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Generic Name: Elocon (mometasone-topical)

Elocon Reviews

For Eczema "Do not use this stuff. For short-term use, it is amazing. But if you find yourself using it for more than a month, STOP immediately. This cream suppresses your body's natural ability to fight inflammation, resulting in extreme withdrawal symptoms otherwise known as Red Skin Syndrome or Topical Steroid Withdrawal. I have been through hell because of this cream, doctors hand it out as if it's a solution for your skin problems when in reality, it is destroying your skin. I beg of you, get off this cream while you still have the chance."

For Eczema "I have severe eczema in my ears. I would scratch and use Q-tips and would keep scratching. Skin would flake off and it was awful. My dermatologist told me to use cortisone creams, and I tried that for 2 years and nothing helped. I thought my ears were clogged with wax, so I went to my ENT and she said there was no wax, just severe eczema, so she prescribed me Elocon. I used it 1 time per day for 3 days and now twice a week. Within an hour after the first application, I felt relief, and after day 3, it was completely clear. Miracle drug!"

For Eczema "This ointment is very effective. It has cleared up all of my breakouts from eczema. However, it concerns me that someone in an earlier post mentioned that they apply this medication to their face. Please do not do this as Elocon is a steroid that can thin the skin. It's so strong, you only need to apply it to the affected area. It's not meant to be used like a face cream. The skin on your face is already so much thinner and more sensitive than the skin on your arms and legs."

For Psoriasis "I've had psoriasis for 15 years. I have purposely avoided biologics, steroids, and UV treatments. I used Elocon for my first spot ever when I was first diagnosed with psoriasis, and it made my tiny non-healing patch of psoriasis go away in a day. It never came back in that location. So, here it is 15 years later, and although I've been covering up all year round and using coal tar to take the itch away, I've finally figured out a treatment plan that works. Use the Elocon to get rid of all the patches (it works great!). Then, use the 25% coal tar (5% active coal tar). Voilà! No more dermatologists or steroids for years!"

For Eczema "I was getting angry, itchy, red patches on my cheeks that went scaly and looked awful. Mindful of the need to be very cautious with such a steroid medication on the face, I used the thinnest, tiniest amount just on the red areas. I applied it first late evening. When I got up in the morning, I was astonished and delighted to see a 90% improvement, redness virtually gone and no itching. This stuff is potent and highly effective. 24 - 36 hours should be enough to completely solve my issue. Very happy."

For Eczema "Literally at the end of my tether with scalp eczema. Was prescribed Elocon scalp lotion by my dermatologist. After one day, scalp so much better; itching has gone, weeping and stickiness have gone. Have used the Elocon ointment on eczema on my body and found this to be equally effective. Excellent results."

For Eczema "I'm 21, and I have had eczema since I was a baby, however, it has only been within the last three years that my skin has really suffered. I got very low after trying countless creams. I had light therapy, which to me I found pointless as it only made me burn, which made me scratch more. I have eczema all over my body, literally everywhere, so you can imagine, as fellow sufferers, how painful and uncomfortable this is. I started using Elocon a few days ago, and I must say the improvement is phenomenal. I really would recommend this as my skin is almost clear! So pleased with the results so far!"

For Eczema "This cream caused red skin syndrome. It ruined my life as I had to go through the most horrendous drug withdrawal just to get off it. 31 months off it and still not normal. Look up topical steroid addiction and withdrawal before deciding whether you want to risk 3 years plus of your life. Awful"

For Eczema "Have been prescribed this cream by a private dermatologist just this week. He described my eczema as 'severe.' He changed my cream to Elocon, and I can't believe the difference in my skin after only 2 days of applying once daily. I have used so many creams and ointments in the past. Am over the moon that I've discovered this!!"

For Psoriasis "I tried every lotion, shampoo, etc., that said it would work and didn't. Came to the point where I was scratching so much my hair was falling out. My doctor suggested Elocon lotion for my scalp. Skeptical, of course, used it in my hair and scalp before I went to sleep (stung a bit), but worth waking up and washing my hair to clear, flake-free scalp. I've never looked back, best lotion ever."

For Eczema "My daughter is 21 now, but when she was about 1 or 2 years old, she was prescribed Elocon, and it permanently stopped her eczema in a few days. I was trying to remember the name of this prescription to recommend, and it just came to me out of the blue. I am so glad I remembered the name; I'm hoping it helps."

For Eczema "I've had awful eczema for as long as I can remember, which has been completely debilitating when at its worst. When I was referred to the dermatologist, I was given everything under the sun to try and combat the worsening skin condition. Finally, after months, I was given Elocon, and now I can't go a day without it, absolute skin miracle. Please ask for this cream first when seeing a doctor. After hunting for something like this for years, I couldn't imagine my life without the stuff!!"

For Eczema "I have suffered from eczema on and off for many years. Recently, I had a massive reaction on my face, which resulted in severe eczema all over my face and neck. I had very sore red patches and very red burning patches. I felt rock bottom, and after seeing a dermatologist, she gave me Elocon. She gave me confidence that in 4 days, my eczema would be completely cleared. I put it on at night, and it stung just a little for the first night. Three days later, it had all cleared and my skin super smooth. This is a fab ointment and would certainly give a 10 out of 10 review."

For Psoriasis "Wow, I've had scalp psoriasis for 15 years and have tried many things. My new doctor prescribed Elocon, and my scalp cleared in less than a week. I don't have to wear a hat anymore, and I feel comfortable wearing black."

For Eczema "My 5-year-old daughter had a nasty flare-up that traveled from under her arm to halfway down her inner forearm. Wasted money at the chemist buying OTC creams for a month that did nothing. Seeing her in pain and itching was awful, so went back to doctors and were prescribed Elocon-unbelievable! Cleared completely in 36 hours and has never come back-this was 7 years ago!"

For Eczema "I love Elocon. I'm 28 years old and have been through tubes and tubes of cortisone creams, Benadryl ointments, oatmeal cures, and the like. Elocon has been the only cream that works for my eczema. I get terrible rashes that flare up inside my arms, legs, neck, and belly. They come seasonally and when I'm most stressed. I use Elocon after I realize I'm scratching uncontrollably, and within a couple of days, the scratching ends and the swelling subsides. My eczema flares and bleeds on the same day, so when I apply Elocon for the first day, it burns for a few seconds as I'm rubbing it into my wounds. The following day, my rashes have healed and never look as painful as the first day. Only use 14 days on and 14 days off if you need it like I do!"

For Dermatitis "I had a very itchy rash on the outside of both lower legs, also, what at first was an itchy red spot became quite large on the back of my calf. My doctor prescribed a cortisone cream that didn't help. Tried some other creams, but no improvement. My legs were a mess for 12 months. Then I saw another doctor who prescribed Elocon, which I used for 3 weeks, and the rash cleared up. That was 3 months ago. I am 75 years old. I will use it again if I need to."

For Eczema "I have used Elocon for over 20 years and have not seen any sign of side effects. In addition, I use a small amount around the eyes and have very little wrinkles to report. This stuff is amazing. Please note - there are warnings about using this product on your face. My face does not react to the cream, and I only use it once a week."

For Eczema "I've had eczema all my life, and I was starting to think nothing's working, from hydrocortisone creams all the way to natural aloe vera, but my new doctor prescribed this, and I've never looked better! The flare-ups are under control, and my skin is almost clear."

For Eczema "Had eczema my whole life, I am 34 now. Elocon really is good stuff, calms flare ups an within a few days it’s gone!! Must be used as little as possible, on well moisturised skin, helps the ointment spread more easily. Healthy food helps internally, rarely get it that much anymore!"

For Psoriasis "I've been using Elocon since I was 8 years old, I am now 35 and it's my faithful companion. Usually I slather it on the weekend before bed, by the time I shower mid-day all the scales wash off with a gentle scrub. It usually lasts me a week before it starts creeping up again but at least I know how to control it and now most people have no idea I have psoriasis unless I tell them."

For Eczema "I have had eczema all my life. I use elocon and find it better than hydrocortisone but find that the former darkens my skin and should only be used as for short periods of time. The best thing I ever did for my eczema was have an allergy test done and reduce my diary and wheat intake. My atopic eczema cleared up in a week. You have to treat the inside of your body too."

For Psoriasis "I've had scalp psoriasis for 20 years and this is the only thing that works for me. Tar shampoo can be effective but not if it takes me an hour to comb out my hair after....(I have long think hair). Elocon lotion works instantly! I will say that it stings if you have an open sore from scratching but if you use it regularly it makes an amazing difference. I would suggest the lotion over the cream for scalp psoriasis. I'm sure the cream would work better for your body."

For Psoriasis "I've been using Elocon for over 15 years. I use the liquid lotion on my scalp. If I apply twice a day for a week, my entire scalp is cleared and itch-free. Elocon, however, is not very effective for the psoriasis in my belly button and in my ears. It only works to clear it for 3 days and comes right back. But for the scalp, it's a 10! I also apply it to new spots over my skin if I see them, it nicks any new spots from forming. Elocon states it may thin the skin, but after 10 years, I'm still doing good, no thinning."

For Psoriasis "I have had psoriasis for 17 years and have had many visits to the specialist. Although my psoriasis is not what they class as severe, it affects my world in a severe way as it is on visual parts of my body that are difficult to hide (especially in summer). Elocon was the first ointment to take the red appearance from the psoriasis and also make some areas look normal again. It has lost its inflammatory appearance and is lessening in size. I would highly recommend others to give it a go."

More about Elocon (mometasone topical)

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  • Side effects
  • Dosage information
  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: topical steroids

Patient resources

  • Elocon drug information

Professional resources

  • Elocon prescribing information
  • Elocon Cream (FDA)
  • Elocon Lotion (FDA)
  • Mometasone (Topical) (AHFS Monograph)

Related treatment guides

  • Eczema
  • Psoriasis
  • Atopic Dermatitis
  • Dermatitis