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Generic Name: Dotti (estradiol)

Dotti Reviews

For Postmenopausal Symptoms "This experience has been extremely unpleasant. All of my cardiac, vaginal, urinary, sleep, agitation, and hot flash symptoms have returned. I strongly believe that this medication should not have been approved by the FDA for use in the United States. The prescribing information says that 'No studies were conducted,' yet the medication uses a different adhesive to hold the micronized estrogen and has smaller dimensions than Vivelle Dot. As a retired pharmacist, I am angry that I am having to go through this situation again. It is frustrating that despite the ratio of surface area, mg's in the 'glue,' and dose being a 1:1 relationship, this medication was still allowed on the market with all of these differences. I have already made a formal complaint to the FDA, and I encourage others to do the same. Please call 1-800-FDA-1088 or report online at accessdata.fda.gov/scripts/medwatch/. The struggle is real, and action needs to be taken."

For Postmenopausal Symptoms "Dotti is horrible! Don’t let your pharmacy give you this junk. Rite Aid started substituting Dotti for my normal twice-a-week Sandoz patches, and within a couple of weeks, I was back to urinary urgency and incontinence - my main reason for starting HRT. Everything had been going wonderfully with Sandoz. For what it’s worth, I checked the labels on both Sandoz and Dotti 0.05, and they actually are NOT equivalent in the amount of estrogen (estradiol) they provide! Sandoz provides .78 mg of estradiol per patch, Dotti provides .627 mg per patch. How can they be classified as equivalent?! Total rip-off, and the FDA should do something about this."

For Postmenopausal Symptoms "My plan stopped paying for the brand Vivelle Dot, and I was switched to Dotti. The round patch seemed nice, but OMG, major vasomotor symptoms, which I hadn't experienced in years. Wish the FDA would have more oversight on the quality of these offshore generic products. All generics are not equal!!!"

For Postmenopausal Symptoms "At the start of this year, my pharmacy began sending me Dotti patches instead of the ones I had been using. Gradually, my symptoms reappeared: unprovoked bouts of anger and irritability, mood instability, hair loss, and extreme skin dryness. Then came bouts of darker depression. I wondered if it was the change in patch manufacturer, but brushed it off. Then came the hot flashes and the night sweats; these progressed to full-on night drenching. Finally, I knew this wasn’t normal, began researching, and that led me to this review site. I am so grateful other women are reporting this because I was starting to think I was crazy! Thank you to the women who took the time to post experiences here. I just picked up patches from my old manufacturer, thankfully, and slapped one on. For years, the other manufacturer gave me relief. I’m so happy to be back on that. Dotti was completely ineffective for me."

For Postmenopausal Symptoms "I was given Dotti as I could not get my usual medication. Within a week, I was feeling depressed, was feeling hot all the time, and only getting 4 hours of sleep, and I have had issues with rage and have been isolating myself. This drug is horrible. Thank you, everyone, for having left reviews."

For Postmenopausal Symptoms "The worse estradiol patch is the Dotti and the Mylan brand. What is going on! Why the sudden shortages in Vivelle dot? I've been on for 20 years. Don't they understand their versions are not working for us? We are trying to tell the manufacturers, but no... no one is taking our advice. I really don't like being at the mercy of them and doctors."

For Postmenopausal Symptoms "I definitely can tell these patches are not working. I own a pharmacy and can tell you that the entire insurance market will now only pay for low-cost generics and this is the RESULT...you will get garbage medication. You need to insist that your insurance pay for the brand name."

For Postmenopausal Symptoms "My drug store replaced my Estradiol patch with Dotti. The first night, my restless sleep and dreaming. Daytime, I was cold and couldn't get warm. The second night, I experienced terrifying nightmares, woke up drenched in sweat two times. I was frightened, didn't know what was wrong with me. Figured it out! Another drug store was able to fill my regular prescription, and I was fine within a few hours. I question if this drug passed trials as a replacement for Estradiol."

For Postmenopausal Symptoms "Dotti 0.05 patch claims to be equivalent, but the stated amount of estrogen is less than the estradiol 0.05 patch. Six weeks after I was switched to Dotti by a pharmacy, I had horrible symptoms. Went back on the estradiol patch, and I am better. Safeway, Humana, and Costco are all using the Dotti patch. This patch should be pulled from the market."

For Postmenopausal Symptoms "My pharmacy changed to Dotti brand manufacturer the end of November 2022. I loved how the estrogen patch was smaller and less visible. However, my postmenopausal symptoms started back within three weeks of beginning the Dotti patch. I had increasing hot flashes, dry skin, brain fog, and fatigue. I scheduled an appointment with my OB/GYN in February to have my hormone levels rechecked. She discovered I had almost NO estrogen in my system. NONE. She said my body was not absorbing the medication. However, I have not had problems absorbing any other brand over the last 4 1/2 years. The Dotti brand estrogen patch was useless for me. I had to switch pharmacies to use a different manufacturer."

For Postmenopausal Symptoms "I had been on another estradiol patch for about a year. My husbands employer requested we start using a mail prescription and when we did they switched me to Dottie patches. I started wondering why I was feeling crabby and irritable again. Sort of like I did before taking the patches. Also I’ve been gaining weight. Not sure if that is also from the patches. But I’ve requested switching back to my original patch. I still wasn’t sure if this was because of the dotti patches but after reading these reviews I’m sure of it. Would not recommend"

For Postmenopausal Symptoms "I switched pharmacy and was given the Dotti patch rather than the Sandoz patch like I had before. Immediately my energy level dropped, chills, headache and drenching night sweats. This is not for me!"

For Postmenopausal Symptoms "I used this convenient little patch for a week, and I began to experience symptoms related to blood clots: ankles were so swollen, I couldn’t see my ankle bones, so my doctor prescribed compression socks. Other symptoms were dizziness, nausea, shortness of breath, and headaches. I removed the patch, and within 24 hours, all symptoms disappeared. I’d have ended up in the emergency room if I had kept using this patch."

For Postmenopausal Symptoms "This Dotti patch doesn’t work! Provided no relief. Went from a stable estrogen level on another brand to 43 by the time I quit it. It doesn’t work. Went back to the other brand and instantly got relief from hot flashes and mood instability."

For Postmenopausal Symptoms "I was so relieved to find these reviews. My doctor uses another pharmacy for "ease" and as a result I got the Dotti Estradiol patch. I used it for four days. It does not work. I got hot flashes, red patches, mood swings -- the works. It felt like life was so bleak. Less than 10 hours back on Sandoz and things are looking up again. Red patches gone. No hot flashes... Why do they even make this patch?!"

For Postmenopausal Symptoms "Been having major hot flashes, lack of sleep for 2 years . Just was given DOTTI .25 mg patch. On my 7th day and I notice a difference. Not flashing as often and I have actually slept the past couple nights. I go see my doctor tomorrow for a follow up. My only concern is risk of cancer. I will discuss this tomorrow. My mood has also improved! So far very happy with this."

For Postmenopausal Symptoms "This patch was forced on me by my pharmacy saying it worked the same as my other brand patches but was not true. After a week of using them started having horrible hot flashes and could not sleep. A waste of money. I went back to my regular ones and lost the money I paid for the Dotti."

For Postmenopausal Symptoms "One week using Dotti experienced marked increase vasomotorsymptoms, mood swings only relieved by switching to another manufacturer. Amneal representative stated to me not in their policy to replace. Let the buyer beware!!"

"I am oestradiol for Turner Syndrome. The pharmacy OscoDrug switched from Mylan 0.025 generic Estradiol patch to Dotti with terrible side effects including local redness and itching as well as systemic ones: increased migraine frequency, depression, mood swings, fatigue, generalized malaise and body aches. Mylan had some of these but to a lesser extent. The insurance will not cover Vivelle-Dot Brand name, it seems that's the best on the market so far. We'll go through the appeal process. Generally insurance and the pharmacy both want to push a cheap variation like Dotti. You need to fight for Vivelle-Dot like for everything that's right, don't give up it's all worth it!"

For Postmenopausal Symptoms "I moved which required changing pharmacies. I was on a different patch in my other state and my new pharmacy offered Dotti. I had no idea why my hormone levels were dropping, why my moods went from happy and energetic to exhausted and depressed with bouts of anger. I would not recommend this manufacturer. It started off ok but I was still cycling through my old patches. A couple weeks later I lost all interest in anything and even had to make an appointment to see someone for major depression (never felt that before). Please beware. I have been using dotti for 3 months and had to request pills on top of it to compensate for the drop in my levels."

For Postmenopausal Symptoms "I'm horrified by what I'm reading and now I think I know what's wrong with me. Menopause for 3 years. Dotti is what I'm using since insurance stopped paying for Estradiol. I've been having terrible symptoms and couldn't figure it out. Dry skin and hair, insomnia, night sweats, easily irritated, fatigue and I've just had a period?!? Had all the old premenstrual symptoms such as breast tenderness, cramps and a 4 day period and MOODY. I do have an appt with my OB/GYN. If Dotti is the reason, I am not happy as it seems NO ONE likes this patch!"

For Postmenopausal Symptoms "I had a terrible vasomotor reaction. First and last time I used it, after 18 hours the patch bottomed out and I started having hot flashes. I was shaking, had a brain-buster headache and severe nausea. Fortunately, I still had some of my generic noven patches left over. I ripped off the Dotti and put on the one I usually used and within 30 minutes I was fine. Dotti is garbage yet pharmacies are pushing it right now. Must be getting paid to do so."

For Postmenopausal Symptoms "Immediately after being switched from Sandoz to Dotti, my body went into the same horrible rigid muscle pains and terrible foot aches scenario that I had experienced prior to getting on any HRT. I dealt with it for 5 months and then asked to be put back on Sandoz. Within a week back on Sandoz the horrible foot pain eased. After 3 weeks back on Sandoz all the muscle pain and foot pain as well as the sleepless nights that had returned went away. I feel full of energy again too. I kept my Dotti package because I thought maybe it was a recall situation and I had gotten a bad batch for a number of months but I haven't seen any recalls for it all I know is that it absolutely doesn't work for me."

For Postmenopausal Symptoms "I have been on Dotti for a month after years of Vivelle. Grateful I found this site! It has been a bad week and I thought it was gut leaking, or Covid or stress. Never considered the new brand of patches. Until tonight when my breast started hurting terribly. Searched Google, grateful this site came up. Will be calling the pharmacy tomorrow. Dotti does not work well for me. Doesn't mean it's bad, just not in synch with my body."

For Postmenopausal Symptoms "I am only one month in with Dottie, however the difference for me has been nothing short of incredible! Within 1 hour of applying the patch, it was almost like the world seemed brighter? I was changing sheets in the middle of the night from night sweats, spending 40% of my life surviving hot flashes, while others were surviving me, and was truly the prime example of a postmenopausal woman for the past 7 years of my life. I was prescribed the Dotti patch and Progesterone capsules to be taken nightly one month ago. I will say the first few days I fought a bit of nausea, have had trouble sleeping 2 nights, and have gotten a little emotional a time or two, but hot flashes have diminished to almost nonexistent, I have not had bad night sweats in 3+ weeks, and my moods are much more stable than before the hormone therapy. This is just my experience so far. Hope it helps! P.S. It is not pretty, I agree. I just try to conceal or put a pretty bandaid over it."

More about Dotti (estradiol)

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  • Side effects
  • Dosage information
  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: estrogens
  • Breastfeeding
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Dotti skin patch drug information

Other brands

Estrace, Estradiol Patch, Estrogel, Vivelle-Dot, ... +17 more

Professional resources

  • Dotti Patch prescribing information
  • Estradiol (AHFS Monograph)

Other brands

Estrace, Estradiol Patch, Estrogel, Vivelle-Dot, ... +11 more

Related treatment guides

  • Postmenopausal Symptoms
  • Atrophic Vaginitis