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Generic Name: Ditropan XL (oxybutynin)

Ditropan XL Reviews

For Urinary Frequency "Works very well for urgency, etc. An obscure side effect is diminished ability to achieve an erection (and I believe diminished sex drive as well). In addition, I developed dry mouth (no big deal). I tried the generic for Trospium extended release which did not have the same issues but probably was less effective for bladder control. PS My bladder situation was mild to moderate."

For Prostatitis "I have taken this drug off and on for 5 years now. I use it for chronic pelvic pain syndrome. It works the best out of anything I have tried thus far. It takes most of my pain away, stops the frequent urination, but it does have side effects. When I first started taking it, my only side effect was dry mouth, which went away after two months. After a year, I built up a tolerance to the drug, and it has never worked the same since. The longest I can take it now is 1-2 weeks before it wears off. I usually take it when my symptoms are so bad that I must take medicine. Generally, I take it for a week straight, then go off of it. I get withdrawal-like symptoms for a day, and usually, my pain goes away for a week to two months, and then I repeat this cycle."

For Urinary Frequency "On this for Nocturnal Enuresis and I am absolutely LOVING to have this medication, completely helps with my condition! Have not had any of the symptoms that some of the people's reviews on this website have seemed to experience! Have taken this for about a week, and would DEFINITELY recommend this drug to someone with my condition or others seen in the reviews! I love this 10g extended relief med!"

For Urinary Frequency "Been on this medication for almost 20 years and it works well for me. Dry mouth at times, but need to drink more water anyways."

For Urinary Frequency "Extreme constipation, dry cough, sweating, insomnia"

More about Ditropan XL (oxybutynin)

  • Check interactions
  • Compare alternatives
  • Drug images
  • Side effects
  • Dosage information
  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: urinary antispasmodics

Patient resources

  • Ditropan XL advanced reading
  • Ditropan XL

Other brands

Ditropan, Oxytrol, Gelnique, Anturol

Professional resources

  • Ditropan XL prescribing information
  • Oxybutynin (AHFS Monograph)

Other brands

Ditropan, Oxytrol, Gelnique

Related treatment guides

  • Neurogenic Detrusor Overactivity
  • Urinary Frequency
  • Urinary Incontinence
  • Dysuria