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Generic Name: Degarelix for Prostate Cancer (degarelix)

Degarelix for Prostate Cancer Reviews

Firmagon (degarelix) "After biopsy revealed it was time to consider Hormone Therapy. I was started on Lupron. I came back in for a three-month check, and my PSA had not changed that much, and my Testosterone was still high. I did not want to add another pill to my 'diet,' so the Urologist tried 3 months of Firmagon. Wow! PSA down huge, and the doctor says I'm completely Test-Suppressed."

Firmagon (degarelix) "I was diagnosed with prostate cancer 10 years ago and had surgery. Because I still had PSA activity, I was put on Lupron. My PSA decreased to below 1.0, and I voluntarily ceased the Lupron injections. Earlier this year, tests showed my PSA was greatly elevated. I started with a new doctor who put me on Firmagon. My PSA dropped from 3200 three months ago to 29! There have been no significant side effects other than those similar to the Lupron use."

Firmagon (degarelix) "Started with PSA of 30. After three months on Firmagon, the PSA was below one. This stuff really works! I had all the usual side effects: lethargy, hot and cold spells, and especially injection site pain. The injection site became red, hot, puffy, and hurts quite badly for a few days after. And you have to get the injection every 28 days. But it really does hammer down the PSA."

Firmagon (degarelix) "Been taking it for about 4 months, lower back pain gone, heat and cold flashes, testicles shrinking, no sex drive, weight gain. My PSA number was 212 and last checked was 9, so it's working. I have stage 4 where it has gone to my bones. Now I am also using marijuana to see if it helps cancer. We shall see."

Firmagon (degarelix) "Diagnosed with prostate cancer at 68 yrs old and now I am 71 1/2 yrs old . PSA when diagnosed was 8.5 and 3 bone mets in pelvis . Started firmagon every 28 days and exgiva every 28 days .My PSA dropped to 1 .1 and has stayed there now for 3yrs 7 months "

Firmagon (degarelix) "Diagnosed with Oligometastatic prostate cancer with one lymph node and two bone mets in early Jan 2010. Had 240 mg Degarelix. After 26 days result shows PSA down to 0.707 from 13.6 and Testosterone down to 4.1 Very mild side effect so far. Had my first 80 mg Degarelix on 24 Feb, 2020"

Firmagon (degarelix) "had my 1st injections one month ago. My PSA dropped from 10 to 4. I'm going for 2nd injection today. Injections in abdomen hurt for a few days, only side effect so far tiredness, weakness. have recurring cancer following brachetherapy"

Firmagon (degarelix) "Started with Lupron Depot every 3 months, but had severe dizziness and fatigue. Switched to Firmagon and felt much better. In both cases. No testosterone means no erection, fatigue, lack of enthusiasm, and weight gain. After one year, I got tired of the pain from shots. Switched to Orgovolyx + Xtandi and felt better."

"My main experience was positive. However, the injection on the left side was fine while the right side injection felt like I was being stabbed with a knife (the injection takes a while, adding to the misery). The other thing that I noticed was a small ridge across my abdomen that felt like plastic and still hasn't abated 18 months later."

"Between the last 2 injections, my PSA reading remained unchanged. About 1.01. Degarelix drains my strength and I'm exhausted most of the time, with hot flashes during the night I refuse to live like this. (This is living)?? I'm 86 and refuse to be a vegetable for the rest of my days. I've got to die of something. It may as well be prostate cancer."

"Stage IV prostate cancer with metastasis to bone. I had been on Eligard for 3 years and suffered CV issues... Near heart failure, near stroke, also type 2 diabetes and high lipids. I discontinued Eligard, switched to Firmagon (degarelix), and the CV issues have ceased, BP and echocardiogram show normal results now... With every drug, there are side effects, but far fewer and less life-threatening with degarelix."

Firmagon (degarelix) "Side effects hot flushes of short duration some tiredness PSA dropped from 38.0 to below1.0 after 6 weeks from start of treatment."

"I am experiencing chronic diarrhea after two months of degarelix injections. Is there an alternative injection?"

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  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: gonadotropin-releasing hormone antagonists
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Degarelix drug information

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  • Degarelix monograph

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  • Prostate Cancer