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Generic Name: Devrom (bismuth-subgallate)

Devrom Reviews

For Gas "After a gastric bypass followed by two back-to-back obstruction surgeries, I was left with 4’ 11” of small intestines, no valve between small and large intestines, and a small section of large intestines removed. I experienced horrific bowel and gas odors. It was so bad that everywhere I went to visit family or friends, I was given one bathroom specifically for my use alone. Although I used scented candles, room fresheners, and vent fans, nothing could help with the terrible odors. I began to use Devrom after my doctor recommended it to me, and immediately I began to see an extreme change and lack of odors when I used the restroom. I now do not require a separate bathroom from everyone else and can travel without rolling down windows and spraying Febreze around the vehicle interior. Praise God for the product and the inventor. I highly recommend it to anyone with a problem like mine. It really works, and the customer support team, especially Jason, is awesome and very helpful."

For Gas "I too had gastric bypass a little over a year ago. I have frequent bad smelling gas and bad smelling bowel movements. While this product does not completely remove the smell it makes it so much better!!!!!!"

For Gas "I had RYGB in 2009, the gas and odor that was a constant issue really limited me in places I went and things I did. I tried watching foods I ate to prevent the horrible smell but that never seemed to matter. Well in steps Devrom! This stuff has changed my life!! I take 2 pills 2 times a day and it WORKS!! It worked within the hour after I took the first dose.... I am so so happy now! Thank you Devrom I am a customer for life!!"

For Gas "The product, Devrom, does definitely help with horrendous odor. However, in less than a week I started to react really badly just walking to the house from the car, near fainting and trouble breathing. I thought it was heart condition. Then I asked myself, what have I started taking, ah hah, Devrom, I am not taking malaria medicine which is the only thing listed it might interact with. I emailed to get return instructions, they have not replied. Next step is to file a report to the FDA. Oh, yes it does turn the stool black, fortunately not my tongue, yet."

For Gas "I did a a bit of research before I found this medication. I had horrible gas while losing weight and eating healthy. The gas wouldn't go away especailly after I would eat veggies or eggs etc. I take as instructed and only have two right before meals...not all meals but certainly the ones I know cause horrible smelling gas. It works! Doesn't take the smell 100% away from stool but does take the smelly gas smell away provided taking as directed. Also, I love that these are chewable! I take 13 different things a day, from supplements to medications and it's nice to not have to swallow another pill!"

For Gas "I have used this Devrom for several years to effectively deodorize odor from flatulence. I can't believe how well it works and how fast. No interactions with any other drugs I take. Can't say enough."

For Gas "Wonderful. Don't stink toilet out now"

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  • Drug class: antidiarrheals

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  • Gas