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Generic Name: Depo-Testosterone (testosterone)

Depo-Testosterone Reviews

For Hypogonadism, Male "I had suffered from anxiety and depression (suicidal grade) since I was a boy. I first began taking antidepressants at age 12. My doctor had a chart in her office about low T, it listed 10 symptoms. I had all 10. I asked her to prescribe it. So, she did all of the required tests. I was within the average range. 7 years later, same results, I am now 48. Finally, in January of 2014, I said that I would chance any side effect. My tests had come back normal yet again. But, she did prescribe it. I woke up on day 14 with NO depression or anxiety. What can I say, 48 years of existing and my brain chemistry is now great. My energy level is incredible and depression simply doesn't happen. It is quite a miracle. Get it!"

For Hypogonadism, Male "I am a 43-year-old that works out 5 times a week for 1-1.5 hours each time. I woke up one morning about 3 months ago and felt like somebody turned off a switch in my body. I had no real desire for sex, but after a lot of foreplay, I was able to somewhat achieve an erection, though not really hard. I went to the doctor and found out my testosterone level was only 188. I started on Depo-Testosterone with an intramuscular injection in the gluteus. Four hours after the first dose, I was able to achieve an erection that I would describe as almost a little painful due to how hard I was. I was able to perform 4 times that day with my wife. I am not sure of the effects at the gym yet, as it is only the 3rd day since I began the shots - 200mg every other week. I didn't experience any of the other issues like depression, anxiety, or lethargy prior."

For Hypogonadism, Male "This has been the only truly effective TRT medication I have taken. I have been treated with up to 400 mg every 2 weeks when I was younger. Total testosterone levels were taken every 3 months and ranged from around 750-850 ng/dL. Mood, energy, libido, and general health were excellent. I also suffer from ADHD, treatment-resistant depression, and anxiety. While other TRT medications help with many symptoms, the injections and the levels of total testosterone that seem to be most attainable with this form of T replacement have correlated with a substantial reduction in the symptoms of all these psychiatric conditions. Effective replacement therapy can also support a healthy lifestyle, including diet and exercise. I have found that in order to experience an improved quality of life, all are important."

For Hypogonadism, Male "Had low testosterone. I was in a car accident and had a head injury. This caused my pituitary gland to stop working and shrank from the pressure in my brain. I didn't want a patch. I inject every 2 weeks, and it works great. It's much cheaper, nobody has to know unless you tell them, and it takes 5 minutes every 2 weeks. What could be easier."

For Hypogonadism, Male "My blood work shows my testosterone levels are 35. I have been taking injections for 5 years and have been happy with the results. Blood work shows my testosterone levels are between 850 / 930. With free testosterone levels at 23 / 35. My Doctor has blood work done every 6 months just to be on the safe side."

For Hypogonadism, Male "You need to check your hormones with blood work to make sure they are all level. After using depo tesoesterone for a while.you will start feeling side effects you never got before. Also you might have to donate your blood testosterone will give you a high red blood cell count which it's not good. When you notice your test shots are not giving you the most like it used to you have high estrogen levels and prolactin levels too. you will need to take arimidex to bring it down. You will know when it's time the side effects are terrible. vitamin D is recommended while taking depo testerone it's a must."

For Hypogonadism, Male "I get a 100 mg injection every other week of depo-testosterone to successfully eliminate night sweats, hot flashes and panic attacks. It works. My blood level was 133, and after a year it's just over 200. I like and recommend it."

For Hypogonadism, Male "I had been low (~300ng/dL) at age 30, and monitored for a few years. I didn't have many sexual or fitness symptoms (always in good shape and good libido), however I had a very complex history of anxiety, depression, ADHD, etc. Having gone in and out of therapy and taken various medications for over 25 years, I can confidently say that high dose (250-300mg/week) of testosterone basically fixed nearly everything. I sleep better, I am more confident, I have more energy, I am more focused, and a number of my health markers improved. Interestingly, even my blood pressure improved. It is very important to be seen by a good doctor with this stuff, but done properly, this can radically improve your life."

For Hypogonadism, Male "Injectable testosterone is an effective treatment once you figure out what dosing schedule works best for you."

"I'm on testosterone for gender dysphoria and I've had minimal negative side effects and have found testosterone to reverse some of my depression symptoms."

More about Depo-Testosterone (testosterone)

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  • Latest FDA alerts (7)
  • Side effects
  • Dosage information
  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: androgens and anabolic steroids
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Depo-Testosterone drug information
  • Depo-Testosterone (Advanced Reading)

Other brands

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Professional resources

  • Depo-Testosterone prescribing information
  • Testosterone (AHFS Monograph)

Other brands

AndroGel, Xyosted, Jatenzo, Androderm, ... +10 more

Related treatment guides

  • Hypogonadism, Male
  • Delayed Puberty, Male
  • Postpartum Breast Pain
  • Breast Cancer, Palliative