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Generic Name: Doxil ()

Doxil Reviews

For Kaposi's Sarcoma "Started end of June on the standard dose every two weeks (in combination with Biktarvy daily). Had a very large Kaposi's Sarcoma tumour on eye lid and later discovered pulmonary lesions suspected to be KS related. 1 month later the tumour was in significant remission , I would say it is down in size by 2/3. After six cycles and given that I tolerate the drug very well , decided with oncologist to go for 6 more cycles hoping for total remission of the eyelid tumour and we will see next month about the suspected pulmonary involvement. To note : I live in a country with (near) universal health cover where the state pays for health care safe a small out of pocket co-payment, I think my participation is around 20 dollars per cycle."

More about Doxil (doxorubicin liposomal)

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  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: antibiotics/antineoplastics
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Doxil drug information
  • Doxil (Advanced Reading)

Other brands

Lipodox 50, Lipodox

Related treatment guides

  • Ovarian Cancer
  • Kaposi's Sarcoma
  • Multiple Myeloma