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Generic Name: Emetrol for Nausea/Vomiting (phosphorated-carbohydrate-solution)

Emetrol for Nausea/Vomiting Reviews

"I get very frequent episodes of moderate to severe nausea, especially in the evening and during the night. This has been going on for years. Have not been able to get any insight from doctors. I thought Pepto-Bismol was the only game in town (which didn't do much), until I stumbled across Emetrol at Walmart. This stuff is incredible. It works FAST -- within 5 minutes, and usually just one dose, my nausea subsides. I have the cherry flavor, and not only is it palatable, it actually tastes pleasant. Emetrol is an absolute miracle for me."

"This is my go-to for dry heaves. Lemon Mint flavor. If you have food poisoning, drank too much, or stomach flu, your body needs to purge what is in your stomach. It doesn’t really stop that. Once everything is out and you are still heaving, your stomach is in spasm and needs to calm down. Don’t take anything else in, except Emetrol. Keep taking it every 15 minutes as directed, even if you heave a bit in between. Wait until you don’t feel rumbles (1 hour or more), then take small sips of water, herbal (ginger) tea, clear broth, etc. to ease slowly back into getting rehydrated. Good luck!"

"This stuff is amazing! Every so often for the past couple of years I have waves of extreme nausea. Most of the time they go away within a few minutes but one night I woke up with the extreme nausea again. I’d expected it to go away the morning (like it did most of the time I had nausea at night). But the next morning it was still there. It lasted for days! I tried everything! I was prescribed Zofran which helps most of the time but it didn’t. I tried lots of over the counter meds and my prescription meds over the days. None of them worked. It got to the point where once I was in a comfortable position I was afraid to move bc the slightest movement would set it off. I looked up some anti nausea meds and told my dad to go out and get some of this. I thought it would taste like cough syrup but I would compare to the liquid part of a cherry slushee. Yum! I was able to get up and move around minutes after. Would definitely recommend!"

"So I'm not one to leave reviews but this pregnancy has me literally on my back 24/7 ever since I found out I was pregnant I have been just DRAINED I can't function, everything is horrible!, anyhow I basically just googled and found a few but only this one did my husband find in the store!, after reading reviews I told him yes buy it!, along with Olly vitamins, anyhow I just took my first dosage and almost immediately I feel a little better my stomach is a bit upset?, but it says take every 15min so will see, but I will say I don't feel like I'm SO weak as I did right before but my Tommy did get a little upset but if I'm already feeling a bit better then I have faith in this medication!. I hope this helps the next person."

"This medicine works wonders. It's my go-to anti-nausea med. Within 5-10 minutes of the first dose, the anxiety starts to go away, and after the second dose (if needed), a wave of calm will come over you, and the nausea will drift away. I agree with no water before and after for at least a half hour or hour to make sure it works fast and lasts longer. Being Emetophobic myself, I always make sure to keep it close by."

"I suffer from frequent nausea from either the foods I eat or my anxiety, more so the anxiety than anything. I found this at my local Walmart and thought I'd give it a try. I thought it would taste like cough medicine, but to my surprise, it's delicious! I have the cherry flavor. Though I've been only using it for two days at only 15ml each day and the results are AMAZING! I will so keep using this and will recommend it to my friends and family."

"Emetrol is a lifesaver. I was throwing up for two days - couldn't even keep down water and was vomiting bile. A pharmacist recommended this over-the-counter medicine, and I tried it. Within 15 minutes, the awful nausea and vomiting went away."

"Several times a week I wake up with nausea. I take some Emetrol and time the 15 minutes till I can take another shot thinking I will still feel sick. But, within 5 to 10 minutes the nausea is gone. I don't know what this sweet stuff does, but it does it well!"

"I was having horrible indigestion, and my stomach was rumbling and nauseated from I don't know what, but I took it and felt better within minutes. No side effects. Whenever I get this again, because I had my gallbladder out and still have issues, this will be my go-to medicine."

"I have gotten food poisoning out of nowhere I couldn’t keep anything down everytime I drank water or anything it would come right back up. I was thinking of going to the ER just because you never know what can be wrong but since I hate Hospitals I just figured to buy something over the counter. I went online & everyone suggested drinking Gatorade or 7up only one person mentioned Emetrol I’ve never heard of this medicine so I checked online for reviews and majority of the people commenting said it worked great. My bf went to CVS @1AM to buy it for me. Right before I took Emetrol had drank 7up & guess what!!! It did not take long for it to come right back up, After I cleared my stomach I took the medicine and honestly figured I would just throw it back up & to my surprise I fell asleep without no issue this medicine clearly works GREAT, I’m happy to have gotten it I definitely recommend."

"After going to a gastroenterologist and going through all the tests I still have an upset stomach after 8 months nobody can figure it out. Someone says it is just stress so who knows. Anyway I read about Emetrol ran out to Walmart and I cannot believe it relief at last please don't stop making this stuff"

"The first time I tried emetrol was when I had just woke up from binge drinking on a Saturday and was vomiting with no end in sight. My mom handed me the emetrol bottle and a spoon she said take 2 spoonfuls. Soon as I got through a wave of vomiting I tried the spoonful, shivering and gagging for the next wave of puking. by the time I finished pouring the second spoon I was a brand new man. I stood but up, victorious, I felt completely fine. Through all the sweating and tears and boogers on my face, I could run a marathon at that moment. Emetrol is liquid of the gods for nausea!"

"My 3 year old had a bit of the "stomach flu". He threw up 3 times in 24 hours, then had diarrhea for day, then the vomiting returned on day 3 and 4. I was starting to worry a lot. He still was able to keep some pedialyte down but the minute he had anything, even a teaspoon of chicken soup he was vomiting. He had not an appetite at all. Anyhow, long story short, I found some Emetrol, gave him only 5 ml worth and he was able to have some pedialyte and, chicken soup, animal crackers, and water. He was so happy he could eat. And I'm relieved so far."

"My Doctor put me on seroquil. I am trying to do the slow withdraw from that horrible drug. I have felt like I was going to throw up for days now. I didn't want a prescription drug because the seroquil puts me in a hazy fog as it is. So I saw my pharmacist I explained what is happening. He recommended Emetrol. I was skeptical and it did feel a little better after each dose that I took. By the 4th dose I was no longer nauseous. It didn't make me feel drugged out it even tastes sweet. (A little too sweet actually) I wish I knew about this whenever my kids were sick. I recommend this to anyone who feels sick to their stomach. I want to say that I tried tums. Pepto, and alka seltzer none if those worked for my nausea."

"I took this one night when my stomach was upset from lord knows what... I was feeling nauseated and over heated. I took the first dose and felt a little relief (but not as much as I knew I should after reading up on this medicine) I then realized I had drank some water before taking the first dose, which I then learned I wasn't supposed to. So I waited about 15 minutes and took another dose and felt immensely better!!! This is definitely going to be my new go-to medicine when my stomach is acting up."

"I have never heard of this product until yesterday.I get terrible nausea with my headaches. I am on narcotics for the headaches, but when the nausea comes on, I am unable to take my headache medicine, because I just usually feel even more nauseas, because of this are times, I have to go to the ER to help with the pain and nausea. My husband had to work, and I just couldn't think about going to the ER and sitting in the waiting room for hours.I tried to get my doctors to call me something in, but again, I needed something now not later.My husband, brought this home, along with some tums and a product called nauzene.I was very impressed with the Emetrol.I am happy to say that, I did not throw up, and I still have half a bottle of this left.."

"Everytime I mess with my sleeping schedule or eating habits, I get a migraine the next day with major nausea and vomiting episodes. Last time I vomited 11 times before getting Zofran in the hospital, all that before I discovered emetrol. I was in the middle of a vomiting session going on my 4th time when my sister arrived with the new med to try. I took 2 doses before the nausea was gone. The next time I felt nauseous, I took it right away and the feelings of vomiting that were impending left me right away. If you are hesitant to buy this, don't be, I've never had a medication work so fast and taste so good. I'm on my 3rd bottle and I'm a loyal customer now."

"I'm pregnant and have been so nauseous 24/7 that I haven't been able to function for weeks. I went through a bunch of Zofran but ran out awhile ago. So in a last ditch effort I got this from the pharmacy. I was skeptical but I'm happy to report after just 2 doses I feel much better. It tastes horrid, so I did sip a small amount of water just to wash it down. I don't know how long it lasts yet but I'm just happy to be out of the bathroom."

"I have gastroparesis which causes me to be nauseous every time I eat anything. Emetrol has basically saved my life. My only problem is that I have to take it often. I go through a bottle every week or two at the max. I have taken prescription stuff but it cost me $60 for 10 pills which I go through in two weeks. I would rather spend the $12.50 per bottle. They work the same basically."

"I get horrible nausea due to daily medications I've been taking for years. These medications often dehydrate no matter how much water intake. When you pair this with a hot day and having to drive in the car for more than 20 minutes, it creates a recipe for disaster. Tums or Pepto provide very little relief for this type of upset stomach. I read about Emetrol on a few forums and found that it truly is a miracle drug! I have since taken an average size dose about 4 different times and it hasn't failed me yet. It's fast acting and truly saves the day! Without it, I would be throwing up weekly. Only reason for 9 /10 is that I am unsure as to how safe it is with Phosphoric Acid and high sugar levels."

"I have chronic bouts of nausea after I eat certain foods, and decided to give this a try after finding it at Rite Aid. For my case, It honestly didn’t do much until like dose 4, and the relief was only for a few hours and the nausea returned. Not only that but I suffered a pretty severe allergic reaction to an ingredient and broke out in hives all over my body, including my face. I’ll probably pass and leave this medication to others."

"My mother gave this to me as a kid and I had not taken it for probably 30+ years. I was horribly sick with the flu and had someone pick some of this up for me and it still managed to do the trick. The secret is to lie still and don't take any food or drink in for an hour or so. Works wonders."

"I have been suffering horribly with nausea for quite some time, but recently it's gotten to the point where the prescription I've been taking for years doesn't work well enough.. so after trying many many different meds, Emetrol has become my number 1 OTC med for nausea by FAR it works almost immediately and keeps me from vomiting almost all day. Sometimes I'll take another dose before bed. In fact I almost never take the RX I have, in favor of Emetrol. I honestly cannot express my gratitude to this medication enough. It lets me leave home and take my son out for the day without worrying if I'll be too sick. It's my saving grace, my absolute MVP!! Thank u to the makers, because without this product my life would be very miserable!"

"I was vomiting for over a day. I was ready to go to the hospital for an IV because I was so dehydrated. As a last ditch effort, I asked my husband to go to the drug store and ask the pharmacist if there was something OTC that could help... they recommended this. I took it, and it was all I needed. No more vomiting after the dose... a God send!"

"I recently had my tonsils out and the medication they gave me makes me extremely nauseous especially while being in the car. I stopped at target to get something on a long car drive and I was told not to get Dramamine but to try Emetrol by the pharmacist. When I got back in the car, I took it and I didn't have nausea for the rest of the night! (4:30pm-2am). This stuff is great and really works. It is very sugary but it does the trick."

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  • Drug class: miscellaneous antiemetics

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  • Nausea/Vomiting