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Generic Name: Doryx (doxycycline)

Doryx Reviews

For Acne "I am 37. After my last child was born, I started getting these really deep, painful pimples all around my mouth and nose. According to the dermatologist, I have a type of acne that's actually some kind of hybrid between rosacea and acne. The pustules hurt so much, and they looked so gross. I was wearing a ton of makeup to hide them, but even with all the cover-up, you could still see my skin looked terrible with huge bumps and crusted over scabs from the ones I popped. I tried all sorts of OTC stuff before I finally went to the dermatologist. He put me on Doryx, and within a week, the pustules were all gone, and I have not had any new ones in the two months since I started this medication. I can't believe how quickly, and how well, it worked."

For Acne "I had tried every combination of topical skincare routines for years and had no luck with clearing up my acne. Doryx cleared up my acne almost overnight, and I have been taking it for several weeks and have been almost completely clear--I can't even remember the last time I was! Very satisfied!"

For Acne "I suffered from cystic acne for years. Doryx totally and completely has changed my life. I rarely even get a pimple around the time of my period anymore. When I first started Doryx (5 months ago), I was taking 150 mg daily. Now, I take 75 mg every other day. I can't praise this drug enough! Life-changing, I wish I had started taking it years ago."

For Acne "Doryx was originally intended to clear up a rash-like infection near my genitals. It cleared it up, but an even better effect was to clear up my adult acne. It did so in just a few days of use, taking one 100mg tab per day with lunch."

For Acne "I have had acne from 13 years old on and was on Accutane for most of high school. I have tried everything - all cleansers, peels, topicals, and nothing worked. Proactive seemed to moderately work (but dried my skin out and bleached every towel and pillowcase in sight). I'm now 36, and in March 2012, I was totally fed up with my constant struggle with adult acne, so I went to a dermatologist in San Francisco. She put me on Doryx, Epiduo, and Cerave hydrating (non-foaming) cleanser - hallelujah! It took about 2 months, and my face was breakout free. I haven't had a zit since. It works - call your dermatologist as soon as possible. P.S. I'm also on Ocella birth control (which is key to regulating hormone levels)."

For Acne "I've been struggling with mild acne on my face and severe acne on my shoulders (mostly sports-related) for the past 2 years or so, and absolutely NOTHING worked. However, I've been taking Doryx for a week now, and my face is almost completely clear, and my shoulders are clearing up FAST. However, I did experience a lot of drying out on my face, as well as (oddly enough) a decreased sex drive. I HIGHLY recommend refraining from alcohol while on this medicine, as it will only worsen the drying of your face. Stick with it. Remember, your face will get worse before it gets better."

For Acne "I have had problems with acne all my life. I tried everything from creams, gels, pills, and even Accutane. Accutane was extremely harsh, and my acne was back within 3 months. I finally was prescribed Doryx along with Acanya in the morning and Epiduo at night. Please be patient, as this will make you break out really bad at first, but I promise you after 2 months, you will see the results. What's great too is you can adjust the dosage once your face clears up, so you don't have to take 150 mg all the time. My face is all cleared up now, and I only take it the week of my period to prevent breakouts."

For Acne "This doesn't allow me to write very much, so I can't share my whole story. I hate taking prescription drugs, but I gave Doryx a chance, and it's been a Godsend. I developed acne in my late 20s, after being acne free since puberty. The cyst-like acne would hurt badly and leave terrible marks. With Doryx, every zit on my problem areas was completely gone within 4 days, and the red marks from past zits have already faded. I was concerned about side effects, and I have had none whatsoever. I am supposed to take it every day, but I only take it Monday-Friday. I once went 5 days without taking it and got a zit, but getting back on the pills cleared it right up. I pay $25 for a month's supply, worth every penny."

For Acne "When I first started taking this medication, my acne did get worse. However, I stuck with it for four months, and then my acne completely cleared up. I had it bad for the first month. I stopped taking it because my skin was clear. That was a huge mistake. My acne came back in like less than a month and worse than before. I think I went off it too quickly. I am about to go back on it and stay on it until my dermatologist tells me otherwise this time."

For Urinary Tract Infection "Took a ten-day dosage for urethritis (similar to UTI), and it did not cure it - though some symptoms went away. My friend also had it, though, and it worked fine for him. I recently changed to Ciprofloxacin, so hopefully that will have better results."

For Bronchiectasis "Doxycycline is a very good, easy-to-take, once-a-day medicine that works very well with my bronchiectasis. No side effects when taken with food, no ill feeling or dizziness as with other antibiotics, overall very good drug."

For Acne "I am 26, and nothing has worked for my acne... NOTHING! I have tried pills, creams, Proactiv, herbals, almost everything. But finally, I got something that WORKS! This pill cleared all my acne, and I even forgot to take it more than a few times... still nothing. I don't wash my face a thousand times a day... don't apply any acne cream... and there is never a pimple on my skin. There have been no side effects for me. So, you should definitely give this a try. It's the ONLY thing that has WORKED for me."

For Rosacea "Doryx is the only medicine that can clear up my rosacea outbreaks now. Oracea can help a little bit, but my problem areas keep reappearing when I'm on that pill. (The facial creams used to work on me when I was younger, but once I became diabetic, the creams did not help.)"

For Acne "I have never had perfect skin, always had 1 or 2 pimples at a time, and usually a cystic one too. But 5 months ago I started breaking out BAD, mostly on my lower cheeks and chin. I tried so many Orc face washes and scrubs but nothing worked. I finally went to the dermatologist and I have been taking doryx 200mg a day for about a week now, as well as using epiduo at night before bed. My skin is already clearing up! I mostly have hyper pigmentation and some scarring now, which I will have to deal with, but hardly any pimples!! I'm hoping it will keep getting better as the goes on but for now, I am loving doryx."

For Acne "I have been on Doryx for nearly 3 months. The pimples on my face and back have gotten worse and worse I am constantly breaking out to be honest my face is worse being on this medication then it was before i started it."

For Acne "I went to the dermatologist last week and already I have been seeing AMAZING results! My acne before wasn't awful, but I wanted it to be completely gone. So my doctor prescribed me Doryx and CeraVe face lotion. So far I haven't had any breakouts and my pore size has shrunk. Also, I haven't had any stomach pains. Good Luck!"

For Acne "My dermatologist put me on Doryx a couple months back. My acne was bad, inflamed and painful all over my cheeks. I took half the pill once a day and at first it made my skin dry out. But my acne disappeared within a week and a half. Afterwards I stopped using it. Then noticed my skin breaking out again. So I'm back on it again and it has settled my skin. I quit eating dairy as well while taking it and I have yet to have a breakout. I now take it every other day as it dries out the skin all over my body. But totally worth the results !!"

For Acne "Three days ago, I went to the dermatologist for the first time. I have a modest severe problem with acne and have been using all kinds of over the counter acne products like Neutrogena, Clearasil, Clean and Clear, etc. She said that I have been wasting a lot a lot of money on the acne products I have used in the past, just because they are all the same . She put me on Doryx 150 MG, Differin 0.3%, and also told me to wash my face with Cetaphil. I can say that my acne scars, which I have on both cheeks, have faded a little and the size of my pimples have gotten smaller. She said that the first month is going to be the worst because I will breakout but should see a big improvement the second month. I am really depending on this to work! "

For Acne "I have struggled since the age 15 with acne, I am now 35 and decided to go to the dermatologist again convinced to start using Accutane. My doctor put me on 150mg of Doryx along with Epiduo at night. I am on day 15 and all of my existing cysts have since gone and had no new breakouts. It is a big pill and have to take it on an empty stomach so some will have cramping, mine are not bad."

For Acne "I started taking Doryx about 4 months ago for cystic acne. SO GLAD I DID. It took almost 2 months to see results but it was definitely worth the wait. It doesn't bother me to leave the house now without makeup. Occasionally I'll still get cysts but they only last a couple of days or so and it's usually around the time of my period. I do notice though that it makes me thirsty and it dries my skin/chaps my lips. But it's totally worth it. Just be patient! I almost gave up after the first month. I'm so glad I didn't."

For Acne "I have been taking this medication for about three months now. It has cleared up 80% of my acne, and I have not gotten any new acne since I've been on it. Also, I haven't lost any hair, or had any side effects/problems while on this medication."

For Acne "I am 17 years old, I don't have acne I just have the teenage pimples. But theses pimples control my life and make me depressed. I have taken one tablet and my face is clear, one pimple on my face. So happy."

For Acne "I went on Doryx almost 3 months ago because I had severe cystic acne. It was awful, I was mortified to the point where I would even call out of work. Not only was it embarrassing, but at times it was also painful. My dermatologist put me on Doryx and I noticed NO change until about the 6 week mark. By the 8 week mark my cysts were gone! It took time, but I am SO glad I stuck with it. I have had people tell me how much better my skin looks. It is not 100% clear as it had been a year ago, but I am very pleased with it so far. The doctor told me it takes up to 6 months to get the full effect. So be patient. In addition to the pill I also wash my face once a day with Neutrogena Red Reducer (Green), Proactive and I use Clinique Acne foundation."

For Acne "I have tried many acne medications, but this is the only one that consistently worked for me. I took it for a few weeks, and I don't even have to use it anymore. My face is acne free. I didn't feel any side effects."

For Acne "I'm 38 and have acne since 13. I have tried everything and finally a few years ago, just decided to live with it. I had a spot on my forehead that never seems to clear up, so the dermatologist put me on this and my acne has cleared up, similar to the results I had years ago from being on birth control pills. Although my acne is cleared up, the spot I was concerned about hasn't changed, and next dermatologist appointment I'll have to have it biopsied. The only side effect is that I have more hair loss than what I consider normal in a day. My Dermatologist had a $25 coupon for the prescription. Otherwise even with insurance it is very expensive. "

More about Doryx (doxycycline)

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  • During pregnancy
  • Generic availability
  • Drug class: miscellaneous antimalarials
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Doryx advanced reading

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Professional resources

  • Doryx prescribing information
  • Doxycycline Hyclate (EENT) (AHFS Monograph)

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Related treatment guides

  • Gonococcal Infection, Uncomplicated
  • Rosacea
  • Acne
  • Amebiasis