy to, but for severe optic neuritis episodes, it works."

For Inflammatory Conditions "Headache due to AVM in brain: I was given this in the hospital via IV in hopes of bringing down a severe headache caused by my AVM. Within the first minute the drip began I started freaking out as well as developing a severe rash so they unhooked it immediately. Even after it having been stopped I was inconsolable and hyperventilating for about a half an hour. The morning after I was vomiting and had diarrhea. 48 hours later my stomach is still churning and the rash is just beginning to fade. Safe to say Decadron is on my allergy list now."

"UPPER RESPIRATORY INFECTION- I went to the ER because I thought I had covid. It appears after seeing the doc that my COVID test was negative and seemed I had an upper respiratory infection. I was asked if I have ever had a steroid injection and I said yes I have had so many over the years because of my arthritis in my back. She gave me the injection and all was fine. Went home, 15 min later back in ER having Sinus Tachycardia, QT intervals were prolonged, T waves were all of the place , pulse was 140 constantly, BP was 178/88, chest tightness, couldn't breathe, respiration was 14. They had to give me Ativan and Benedryl to lower my heart rate because Decadrone caused a massive panic attack and I had to do a breathing treatment to open my lungs back up. NEVER AGAIN WILL I TAKE THIS DRUG! Out of years of receiving steroid injections i have never had this reactions with a steroid. Would NEVER RECOMMEND THIS FOR ANYONE!!!!!"

For Inflammatory Conditions "I was also given this through I.V. and started freaking out as well. I got really cold and my muscles contracted involuntarily and my teeth started chattering and grinding. My vision got dark around the edges and I could only see out of pinhole shaped . (Like looking through the wrong end of a pair of binoculars. I woke up several hours later wrapped in heatead blankets."

For Inflammatory Conditions "I have MS and bad back some times I had save this for a time that the doctor wasn't helping out enough. My left leg started to hurt from butt to my angle . Was taking hydrocodacetam. Eating 3 at a time ,wasn't doing enough . Started taking decadron pain level drop a lot but you need to make sure that your eating food with them . Had no side affects! Wish I had more ! Going to ask Doctor ."

For Asthma "Went to the ER for chest pressure and shortness of breath. Got an injection of decadron and never again will I! Right after injection I instantly had a severe panic attack, its been 2 days since I got the injection & I've only slept 7 hours within 48 hours, it has caused me severe insomnia and my heart rate goes sky high. Chest pressure still hasn't subsided, which may be due to high anxiety from this medicine."

For Inflammatory Conditions "Had this steroid (Decadron) in addition to antibiotic shot yesterday for an upper resipratory infection. Headache (migraine) started within 2 hours and have not disappeared to this point. I've taken these same meds before without reaction but don't think I will again."

For Allergic Rhinitis "Although I have to go to the doctor and get an injection for this medication to work optimally it does work wonderful when I am having an acute allergy attack. I end up getting the shot about once a year in the early spring. This medication should be a last resort after other things have been exhausted and is only safe as an injection about every six months. When my eyes, ears, nose, and throat all become involved and inflamed I know it is time to get a Decadron shot."

"I was given a Decadron injection along with Benadryl and Epipen. Immediately after receiving all three injections, I started shaking uncontrollably. I had to lie in the office for about 45 minutes to somewhat recover before I could drive. Additionally, about two days later, I noticed a small lump appearing in one of my breasts. I thought it must be from that injection, so I didn't think much about it at the time. However, about three months later, the lump in my breast started to grow larger, despite my attempts to detoxify my body through various methods. Nothing seemed to make it smaller. I had taken Benadryl and Epipen before, but this was my first time receiving Decadron. I had previously received Prednisone for severe cases of poison ivy. Fast forward to now, approximately 10 months after the injection, the lump in my breast is about the size of a small orange, and I have developed a knot under my armpit as well. I returned to the doctor who administered the injection, and they diagnosed me with breast cancer. When I mentioned that I didn't have this issue until I received that shot, they didn't believe me. It feels like they are dismissing my concerns. The way they practice medicine feels like a violation of humanity. This situation is deeply troubling and unjust."

For Epicondylitis, Tennis Elbow "Was prescribed this by pill for chronic inflammation in the elbow (tendinitis). Dr said to take a ½ pill (4mg) for 3 days. Couldn’t make it past the first dose, within hours I was cramping, bloated and abdominal pain and then the dreaded “d” word. Have had rectal bleeding and will see a specialist tomorrow to find out if this one dose wreaked all of this havoc. Pretty sure I know the answer! This stuff is wicked!"

For Rheumatoid Arthritis "Was prescribed to use 3x per day for 4 days to help alleviate inflammation from my jaw arthritis. While it helped a bit with the jaw pain, AVOID. I had the most vicious, debilitating, and devastating panic attacks of my entire life, including uncontrollable shaking. Had to stop after 2.5 days due to those side effects. Absolutely horrible."

"I just received the injection today and I had been told in the beginning that I was not getting a cortisone shot that was the only reason I agreed to it. I see nothing on the list of conditions this is supposed to help with pinched nerves, stenosis, or disc disease. They put it in the nerve, I believe. They said it could alleviate the pain I feel and the numbness and tingling in my hands and arms. They told me that it wouldn't help my back pain because of where the shot was given and it wasn't authorized. All evening the pain in the middle to bottom of my back hurts so bad I have taken 30 minutes to type this and use my arms. If I am using them too much I can't stand the pain in my back. I am sorry I know this probably isn't the review that was appropriate, but I needed some suggestions and/or opinions."

For Inflammatory Conditions "I was put on Decadron in 2002 after radiation treatment for an AVM affected nearby tissue, causing it to swell. While it did save my life, the effects on my body are still severe and ongoing, especially my spine, where I am now awaiting major surgery to repair my spine."

"Administered as IV injection at the ED for shortness of breath and low oxygen. Two days after neck surgery C4-C7 fused. Also received a breathing treatment of Albuterol & Ipratropium. Breathing was less labored within 15 minutes. Oxygen level still dropped to low 80s on room air when relaxed or dozed off to sleep. This review was written one hour after administration and should be considered incomplete as monitoring at the ED is ongoing at the time of this writing."

For Asthma "Used periodically when other meds aren't giving relief. Makes breathing problems clear, relieves allergic sinus congestion and skin allergy issues dissipate."

For Addison's Disease "Longer acting steroid option. Gained weight and anxiety."

More about Decadron (dexamethasone)

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  • Latest FDA alerts (9)
  • Side effects
  • Dosage information
  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: glucocorticoids
  • Breastfeeding

Patient resources

  • Decadron drug information
  • Decadron injection

Other brands

Dexamethasone Intensol, TaperDex, Baycadron, De-Sone LA, ... +4 more

Professional resources

  • Decadron prescribing information
  • Decadron Elixir (FDA)
  • Dexamethasone (AHFS Monograph)

Other brands

TaperDex, Hemady, Dexabliss, Dexpak Taperpak, ... +6 more

Related treatment guides

  • Adrenal Insufficiency
  • Addison's Disease
  • Adrenocortical Insufficiency
  • Adrenogenital Syndrome