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Generic Name: EpiPen (epinephrine)

EpiPen Reviews

For Allergic Reactions "My son was born with multiple life-threatening allergies (1989). EpiPen saved his life numerous times as a child. The good Lord healed these allergies when he was 7 and subsequently didn't need an EpiPen. However, in college, three new allergies surfaced; freshwater fish, seafood, and Latex. At present, an EpiPen is part of his normal everyday attire. He is a Chef and clips it to his trousers for immediate use. He has had to self-inject a number of times. This easy-to-use, life-saving medicater is priceless! My son is alive today because of EpiPens and I HIGHLY endorse it's use. I carry my own EpiPen for bee stings. Fortunately, have not had to use yet! But, I am definitely prepared!"

For Allergic Reactions "I was accidentally stuck by an Epipen and was diagnosed with Diabetes 3 weeks later. l am not a EpiPen user and was unaware that it could cause diabetes until now. This happen to me 3 years ago please make your users aware that this can happen. In your side affects list it states that you have not had a case reported about this happening now you do."

For Allergic Reactions "I carry 2 EpiPens with me at all times, they have saved me more than once. When an anaphylactic reaction strikes I reach for my epipen, inject and within minutes I'm feeling better. I carry 2 in case the first dose is not enough, that has only happened once and the second dose did the trick. Thankful to still be alive. I follow up with benadryl to stop itching hives."

For Anaphylaxis "This medication was literally a life saver for me. I have had severe allergies to peanuts since I was a child. I mean, where I couldn't even touch peanut m&ms because they had peanuts inside the chocolate shells or sit in a seat at one of those places where you throw peanut shells on the floor or whatever as you eat them. I have had to use my epipen in that situation once (because I didn't want to seem different and I didn't think that just sitting in a seat, which I assumed had been wiped off) would affect me. I have also had to use it visiting my parents when my grandfather was alive because he loved peanuts and I'd sit where he's sat and had to use it again. I always carry two on me at all times."

For Anaphylaxis "I had a cross-contamination with nuts and had to use my EpiPen while at home. I also went to the ER for monitoring. The side effects I have experienced were extreme fatigue, runny stools, and slight pressure in the chest."

For Anaphylaxis "Thank goodness I haven't used this, but I prefer carrying this brand to the generic because it has a simple way to use it (one cap) and a practice model so I know that I, my child, and whoever is taking care of them knows how to use it properly."

For Allergic Reactions "Being allergic to bee stings, EpiPens have saved my life on two different occasions. Without it, I could easily have died from anaphylactic shock."

For Anaphylaxis " I don't like the packaging the shape just looks wrong in your pocket??? There are better, cheaper alternatives that don't look like that pocket 24/7."

For Anaphylaxis "Felt much better, except the injection site hurt really bad and burned."

For Anaphylaxis "An EpiPen saved my life this weekend. It gave me enough time to get to the ER and enabled me to breathe. Thank you."

More about EpiPen (epinephrine)

  • Check interactions
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  • Latest FDA alerts (5)
  • Side effects
  • Dosage information
  • During pregnancy
  • Generic availability
  • Support group
  • Drug class: adrenergic bronchodilators
  • Breastfeeding

Patient resources

  • EpiPen drug information

Other brands

Adrenalin, Auvi-Q, neffy, Primatene Mist, ... +5 more

Professional resources

  • EpiPen prescribing information
  • Epinephrine (AHFS Monograph)

Other brands

Adrenalin, Auvi-Q, Primatene Mist, EPIsnap, ... +3 more

Other formulations

  • Epipen Jr

Related treatment guides

  • Allergic Reactions
  • Anaphylaxis
  • Oral Allergy Syndrome