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Generic Name: Egrifta (tesamorelin)

Egrifta Reviews

For Lipodystrophy "The therapeutic effect is not as immediate or apparent as Serostim (which I took for weight loss due to AIDS-related wasting). However, its effect, although more subtle, is nevertheless quite extraordinary! The fat is slowly subsiding, even in the back around the waistline (which is SUPER DIFFICULT to get rid of!). The most obvious effect, although secondary to the therapeutic aim of reducing abdominal fatty tissue, is the absolutely fabulous change in my skin texture, color, and overall health. My skin heals at 500% its normal speed. Even fine line wrinkles are lessening in the cheeks and eyes."

For Lipodystrophy "I’ve been using Egrifta for about one year. I definitely lost visceral belly fat. I have however, gained a little subcutaneous belly fat. I'm in really good shape and am on the thin side, so any fat is easily remarkable. I think I may have developed a little more muscle too. I work out a lot so I fluctuate with muscle mass. I think it causes muscle aches but so does being 57 and having HIV for over 35 years. Yikes! You need to give Egrifta 6 months minimum to decide if it’s working. Don’t get discouraged if you don’t see any changes in less time."

For Lipodystrophy "I began the injection of 2 mgs daily and after week one I noticed that my stomach was beginning to soften. Now nearly a month into this medication I have came down 12 lbs and seem to be holding there. I hope it and pray it gets me back to where I should be."

For Lipodystrophy "So far, so good. Been on medication for 15 days. Have not seen a change test, but I'm also working out and eating better to help my outcome. Along with taking fiber and protein daily. Only downside I had this far is very minor soreness to the injection area. Oh, and follow the direction to stay below the belly button line because anything above will leave a large bruise on the skin."

For Lipodystrophy "I began the Efrifta Injection at 2 ml per day. I began feeling the fat soften with in the first week. I began the medication weighing 226.2lb and in less than 6 month I was weighted at 198.2lbs. Then my GH1 level shot up and within 2 week ever bit of the weight I had lost all returned plus. By the way once you begin taking this cover up drug your on it the rest of your life or the fat returns."

For Lipodystrophy "I had a problem with visceral fat as a side effect of my HIV meds. My doctors convinced me that Egrifta could reduce the density of my visceral fat and after using it for just over 7 months my affected area has had a softening and reduction of fat but I have had one unexpected and undesirable effect....my penis seem to be noticeably not as thick as it has been my entire life. While my husband says its no big deal it is to me! Has anyone else had this "side effect"?"

For Lipodystrophy "I have been administering Egrifta now for 2 1/2 month's, with absolutely no reduction of abdominal fat. I am a thin person with my abdominal fat causing me to be unable to close my buttons and zippers of my clothing. Then I heard of Egrifta thinking it was the answer. Wrong! No results, just a painful irritated, scar tissue in my abdomen now. "

For Lipodystrophy "I've been taking Egrifta for 15 months and have noticed the fat in my waist to go soft and go down. The biggest drawback is the muscle pains in my hamstrings and calves. I have lower back pain but not sure if it's from the drug. Carpal tunnel and burning and itchy fingers at night happen. Does anyone else have these pains?"

For Lipodystrophy "Just started egrifta 2mg today even though it was prescribed a month ago. Did not know it was a specialty drug, and the preapproval took 2 weeks. Medicare/Medicaid paid for it though. I'm an older guy (63) who has had HIV for 25 years and did not have the noticeable belly fat until recently. After reading it causes 25% enlargement of the prostate and the possible growth of pre-cancerous colon polyps which I've had I don't know if I will continue unless it proves to be remarkable which I doubt after reading these few reviews. 31% belly fat loss would be nice, but as I've said I exercise a lot and try most of the time to eat right and have had luck in the past 20 years or so. Also, a bit of a hassle to get mailed from Humana specialty pharmacy without an interruption. May just use it every other day as the 2mg egrifta has been done away with and my doctor orignally just wanted 1 mg instead of the two in agrifta single vial. So this string has been updated for 2020."

For Lipodystrophy "Just finishing 2 months on Egrifta. 1st month not remarkable but at the 6 week mark I'm noticing a change. It seems as if the visceral fat has reduced and moving to sub-q fat. I've maintained the same diet, medication and work out schedule. Just about 7 lbs weight loss but not sure it's the egrifta. Will check in at the 3 month mark."

For Lipodystrophy "I have used Egrifta for about 4 years now, except when the drug was not available. I had a reduction in belly fat to a great degree AND lost over 25 lbs. I tapered the drug when I got too thin and stopped for over 9 months due to drug not being available. I believe I have also seen more fat in my face where it wasted before. I started again about 1 year ago when I started gaining weight (but more the old way)Now in the last 6 months my belly is still soft as oppposed to hard before the drug but still gaining weight so I have been dieting. Anyone else seeing similar or different longer term effects?"

For Lipodystrophy "I have been on this Hide Away Medication for 2 years and at 8,000.00 script isn't worth 8.00. I did feel softness in my belly my weight did drop about 10 lbs and that is only because it redistributes the Visceral from one area of the body to another. My GH1 went up doing the 2 mg daily. all the weight poured on in just a few days. I eat healthy and I'm pretty active. My Visceral fat or so I am learning was caused from my TDF Medications."

For Lipodystrophy "I started 4 days ago and have no results -- YET... That said, I experienced some mild heart palpitations that have seemed to taper off & will keep an eye out for it. For any or all of the commenters above. The fat will likely redistribute but it is recommended that you eat healthy (not necessarily go on a diet) and think about your supplements, fiber and all of us should get an hour+ of cardio, just breaking a sweat 4-5 times a week. Eating at night is always a no-no. I guess I am just not moved by people complaining they are seeing more soft fat. I am a healthy, gym goer and love to hike and run. In life, you have to work at looking good. I am very happy to hear that the visceral fat loss is seen as fairly consistent and YEAH - you need to get in some exercise. Macronutrient distribution ranges are 45–65% of your daily calories from carbs (whole grain & low sugar), 20–35% from fats, and 10–35% from protein. (I eat more lean protein & reduce fat) #HOPEFUL"

For Lipodystrophy "I've been on Egrifta for several months now with shuttle change, I'm not sure if it is working for me sometimes I notice soft stomach where as others it seen hard HIV has caused me to have this large stomach and I'm hoping Egrifta will take it away I'll give it more time."

For Lipodystrophy "I've been taking Egrifta for two months. I've seen little result, but I feel slightly less bloated. I have learned that if you ice the injection site for 60 seconds, clean it with alcohol, and inject in this area, I've seen little to no bruising. Read this tip from other people taking daily shots (insulin). This tip is a help as it also numbs the injection area. That said, my weight has increased from 173 to 181. My scale gives me daily data on Weight, BMI, Body Fat, water, Visceral Fat, muscle mass, etc. My visceral fat has increased slightly by 1 lb. My muscle mass has also gained 2 lbs. I'm not sure what to make of this result. Also, I am not sure how my scale provides this data. The jury is out on this, but I'll keep going until the six-month mark to see if this turns around. Has anyone else seen muscle gain on this?"

For Lipodystrophy "I have been on Egrifta for 14 months. It took 6 months before I noticed much. I am now pleased with the results and will continue to use the product."

For Lipodystrophy "Body aches, nausea, but it is working. Not actual weight, but reducing belly fat"

For Lipodystrophy "Well, I've been using it for 4 months and I've seen a little change. I'll continue using it to see what happens in a year."

More about Egrifta (tesamorelin)

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  • Reviews (18)
  • Side effects
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  • During pregnancy
  • FDA approval history
  • Drug class: growth hormones
  • En español

Patient resources

  • Egrifta drug information
  • Egrifta SV

Professional resources

  • Egrifta prescribing information
  • Egrifta SV (FDA)
  • Tesamorelin (AHFS Monograph)

Related treatment guides

  • Lipodystrophy