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Generic Name: Desogen (desogestrel-ethinyl-estradiol)

Desogen Reviews

For Birth Control "I've been taking Desogen for a year now after not being happy with Lutera. As birth control it works good (i.e. not pregnant). I don't have any breast tenderness like I used to and I have gone up a cup size. I had mild to moderate acne before taking the pill and it has helped it clear up a lot! I only break out right before a period. And my periods are very predictable and only last 3 days (versus the usual 7 I had experienced before). However, when I first started taking it I noticed a prolonged time of spotting but it did eventually go away and I am pleased overall with this pill!"

For Birth Control "Since I started taking Desogen its cleared up my acne. The one thing I don't like about it is the mood swings. One moment I'm mad and another I'm crying. I have also noticed I have been losing weight since I started taking it. I have also noticed that me and my boyfriend have been fighting a lot because of the mood swings."

For Birth Control "This was the first birth control pill I went on, and I wish I never stopped. I've been on like 4-5 other types but this one has been the best so far from my experience. The only downside was gaining 5 pounds, but it wasn't noticeable at all. If my current pill doesn't work out, I will be requested a prescription for Desogen again."

For Birth Control "I have taken Desogen for a month now. I feel like there are slightly emotional changes: I cry a lot lately and I got mad easily. However, the good side effect is that my boobs seems bigger and my acne cleared up completely."

For Birth Control "I have only been taking Desogen for two weeks now, but I feel like I've been a lot more emotional lately. I literally can't control myself. It hasn't started problems in my relationship because my boyfriend is very understanding. I have also been getting a lot of breakthrough bleeding but maybe it's because it's only my first time taking the medicine. My periods are light in the beginning and super heavy towards the end!"

For Birth Control "I have been getting Desogen from Planned Parenthood for about a year now. The pill seemed to clear up any acne, the only breakouts I have now are around my period (to be expected). The only downside was around my period I would have crazy intensified mood swings, angry one second and crying the next. Other than that, pretty good pill."

For Birth Control "Positive: -You won't get pregnant. -You may see some acne clear up Negative: -Severe mood swings. I can't even control myself. My emotions do whatever they want, whenever they want. It's ruining my relationship with my boyfriend. I cry multiple times a day. I never used to be like this. I am switching to a non-hormonal birth control option."

For Birth Control "I am still trying to find the right birth control for me but this IS NOT IT. I was an emotional wreck, constantly crying, fighting with my boy friend and had no energy whatsoever. Only pro is it made my bleeding become normal again, also had zero sex drive and my breasts did not grow like all other pills have made them."

For Birth Control "If you start getting moody, stop taking this medication immediately. I was on this BCP for exactly 1 month and I developed a stroke (hospital categorized it as a seizure) where I couldn't remember my name and had to redevelop my speech and writing. The day after the hospitalization I developed Mono from my weakened immune system and slept for 24 hours straight. Do not take BCP in general. ."

For Birth Control "I switched to this from Ortho Tri Cyclen six months ago to help with unwanted facial hair. It hasn't helped and it's made my hair and skin very oily. My skin hasn't looked this bad since I was sixteen. I'm using acne toner, spot treatment, oil-free moisturizer, and a foundation for acne-prone skin and none of it has made any difference. I have constant mood swings and cry easily. I'm switching back to Ortho Tri Cyclen next week."

For Birth Control "I love Desogen. I was on a couple of other kinds of pills before I started taking it including one that made me cry whenever I saw large bodies of water. I've been on Desogen for a year now and have not experienced any emotional side effects. My only complaint is that it's made my periods start out really light and get heavy at the end, which is a little irritating. Other than that, I love Desogen. I haven't had any desire to switch pills since I started taking it."

For Birth Control "I was on Desogen for 7 years and never got pregnant, had shorter, lighter periods. All medicines have side effects that being said; the down side was slight increase of my blood pressure & slight weight gain. When I was ready to start my family it only took me 2 months to get pregnant. Now I have to be on a different pill because I've had my baby & our hormones change but haven't found a pill that works as well as Desogen did."

For Birth Control "I was on desogen for about 7-8 years. Started at 17 till around 25 yrs old. Took it as prescribed hardly missed a pill. It did it's job at preventing pregnancy. Lightened my periods. But during this time I had yeast infections every other month, and acne near my periods. Now that my tubes are tied, And I haven't been on birth control in 10 years and I realize what a libido killer this pill was for me. I had little desire and when I did, I couldn't produce natural lub and trouble with the big O. After having kids and even after passing my 30'S into early 40's I have no problems in that department. I just wish I had asked my dr about changing brands and finding something that worked better for me. Back in the day there weren't a lot of methods. I missed out on a lot of fun. Ask about different brands or another methods if this kind doesn't work for you."

For Birth Control "I was on ortho Tri cyclen but stop due to stomach pain I switch over to this and notice I cry for any little thing. This pill has made me feel so emotional and I'm usually stronger than that. I had to discontinue."

For Birth Control "I was put on Desogen after continuous bleeding on Ortho Tri Lo. My practitioner thought I needed higher hormones. Desogen stopped all the spotting but it killed my sex drive. Even when I did have any sexual desire I didn't get the physical affects of arousal like lubrication. It made sex completely unfun even on the rare occasion that I wanted to do it at all. I gained weight while on it but I started it pretty young and I know weight gain is pretty common around that time."

For Birth Control "I have been taking Desogen for almost a month and a half. I get dizzy, have severe headaches, cystic acne, extreme cramps, and the worst part of it all is my moods are awful. I get so angry and emotional at the drop of a hat. So I stopped taking it because I was tired of getting angry all the time and taking it out on my boyfriend. Luckily he's very understanding. My moods and acne have now practically vanished once I stopped taking it."

"I've been taking Desogen for almost 1 year now. I get it from Planned Parenthood for about 20 dollars. The only side effects I have seen are a slight headache at the onset of my period and sometimes moodiness around that time as well (I guess it is to be expected anyways). Other than that, I do get dark freckles now when out in the sun. They don't seem too bad now, but if it gets worse I will switch. This is why I changed from my last brand (think it was Estrostep) because it caused bad facial discoloration whenever I went out in the sun! Looked like I had a mustache for months!"

"I've been taking Desogen for about a month. For the first 3 days I was taking it in the morning and was so sick after taking it I'd be in bed all day. So I started taking it right before bed. I've had stomach pains so bad I feel like I'm in labor. I went to the doctor to make sure it was the birth control and not something more serious. I had a pap smear and some blood work, but he said everything seemed fine. If it comes to be that nothing is wrong, I am going to stop taking."

For Birth Control "This is absolute rubbish. I been recently changed from microgynon to this desorex Just because I am almost 35 and smoking. On this new one I have head aches daily, muscle pains, apparently I am so moody, and I have a blood coming nonstop.... (What is the point of taking these pills if I can’t have a sex anyway?? "

For Birth Control "Been on this Esogen about 3 months and the cramps are unreal. I'm bleeding 5x heavier than normal. I've gained almost 15lbs while on this pill and my poor boyfriend has to deal with my severe mood swings. I have constant headaches and I'm breaking out worse than I ever have all over my body. I'm using facial cleansers, toners, special foundation but everyday there is a new breakout. I'm getting off this pill ASAP"

For Birth Control "Since I have been on it less than a month, my breasts are painfully tender as well as HUGE, I'm extremely moody and bitchy, weight gain/bloated not sure which, nausea, 0 sex drive, the only good side is I'm extremely project oriented on task."

For Birth Control "I have been on this meds due to my body not having the hormones to stop my period. Now I'm back on it after I quit it to have children. No other birth control is as good. Bad side effects, facial hair and my periods are heavy. Good side, not pregnant, mood is better, less menstrual cramps then on other pills."

"When I first started taking Desogen it seemed fine. As a few months went by I noticed that it made me cry a lot and I mean a lot. There was a lot of emotional ups and downs for me and a bit of weight gain. I also had very severe migraines as well as blurry vision but I guess its different for everyone. I stopped taking Desogen and all these side effects stopped thankfully."

For Birth Control "I was on this pill for about a year because I didn't know any better. I had a steady period for the first three months, straight through. I also lactated during that time. Once those symptoms went away, my mood became terrible and remained so for the next 9 months (I'm normally very happy and easy going). The following year, I got a new doctor and switched to OrthoCyclen. Been great ever since. That year was a nightmare."

For Birth Control "I was on the Desogen from age 21 to age 36. I highly recommend it. I had no mood swings at all and it did the job. It lessened my cramps tremendously. I have no complaints. Very predictable, so I liked it."

More about Desogen (desogestrel / ethinyl estradiol)

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  • Drug class: contraceptives

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