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Generic Name: Depakote ER for Epilepsy (divalproex-sodium)

Depakote ER for Epilepsy Reviews

"51 yr old female, I've had seizures since I was 12, every kind, I was on every medicine under the sun. Taking Depakote ER and Carbatrol ER seems to be only meds that work for me. some side effects nothing I can't handle, better than having seizures all day. (tired, sometimes depressed, trembles, jerks). I have gran mal / tonic clonic about 1 every 10 years."

"Insurance covers generic only. The generic medication changes from manufacture to manufacture, the different brand changes from month to month can lead to breakthrough seizures. In order to prevent that I must either pay out of pocket about $450 or find a generic about $10 that works. I found one generic that works well and go from pharmacy to pharmacy tracking that one down."

"My daughter (8) was on Valproic Acid (liquid) for a year. About a month ago she began the pill form Divalproex. Both medicines stopped her Gran mal and Petit mal seizures. Fiends and family have commented for the last year about her personality change. She is no longer a joyful and energetic child, but has become very lethargic and depressed. We are currently researching different medicines to give her."

"I have been on Depakote ER for about a year. I have had JME since I was 14 and tried Lamictal from about age 25-30 and had seizures every 6 months. Since I've been on Depakote ER, I have not had any seizures, jerks, or funny feelings in my head! It's been a year, but the only bad thing is I've gained 20 pounds."

"I have had no gran mal seizures now for 4 years. I was on regular enteric coated Depakote since 1989 but always seemed to have a break through seizure every 2 to 3 years. I am on 1750 mg of Depakote ER now per day and I weigh about 175 lbs and am a 5.5 foot man. I was once diagnosed with complex-partial seizures because I had a psychomotor seizure and petit mal once or twice, but most of mine have been gran mal/ tonic/clonic."

"After trying 4 different meds this one was the first I was able to tolerate for a longer period. The seizures came under control and all was well. Unfortunatly my amonia levels (a very rare side effect but one that you need to be aware of) began to rise to scary levels so I had to quit ASAP. However if I had not had this issue I would have gladly stayed on the drug."

"I've been on Depakote for 11 years and it's worked pretty good. I was on Zarontin as well for a few years but I stopped that about six years ago. Just Depakote ER since then and I've only had 1 grand mal seizure. Works pretty well. "

"I'm on 1750 mg of Depakote which was fine for the longest time but when the doctors add other medicines unpleasant side effects and sometimes more seizures occurred. The only side effects I've experienced were weight gain and thinning hair but I can help control and minimize the effects on those. It's the effects I can't control that worry me; just like it confuses me why most of my seizures coincide with my menstruation."

"I have been diagnosed with absence seizures and have had several Grand Mals for 6 years now, but have been seizure-free for 4 years, after being put on Depakote ER. I went through 2 prior doctors and twice as many medicines before finding the right one. If taken in the morning, I get nauseous and I'm always tired, but otherwise, no problems. 155 lb female on 500 mg once daily."

"I have been on Depakote for about 11 years now. It works pretty well for the most part, but every once in a while my body gets out of whack and I have seizures anyhow. My doctors have tried other medicines as well but Depakote seems to be what works best."

"It did do okay for my seizures but I ended up with so many of the side effects it was unbelievable. They had to take me off I still have seizures to this day because they haven't found the right medicines. I have had a VNS inplant though but still having seizures."

"Thought it was ok until I gained 100 pounds. Never controlled my seizures well, but nothing has. Now starting a new drug and seeing a new Dr. to keep me on the Keto Diet. Lost 65lb now. Still working hard to lose more. My new Neurologist could not believe a doctor would put a female on this drug. My doctor will not even prescribe it."

"72 year old man with epilepsy diagnosed at 13. Many seizures as a young adult but Seizure free for approximately 30 years. Take 500mg Depakote ER twice a day and Dilantin 100mg two, twice a day. My side effect has been weight gain. But the medications have been very effective in my case."

"Depakote caused an increase in seizure occurence as well as severity of the seizures. Extreme changes in sleep habits, appetite, behavioral issues as well as severe and erratic mood changes, vomiting and regular kidney stones"

"Severe pain all over after taking, so I had to stop."

"I have taken Depakote ER for awhile with Lamictal. I have not had a seizure in 34 months. I do have hair loss and weight gain problem."

"I took the medication for two years as a teenager. It stopped the seizures but I lost all my energy and put on 40 pounds. Once I stopped Depakote, I nearly lost all the weight within 2 months."

"Controls epilepsy but bad side effects: Worst was tremors which got worse until I got off drug. Replaced Depakote with Briviact."

"Been on for 10 Years. Do have break through seizures every 4-5 years (tonic-clonic)."

"It stops my seizures but makes my hands shake like crazy. I can't even write. I shake much more when I have extreme anxiety"

"Very positive experience with Depakote, now Depakote ER. Monotherapy for tonic-clonic seizures since 1980s. No seizure since 2004. I take one125 mg per day."

More about Depakote ER (divalproex sodium)

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  • During pregnancy
  • Generic availability
  • Drug class: fatty acid derivative anticonvulsants
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

Patient resources

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  • Depakote ER prescribing information

Other formulations

  • Depakote
  • Depakote Sprinkles

Related treatment guides

  • Bipolar Disorder
  • Migraine Prevention
  • Epilepsy
  • Mania
  • Seizures