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Generic Name: Emtricitabine / tenofovir disoproxil for HIV Infection (emtricitabine-tenofovir-disoproxil)

Emtricitabine / tenofovir disoproxil for HIV Infection Reviews

Truvada (emtricitabine / tenofovir disoproxil) "I been using Truvada for almost 5 years, my numbers are okay, recently became undetectable, I notice a major sleeping problem, my knees, ankles and back always hurting while I'm on quarantine so much time off decided to do some research, I am only 46 and have more pain than a 90 year old, I am sure I can blame Truvada for that"

Truvada (emtricitabine / tenofovir disoproxil) "I started Truvada once a day along with Isentress twice a day and my HIV Load was 28,000 and CD4% 31%. After 40 days my HIV load is <20 and CD 4% 32,7. Excellent improvement considering I have experienced ZERO side effects and all other lab work came out well. I am 49 yrs old and very active."

Truvada (emtricitabine / tenofovir disoproxil) "After taking Truvada with seemingly zero issues I had a nagging spine ache issue. Finally the pain landed me in the ER and after many tests and scans I was informed I have Degenerative Disc Disease. This disease in incurable but not life threatening. I wasn't informed that is a side effect of Truvada which I continued taking and my pain issues grew much worse. Once being informed of the link to Truvada I switched meds and the pain stayed but stopped accelerating. If your spine gives you any pain on Truvada TELL YOUR DOCTOR. The pain can become debilitating"

Truvada (emtricitabine / tenofovir disoproxil) "Doctor put me truvada as part of my medication for HIV, I almost died from it. My kidneys went down to 50%, luckily we caught it in time. The new medication is just one pill and the pill and myself get along."

Truvada (emtricitabine / tenofovir disoproxil) "I have been on the combination of Truvada/Prezista/Norvir for over 2 years now. The side effects that cause me the most problems are the ones dealing with my kidneys! The Truvada has made my GFR go down to 30, very close to changing medicines at that point. But it has been working so well that we took a very close monitoring of my kidney function, and my GFR has stabilized around 55. Other than that the side effects have been minimal to none. Great medicine overall!"

Truvada (emtricitabine / tenofovir disoproxil) "After one year on Truvada in combination with Prezista and Norvir - the only listed side effect I may be suffering from is insomnia - and I think that has more to do with other factors than with Truvada (I take it at Noon). After hearing about possible side effects with HIV medicines- it is a pleasant surprise!"

Truvada (emtricitabine / tenofovir disoproxil) "I`ve been on truvada daily for more than 5 years. I have had numerous problems tho it has kept my viral load undetectable. Most recent issues are elevated creatine, elevated lipase, UTI`s, nausea, vomiting, bloating. They are slowly ruling out all other causes but I am suspecting it is the meds. I started on truvada, norvir and lexiva but after a few years on that combo my liver began to fail. They stopped the HIV meds then but opted to reintroduce the truvada as it's excreted thru kidneys and added isentress. That was changed to tivicay and truvada which is my current regimen."

Truvada (emtricitabine / tenofovir disoproxil) "After 3 years in tivicay and truvada I lose fat from my face ; forehead, temples, cheeks, jawline. No other side Effects, I still play half professional football and train 5 times in week. If u have low body fat level when start treatment avoid this combination"

Truvada (emtricitabine / tenofovir disoproxil) "I had to take this medication because my wife tested positive. From the day I started this drug, I had a headache. This went on for a month until I had what appeared to be a stroke, but all the stroke tests were negative. Once I stopped taking this the headaches and the problem went away. I would use extreme caution before ever taking this drug."

Truvada (emtricitabine / tenofovir disoproxil) "I've been using Truvada for about three months with no noted side effects. Once daily dosing of one pill is great and it can be taken with or without food."

Truvada (emtricitabine / tenofovir disoproxil) "My viral load has gone for 180,000 to undetectable in 10 months."

Truvada (emtricitabine / tenofovir disoproxil) "I have been taking Truvuda and Edurant combination for the past two years, no side effects at all and my viral load is 20, CD4 good too. And living in Thailand the medication is so cheap."

Truvada (emtricitabine / tenofovir disoproxil) "I started use Truvada, when Intelence affected my liver. Great combination. I stopped use sleeping pills. Take Truvada before bed. Great medicine."

Truvada (emtricitabine / tenofovir disoproxil) "No side effects experienced in almost two years on this drug. Now taking with Tivicay and no problem so far."

Truvada (emtricitabine / tenofovir disoproxil) "Been on Truvada/Norvir/Prezista combination for 3 years after Zerit was discontinued and I developed a resistance to Sustiva. No noted side effects other than urine diluted. "

More about emtricitabine / tenofovir disoproxil

  • Check interactions
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  • Reviews (41)
  • Drug images
  • Side effects
  • Dosage information
  • During pregnancy
  • Drug class: antiviral combinations

Patient resources

  • Emtricitabine/Tenofovir Disoproxil drug information
  • Emtricitabine and tenofovir (Advanced Reading)
  • Emtricitabine and Tenofovir Disoproxil Fumarate

Other brands

Truvada, AccessPak for HIV PEP Basic

Professional resources

  • Emtricitabine and Tenofovir Disoproxil Fumarate monograph
  • Emtricitabine and Tenofovir Tablets (FDA)

Other brands


Related treatment guides

  • Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis
  • HIV Infection
  • Nonoccupational Exposure
  • Occupational Exposure